"Rage of Bahamut: Origins" is an anime masterpiece

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"Rage of Bahamut: Origins" is an anime masterpiece
"Rage of Bahamut: Origins" is an anime masterpiece

Video: "Rage of Bahamut: Origins" is an anime masterpiece

Video: Unique English part 2.Collocations part 1--እንግሊዝኛን ለመቻል ትልቁ ምስጢር #እንግሊዝኛንይማሩ #ማራኪ #እንግሊዝኛ 2024, June

"Rage of Bahamut: Origins" is an interesting anime series based on card games. A little-known company Mappa took on the development of this promising project. Only two seasons of the action-packed series have been released, which has already gained a lot of adherents. The picture is popular not only among anime fans. The growing popularity of the series is due to its dynamic plot, the abundance of monsters and unusual characters, colorful art and high-quality special effects.

fury of bahamut origin
fury of bahamut origin

Origin of the name

Bahamut, according to an ancient Arab legend, is a huge, monstrously scary fish that keeps the world going. However, the plot has nothing to do with the beliefs of the ancient Arabs. The legend of the film is a silver-winged dragon who decides he can rule the world. However, people, gods and demons, escapingfrom under the power of a terrible monster, they managed to imprison him. Addition to the title of the film "Rage of Bahamut: Origin (Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis)" - the word Genesis (genesis) is translated as origins. Its meaning is initiation. You can also find such a name - "Rage of Bahamut: The Beginning." In some translations, one can find such an original interpretation as an invasion or invasion, which, however, is fully consistent with the plot.

Rage of Bahamut Origins
Rage of Bahamut Origins

History of Creation

In the beginning, there was a game that occupied millions of Japanese smartphones and brought huge profits to its creators. This was not enough for them. One day they came to a little-known studio with an offer to create an anime. They say that the film arose literally on the knee. You can't tell for sure by looking at his first shots. The work of experienced animators and cult director Sato Keiichi exceeded all expectations. On September 1, 2014, a completely new adventure film "Rage of Bahamut: Origins" was released to the world.

fury of bahamut beginning
fury of bahamut beginning

The World of Bahamut

It takes place in the deep Middle Ages, where Joan of Arc wages her holy war. Angels and demons are everywhere, sometimes tempting the heroes, sometimes helping them. Debauchery reigns in taverns, and bounty hunters and lonely wanderers roam the country. The world of Bahamut is gloomy, but the costumes of the characters are perfectly drawn. The monsters of this world are characterized by the same variety. The numerous bestiary of the painting "Rage of Bahamut: Origins" is amazinghighly artistic performance and originality.


The main character of the film "Rage of Bahamut: Origins" is a bounty hunter. A young man named Favoro Leone is looking for lustful creatures of hell who subjugate women. With the power given to him as a hunter, he frees the unfortunate and places their offenders in some kind of prison inside a vessel.

The wandering heroine Amira, in addition to pink hair, did not distinguish herself with either intelligence or intelligence worthy of the main character, and the viewer can only look at her charms. Another character is the handsome and victorious Kaisar Lidfard, who, to the disappointment of the viewer, does not grow any smarter at the end of the story.

rage of bahamut genesis shingeki no bahamut genesis
rage of bahamut genesis shingeki no bahamut genesis

Series plot

Bahamut - the most dangerous dragon and the enemy of all living things - imprisoned in captivity for centuries. Thanks to the union of gods, demons and people, he was neutralized, but a new era is coming for humanity - a time of war, death and suffering.

The key to the dragon's dungeon has been split in two. One was kept by the demons, the other went to the gods. Several millennia later, it turned out that part of the key, guarded by the gods, had been stolen. The seal on the prison wobbled.

At that time, the young bounty hunter did not think about mortal danger until he met the young Amira. The girl hid that she is the owner of the divine part of the key. All evil spirits and even the deity Bacchus begin to hunt for a couple. Along the way, they meet enemies and allies, but in the end they will definitely get todungeons of the dragon of Helheim and destroy the danger threatening all mankind.

Unexpected zigzags, which every now and then makes the plot of the series, can confuse any, the most sophisticated viewer. Only by looking at the picture carefully and completely, you can reach its deepest meaning.

Ratings and reviews

The series has become a real breakthrough for those who are tired of teenage problems and cheap erotica in anime in recent years. This is a real adventure for an exciting viewing. The excellent quality of performance brings the viewer back to the first masterpieces of the anime genre. Anyone who is bored with nothing to do should turn their attention to the work of the Studio Mappa.

However, not everyone is so positive about the film "Rage of Bahamut". The origins of skepticism lie in unpredictable plot twists, which does not allow predicting the success of a particular season. Some anime fans think that only the first two episodes are good. Skeptics should be reminded that anime does not imply special seriousness, and the presence of a huge number of jokes and jokes in the picture just makes it characteristic of this genre. In a word, the picture can be called a pearl in the world of anime.
