A masterpiece is a work that has stood the test of time

A masterpiece is a work that has stood the test of time
A masterpiece is a work that has stood the test of time

According to dictionaries, a masterpiece is an exceptional work of art or craftsmanship that does not lose artistic value and meaning over time. The masterpiece is unique and one of a kind.

In the Middle Ages, masterpieces were products made by apprentices who dreamed of being called craftsmen from now on.

By what canons are masterpieces of art determined?

masterpieces of painting
masterpieces of painting

When defining a masterpiece, it is very difficult to get away from the subjective attitude to the subject of art.

The well-known expression “there is no arguing about tastes” thus gives scope to the perception of each person. But uttering the word "masterpiece", we put the stigma of the highest quality, claiming unequivocal admiration. Does this mean that a masterpiece is something outside the usual criteria for the artistic value of a work of art?

Absolutely accurate and indisputable definition of a masterpiece is not a single author. How can you understand that this work refers specifically to the unique, eternal and unsurpassed?

Signs of a masterpiece

it's a masterpiece
it's a masterpiece

Obviously, a masterpiece is a work of art that hassigns of freshness and novelty with a simple (or rather simple) and understandable for most incarnation, combined with a deep taste. As a rule, a masterpiece will be determined by a large number of people who will call this work that way without special evidence and justification.

Most importantly, a masterpiece always stands the test of time, producing the same impression on admirers as many centuries ago.

Are there small masterpieces?

In any country there are talented authors who, as it were, create masterpieces by default. These in Russia include, for example, the composer Mikael Tariverdiev. But his music, at the same time, is known and appreciated only in the CIS countries, and the works that were performed abroad are not masterpieces there.

Does this mean that, recognizing any work as a masterpiece, an amendment is necessary for the mentality, cultural traditions and heritage of the country in which it was created? Can there be a small-town, small masterpiece? This is a very controversial and yet unresolved issue. After all, Russian folk tales are also a masterpiece of folk art, but, nevertheless, they are such for the Russian-speaking population of the Earth.

masterpieces of art
masterpieces of art

Masterpiece – is the product of a subtle combination of logic and emotion

A work that claims to be a masterpiece, as a rule, is a harmonious combination of mathematical logic, which does not break the "symmetry", and the emotions that the author puts into it.

No less important is the experience and personal achievements of the creator. FamousVelasquez, who created masterpieces of painting, said about his works: "I painted a picture for two hours and … all my previous life." And Leonardo da Vinci, for example, was very dissatisfied with his unique "Mona Lisa", considering it unfinished.

In the perception of a work, as a rule, the emotional background plays a huge role. “I cried in front of these works, not from sadness, but from overwhelming delight,” the connoisseur said about the works of Italian masters of painting, housed in the Louvre. It is obvious that a masterpiece is the work of a master capable of evoking such emotions.
