Actress Margarita Krinitsyna: biography, personal life, family, films

Actress Margarita Krinitsyna: biography, personal life, family, films
Actress Margarita Krinitsyna: biography, personal life, family, films

Krinitsyna Margarita Vasilievna (1932 - 2005) - Soviet and Ukrainian actress. People's Artist of Ukraine. He is a Knight of the Order of Princess Olga III degree. Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine named after A. Dovzhenko. The biography of Margarita Krinitsyna will be presented to the reader's attention later.

Childhood of the actress

The birthplace of Margarita Krinitsyna is a place with a funny name Novaya Lyalya in the Urals.

The girl's father was a military man by profession, so the family traveled all over the Soviet Union. In the family, besides Rita, there were two more children. During the war, my father was taken to the front. Mom, like most women, worked at a factory, was a social activist. And the children remained in the care of their grandmother, who took care of her grandchildren and always tried to find something joyful and cheerful in the life around her. Everyone called her that among themselves - “ridiculous”.

margarita krinitsyna
margarita krinitsyna

Parents divorce

After the war, Margarita's parents broke up, Vasily Krinitsyn went to another woman. For financial reasons, the children stayed withfather in Moldova, and my mother went to her native places, to the Sverdlovsk region. It was a painful situation. The artist herself later recalled how long she ran after the train that took her mother away, they both cried when they parted, and the girl lost consciousness from experiences.

Stepmother Valentina was not supportive of her stepdaughters and stepson, she could beat them for something. However, she had no children of her own. The relationship between stepmother and children did not develop in any way. In addition, by nature, Valentina was a real hysteric, although outwardly a very beautiful woman. Rita's father did not take part in the upbringing of the children. Feeling a strong passion for Valentina, he took her side in any conflicts.

Margarita Krinitsyna met her mother occasionally, the distance served as an obstacle to frequent meetings.

Margarita's childhood was overshadowed not only by separation from her mother, but also by the suicide of her beloved brother. These events left an imprint on the soul of the future actress, she suffered from various complexes throughout her life.

margarita krinitsyna movies
margarita krinitsyna movies

Artistic ability

Apparently, actress Margarita Krinnitsyna inherited her grandmother's genes - she was a desperate comedian. She loved to play with friends. She skillfully made parodies of school teachers, especially she liked to copy the director. She played with a gas mask that was kept by her father in the house: she put it on her head, legs, constantly depicted something. She was engaged in amateur performances, she read poetry well. Friends in unison predicted her artistic future,explaining, "You're so funny!" Therefore, after graduating from school, Rita Krinitsyna went to Moscow to enter the theater school.

To her surprise, she entered two educational institutions at once - at VGIK and at the Theater School. Vakhtangov. The story of how Margarita, not knowing how to sing and dance, did all this at the entrance exam in front of the admissions committee of VGIK, which made her laugh a lot, has already become a legend. The comedic talent of Rita Krinitsyna was noted. As well as mischievous looks.

Margarita Krinitsyna (you have the opportunity to see a photo in her youth in the article) chose to study at the Institute of Cinematography, which she later regretted. She realized much later that she would be more in demand in the theater.

Margarita Krinitsyna photo
Margarita Krinitsyna photo

Student years

In post-war Moscow, not all institutes had dormitories. Margarita lived in the Moscow region, not far from the Yauza River. The administration of VGIK rented housing there for its students. Six people lived in small rooms. Of the furniture - only iron beds and clumsy cabinets. I had to get to school by train.

But despite the difficulties, the time was fun. A whole constellation of future stars of Soviet cinema studied with Margarita Krinitsyna. These are Nikolai Rybnikov and Tatyana Konyukhova, Marlene Khutsiev and Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Rita Krinitsyna made friends with Izolda Izvitskaya, who became a star from the very first year. Friendship lasted all 5 years of student life. The girls in a company often went to visit fellow classmates, togethercelebrated holidays, drank port wine, danced. And each role of Isolde was celebrated with a glass of champagne and ice cream.

In the institute, female students were not allowed to use cosmetics, so all their beauty was natural. Rita, an attractive girl, had many admirers around her, but she chose one for life.


Fans are interested not only in the creative biography of actress Margarita Krinitsyna. The personal life of a woman is also under close scrutiny. In the fourth year of the institute, Margarita married Evgeny Onoprienko. As they said, she recaptured it from her girlfriend Isolde, but this did not upset Izvitskaya. The former front-line soldier Onoprienko studied at the workshop of Yevgeny Gabrilovich, was talented and tried himself as a screenwriter.

The wedding took place at the Aragvi restaurant. The young were poor, so all classmates chipped in for the celebration. Rita had one festive dress, cream, with a bell skirt, presented by a relative when she entered the institute, and she went to her own wedding in it. And Eugene dressed even worse - a gray suit and a green hat. The wedding gift was only the perfume "Fairy Tale".

Life at a distance

Having completed their diplomas, Margarita and Eugene were assigned to work in different cities. Onoprienko left for Chisinau, he was accepted as an editor at a newsreel studio. Margarita had a choice in which theater to go to serve: the film actor's studio. Vakhtangov, Moscow City Council Theatre. She dreamed of Sovremennik, but to ask Oleg Efremov herself to take her there,Krinitsyna was embarrassed. In the end, she ended up at the Moscow Film Actor Theater.

