How to make a tabletop picture theater with your own hands?

How to make a tabletop picture theater with your own hands?
How to make a tabletop picture theater with your own hands?

Theatrical performances are recommended for children from 2-3 years old. Introduction to art is an excellent way of aesthetic education of a child. Did you know that you can not only watch theatrical performances, but also stage them yourself? Try making your own picture theater and you will have a fun game that will keep kids interested for a long time.

Repertoire selection

Before you start making a new exciting game, you should choose which performance will be your home premiere. Choose a product according to the age and preferences of the child. An important point - for the first performance it is better to choose a story with a minimum number of characters. For many parents, picture theater seems like the perfect solution for playing up Russian folk tales. Agree, there are many fascinating stories about grandfather and grandmother, fox, wolf, hare. Once you've made the basic figurines, you'll be able to constantly put on new shows by making a few new ones and changing the scenery.

Picture theater
Picture theater

Character making

It's not difficult to make figurines for your home mini-theater. Draw suitable pictures or print them onprinter. Your theater will be much more interesting if each figure is made two-sided. Accordingly, to make one character, you will need two identical pictures. You can also do the "face" and "back".

theater pictures for kids
theater pictures for kids

Glue the finished pictures on cardboard and carefully cut out along the contour. Another interesting option for making figurines for the theater is an appliqué made of paper, pieces of fabric and other materials. Come up with a stand option, do you want the heroes of your performances to stand without support? You can make a stable base out of cardboard, glue the figurines to wooden blocks, matchboxes, or make coasters from halves of plastic packages from kinder surprises.

For performances with a small number of characters, you can make paper characters mounted on wooden sticks. Remember - leaving such a "doll" on the stage will not work - you will need to constantly hold it with your hand. If you want to make your picture theater more durable and durable, laminate the blanks or tape them over.

Making decorations

Cardboard and paper troupe already assembled? It's time to prepare the "platform" for the performance and you can start the first performance. Backgrounds, as well as character figures, can be drawn or printed on paper. And do not rush to throw them away - landscapes of forests and fields, a view of a village hut from the outside and from the inside are suitable for staging Russian folk tales. One scenery can participate in several performances.

Does the desktop needtheater in some special scene? It all depends on the format of the show. If the performance is playful and is played by a child with the help of a parent, you can limit the space by making some kind of house. For example, use a shallow box, placed on its side, placing the desired backgrounds on its bottom (back wall). It is a completely different matter if the performance is shown to spectators located on the other side of the table. In this case, the role performers hide behind the table and move the figures or behind the background screen. Accordingly, the decorations should be made in such a way that it is convenient to move the figures.

table theater
table theater

How to play theater pictures for kids?

Theatrical performances played right on the table can become a great family tradition. Why not invite all family members and guests to watch after Sunday lunch? Of course, you should start with a rehearsal. One child can act out the performance, but it is much more interesting if two or more people control the characters. Distribute the roles, learn the text and the sequence of scenes. This is a very exciting process. You can play picture theater without spectators - for the soul. Put on performances based on famous stories, or invent your own stories. Such a game develops the imagination of the child and definitely will not get bored in one day!
