Christmas ball at Hogwarts

Christmas ball at Hogwarts
Christmas ball at Hogwarts

Christmas is one of the main Christian holidays. The famous writer J. K. Rowling couldn't help but recall the colorful celebrations in her famous book about the adventures of a young wizard, a student of Hogwarts Harry Potter, who is also a resident of Christian England.

This day has always been celebrated in a special way at school, although most often the students went home for the holidays. But during the Triwizard Tournament, when numerous guests from other magical schools arrived at Hogwarts, Christmas was celebrated on a special scale.

In the article we will remind fans of the Potteries how the tournament and the Christmas ball, held every 5 years in his honor, took place, which of the representatives of the schools of magic took part in it. Let's also remember how such a bright event was organized, what feelings our favorite characters experienced, who were invited by representatives of each school to a w altz in honor of the opening of the ball.

Tournament history

The origins of the organization of competitions between wizards go back to the distant XIII century. Traditionally, the Olympicsbetween the three schools of magic - Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. These are the largest institutions in Europe for teaching magic and spells to wizards. The tournament is called Triwizard and takes place every 5 years. The competition lasts a whole year, as participants continue their education. Selects their Goblet of Fire from the most deserving applicants.

Goblet of Fire
Goblet of Fire

But this year, instead of three participants, the Cup also named Harry Potter. This did not happen by chance, but with the help of the magical intervention of Barty Crouch Jr. The name of the hero was on the list of the fake school, besides, he was the only student there, and not the best. Therefore, 4 participants of the tournament were named, and it is impossible to refuse to participate. This made the teachers very worried, because they understood that 14-year-old Harry was unlikely to cope with difficult tasks.

Fleur Delacour

Fleur Delacour is a participant in the Triwizard Tournament from the French Charmbaton Academy, played by fashion model and actress Clemence Poesy. This elegant girl is the only female among the competing wizards.

Fleur Delacour
Fleur Delacour

She was invited to the Christmas ball by Ron Weasley, but was refused by the beauty, who chose Roger Davis as a w altz partner.

Viktor Krum

Viktor Krum from Bulgaria represented the school of magic Durmstrang. During his stay at Hogwarts, he fell in love with Hermione Granger, although the heroine accepted his invitation to the Christmas ball, but they parted as friends. Subsequently, the characters corresponded, despite the displeasure of RonWeasley.

Viktor Krum and Hermione dance
Viktor Krum and Hermione dance

The role of Viktor in the film was actually played by a Bulgarian by nationality Stanislav Yanevsky.

Cedric Digory

Cedric Digory was Hufflepuff's representative at Hogwarts. He was the best in the house and captain of the Quidditch team. Unfortunately, he died at the end of the tournament, this overshadowed the victory of Harry Potter. The hero fell into the Dark Lord's trap and was killed by Peter Pettigrew.

Cedric with his couple at the ball
Cedric with his couple at the ball

At the ball he danced with Zhou Chang, a pretty girl Harry once kissed. Played his role in the movie Robert Pattinson.

Harry Potter invited Parvati Patil to the Christmas ball. This is a Hindu girl, previously not particularly seen in the series. Out of desperation, Ron called her sister.

bored friends
bored friends

However, the eyes of friends at the celebration were riveted to the beautiful Hermione, whom the enamored Weasley did not dare to invite.

Preparing for the holiday

In the film "Goblet of Fire" the Christmas ball was decorated truly fabulous. This is a huge hall with many lights, live music and tables filled with food. Students of all faculties were warned in advance how to behave, what they traditionally dress in that evening. It was necessary to invite a girl in advance, as only couples come to the Christmas ball.

Students took w altz lessons and practiced with a dance teacher so as not to get into trouble and not look awkward. Particular attention was paid to the side. Everyone's attention toHermione drew an airy dress at the Yule ball. Everyone was delighted with her appearance on the top step of the main staircase of the hall, not immediately recognizing in the beauty with whom Viktor Krum entered, a talented student of Gryffindor and Potter's girlfriend.

beauty Hermione
beauty Hermione

Usually this brave and smart girl was seen with loose and disheveled hair, and at the ball she appeared before admiring spectators with a beautiful hairstyle: strands raised into a high hairstyle with twisted curls. The dress suited her very well, made her look older and more feminine. Not only Viktor Krum followed her with loving glances, but also Ron Weasley, and Harry himself, who could not believe his eyes. The mood of the friends deteriorated markedly, and they spent most of the evening sitting on the couch. The ball ended deplorably for the guys - their girlfriends ran away from them, bored.

W altz of tournament participants

The Christmas ball at Hogwarts is designed to make friends and unite students of magical schools from different countries. Traditionally, it begins with a w altz danced by participants in the Triwizard Tournament. They had to choose their own mate.

The competition at that time was different from all previous ones in that Harry Potter got into the top three and did not suspect anything. He invited one of the Hindu sisters, Parvati Patil, to the Christmas ball. However, he was very worried, because he was still very young and not experienced in love affairs.

harry dance with girlfriend
harry dance with girlfriend

The girl was very beautiful, but due to awkwardness, Harry quickly got bored, like her sister, invited by the young Weasley. The most beautiful couplewere, no doubt, Hermione and Victor. All the girls appreciated the courage and determination of the participant from Bulgaria, especially since he was from high school.

W altz performed by Dumbledore and McGonagall
W altz performed by Dumbledore and McGonagall

In addition to the youth, teachers could not resist dancing to beautiful music. Albus Dumbledore invited Minerva McGonagall to dance, who surprised the students with the smoothness of her movements and the elegance of the elderly lady. These are the most beloved teachers of Hogwarts, who have earned the respect of students with their fairness.

After the dance, the cheerful Hermione came up to say hello to her friends, but Ron could not restrain himself from jealousy and spoke rudely to her, which caused the girl's indignation and tears. However, that's when she realized that the Weasleys were really in love with her.

Christmas ball, although it takes place every five years, it played a big role in the lives of our heroes. They have matured and figured out their youthful feelings.