For several years, the so-called long-distance marriage lasted for the young. They wrote letters to each other, Eugene visited Margarita in Moscow.

Then, with the assistance of Izolda Izvitskaya, Evgeny was sent to work in Kyiv, and he persuaded Margarita to move to live with him. She, of course, understood that in Moscow she might have more opportunities to express herself, but Kyiv conquered Rita with her beauty.

For a long time after the move, she still rushed to the capital, where all their common friends with her husband remained, but eventually calmed down. And from the 50s of the last century until the end of her life she lived with Evgeny in Kyiv.

margarita krinitsyna filmography
margarita krinitsyna filmography

Acting difficulties

Actress Margarita Krinitsyna, along with Faina Ranevskaya herself, was included in the list of Moscow directors as a promising comedian. Ivan Pyryev, the master of cinema, having visited her graduation performance, repeatedly recommended Krinitsyn for filming some films. But it wasn't easy.

There was an episodic role of an ice cream saleswoman in the film “Good Morning” (1955), in which Konyukhova, Izvitskaya, Pugovkin also starred, but her name was not put in the credits. They promised to shoot in Ordynsky's "Secret of Beauty", and unexpectedly they were removed from the tests. Accused of not showing up for an unannounced rehearsal…

The filmography of Margarita Krinitsyna also replenished with supporting roles in episodes in "Freemen", "Overtaking the Wind", "The Case at Mine Eight".

It was assumed that she would play Nadia in the film "Girls", but Margarita had already left for her husband, and the State Film Agency approved the candidacy of Muscovite Inna Makarova.

At the right time in the right place

Yevgeny Onoprienko was given a small room in a communal apartment next to the film studio. Dovzhenko. Filmmakers lived in the house. Soon the couple had a daughter, Alla, Alena, as her parents called her. Onoprienko was a jealous person, he could drink, furious, throwing things out of the window, which he himself, having cooled down, collected. But Rita was distinguished by special patience. Therefore, the family never reached serious conflicts.

In Kyiv, Margarita Krinitsyna wanted to get a job to serve in the theater. Lesya Ukrainka, but her husband Yevgeny advised against, convincing that there were more prospects in the cinema, and she got a job at the Kyiv studio. Dovzhenko. There were works in films that remained little known. But one day she managed to be in the right place at the right time.

Somehow Rita was eating nuts and broke her front tooth. Shortly thereafter, Viktor Ivanov caught her in the corridor of the film studio. It was necessary in the samples for the tape "For Two Hares" to play along with two applicants. Krinitsyna agreed and looked amazing as Pronya Prokopovna, especially with a broken tooth. She made the whole crew laugh. In the end, it became her role that made Rita famous.

actress Margarita Krinitsyna biography and personal life
actress Margarita Krinitsyna biography and personal life

Daughter did not like her mother in the film, Alla thought that Rita looked terrible in her. Evgeny Onoprienko, the husband of the actress, was also not impressed by the image itself. But onMargarita Krinitsyn was showered with offers from various film studios, for roles in popular films: Bumbarash, Days of the Turbins, Between High Loaves, A Lonely Woman Wants to Meet You.

With the family of Oleg Borisov, who played the groom Prony in the comedy "Chasing Two Hares", Evgeny and Rita really became friends.

actress Margarita Krinitsyna
actress Margarita Krinitsyna

Bitter disappointments

Margarita took every refusal from film works very hard. Especially when there was clear injustice.

One day, Margarita read a story in the newspaper that had sunk into her soul, and wrote a script with the main role for herself. Evgeny Onoprienko turned to a familiar director to help. But strange intrigues began, the film was shot in secret from Krinitsyna, and the main role went to another actress.

Out of desperation, Rita decided to poison herself and drank acetone. Borislav Brondukov, a neighbor who came to her house to use her phone, saved her from misfortune.

The second time Margarita Krinitsyna wanted to take her own life when she was not chosen for filming in the film "Black Bird with a White Mark" by Yuri Ilyenko. She began to draw water into the bath, intending to open her veins. Alla stopped her daughter, who was screaming at her mother not to do this.

Husband had a successful career. The painting "Only" old men go into battle ", the author of the script of which he is, has been very popular for many years.

Late fame

Real popularity came to Margarita Krinitsyna during perestroika. resumedinterest in the comedy "Chasing Two Hares". In Kyiv, at the end of the 20th century, a commemorative composition with the characters of Borisov and Krinitsyna was installed. The newlyweds have a tradition to be photographed against her background.

margarita krinitsyna biography
margarita krinitsyna biography

In 2003, a musical based on the famous film was filmed. Margarita Krinitsyna was recognized on the street, invited to various TV shows, creative evenings. But her he alth let her down. She was diagnosed with diabetes, she suffered several strokes. Husband Eugene did not live up to this, the real glory of his wife.

Actress Margarita Krinitsyna died at the age of 73 in her daughter's arms in 2005

Talented daughter

Alla followed in the footsteps of her father, learned to be a screenwriter. Also, like her parents, she graduated from VGIK. She remained to live in Moscow, where she still works. She was married to director Alexander Surin (died in 2015)

Her most famous work is a film for family viewing "Spartak and Kalashnikov" about the fate of a boy from an orphanage and his beloved dog. The picture received several film awards. Alla managed to shoot her mother in two of her tapes “We are cheerful, happy, talented” and “A thousand dollars one way.”
