2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Valery Sinelnikov is one of the most famous and popular esoteric authors in the post-Soviet space. To date, his books have sold over twelve million copies. This article will tell about the activities and books of this author.

Short biography
Born in November 1967 in the Far East in the family of a military officer and teacher. He studied at the Physics and Mathematics School in the city of Simferopol. He graduated from the State Medical Institute with a degree in general medicine. After graduating from the institute, he was trained in the Russian Federation in homeopathy and psychology. The author's first book, Love Your Disease, was published in 1999 and became an absolute bestseller. Valery is married and has four children. Currently lives in the Crimea, in the city of Simferopol. He is also the author of The Power of Intention, The Stress Vaccination, The Path to We alth.
Who is Valery Sinelnikov
Sinelnikov is a practicing psychotherapist, psychologist, homeopath. Valery also developed a number of uniquethe simplicity and effectiveness of healing psychological methods that have helped many people improve their he alth, increase their well-being, and experience the joy of life. Reviews of Valery Sinelnikov's books indicate that many readers have changed their worldview.
How Sinelnikov's books can help
From his books it is possible to learn how to properly use the capabilities of your subconscious, heal from many diseases, learn to forgive and become happy. The technique can give healing power. Positive influence begins from the moment you start putting the author's advice into practice. According to psychologists, Sinelnikov is an experienced and qualified psychotherapist.

Psychologist's Worldview
According to Sinelnikov, people create their own world around them: they create it with their own thoughts, emotions, and actions. From the whole variety of options, a person identifies certain boundaries for himself, within which he can feel more or less harmonious and comfortable. Man lives not in reality itself, but in its model. There is a big difference between reality itself and our idea of the world. And this is obvious. Sinelnikov considers bringing the worldview of the individual in line with the laws of the Universe, the most important of which is called the "law of purity of thoughts", as the basic means in the prevention of diseases. The most common violation of the law of the universe, the author calls the presence in a person of the model of consciousness "Tyrant - Victim", which is generatedaggressiveness towards everything around, in turn, caused by a feeling of limited universal resources.
The psychologist himself adheres to the theory of abundance of the environment, on the basis of which he developed a favorable model of the worldview he proposes called "The master of his own life." And to determine the causes of a particular disease and its treatment, the author proposes a method of immersion and subconscious reprogramming, which contains elements of hypnosis according to the Erickson method.

How to read the book "Love your sickness"
Don't try to read this book like fiction. It is more of a manual to be studied. Therefore, after reading it once, you need to re-read the book several more times. And each time to check new information in practice. Certain readers may find some of the book's ideas familiar and may absorb new knowledge more quickly. Others, for whom this technique will be a discovery, will have to spend more time. In any case, what is described in this book is worth studying and applying in your life.
This work is the first in a series of books about the work of the subconscious and is a description of a very effective technique for solving various problems. It can be used not only to treat a wide range of diseases, but also to improve such areas of life as career, love, family, money. This model is simple and understandable to anyone who wants to master it. It should not be considered a panacea forany problems and misfortunes. This is just one of the steps on the path to awareness. Valery Sinelnikov advises to master this method and use it in your life. In his opinion, when a person realizes that he owns it perfectly, he will begin to search for something new for himself.

The first chapter gives a general idea of how a person perceives and creates the world around him, what place the consciousness and subconscious mind takes in his life, what laws work in our world. The deeper a person understands this information, the easier and faster he will master all the material. After the whole book has been read, it is necessary to return to this chapter again. The pages of this book also describe how to properly contact the subconscious mind. To achieve a stable result, you must follow the instructions proposed by the author. The second chapter describes how people create diseases for themselves. This part of the book is worth paying close attention to, according to Valery Sinelnikov. According to reviews, "Love your disease" (book) helped many people to realize the causes of their diseases.
Our view of the world
On our planet, there are no two people whose fingerprints would match completely. Also, there are no two people whose life path would be the same. For example, even the nature and behavior of identical twins differ despite the fact that they are raised in the same family.

In other words, eachman lives in his own little reality and creates his own "exclusive" universe. Every child from childhood, under the influence of parents, adults, teachers, the environment, creates his own reality, his own worldview. As a result, the child has formed his own idea of the world, which is somewhat similar, but somewhat different from the parent. Most children from childhood were taught to perceive reality in some special, “correct” way. This process is simply necessary because, being involved in it, the person feels more harmonious. But often people get so carried away with this activity that they forget one simple truth: there is a huge difference between real reality and our idea of it. Sinelnikov, according to psychotherapists and psychologists, takes the theory of the "power of human thought" as the basis of his teaching

People from birth create a model of the world, a model of reality in which they live all their lives, trying to somehow change this model for the better. There are no bad or good models. The main question is how effective and useful the model is. On the one hand, our idea helps to use all the achievements that the world civilization has created over several thousand years, and on the other hand, it creates limitations, reinforcing the belief that our far from ideal model is the real reality. And this deception leads away from reality and creates a feeling of dissatisfaction.
There is one paradox: after all, personalityreally lives in reality and unconsciously perceives it as it is - as something incomprehensible, complex, but is only aware of a model of this reality, the creation of which spends all his life and energy.

Valery Sinelnikov as a research psychologist made the following conclusions about the relationship between human consciousness and reality:
- Reality is an unfathomable force, an energy that has consciousness.
- Human consciousness is just a grain of universal or divine consciousness.
- The world is incomprehensible and mysterious, and a person must treat the universe and himself as a mystery.
- The human mind creates an idea of the world in which it lives. In other words, we learn those events that our own subconscious gives us.
Valery Sinelnikov, according to priests, attaches great importance to the human will and reason, not taking into account the influence of God's will. Orthodox clergy often criticize his teachings.
What you need to know about the subconscious
Long before the development of the theory of psychoanalysis, famous ancient doctors wrote about the existence of the so-called inner mind. In the twentieth century, the great Freud identified four "parts" in the human mind: ego, id, superego and preconscious, each of which performed certain functions. This model has played an important role in the development of psychology. In the future, other methods began to appear: psychoanalysis according to the Jung method, automaticwriting, Wiener's cybernetic model, behaviorism, Gest alt psychology, transactional analysis, neurolinguistic programming and Ericksonian hypnosis. At the moment, psychotherapists and psychologists agree that the human mind can be conditionally divided into two components: consciousness and subconsciousness.
It should be understood that this division is conditional. Personality is a complete system. Scientists and psychologists believe that the subconscious is that particle of the unknown and completely unknown human essence that you need to try to unravel. The subconscious can be compared to the underwater part of an iceberg. This part of the mind is much larger than consciousness and is closed to us. In this hidden part of the psyche, all information about human life is stored. The subconscious mind stores the mechanism of memory, controls all body functions through our nervous system, reflexes and instincts, automatic actions and habits.
Cause of disease
Various diseases are an external reflection of a person's thoughts, emotions and feelings. Many have already realized that thoughts are a universal form of energy. And they have both creative and destructive power. It must always be remembered that thoughts necessarily materialize. And it is destructive thoughts, words and actions that create diseases and various problems for us, and can also be a signal that the process of destruction has started in the subconscious. However, you can change the way you think.
Laws of nature
Everyone knows about the laws of nature regarding energy - energy cannot be destroyed, it can only betransformed into a different form. Anger and hatred will eventually return to the person again because like attracts like. These emotions also bring with them fears, suffering, apathy. And it will be even more difficult to bear. All this leads to the emergence of diseases and problems of a different nature.
The impact of negative emotions and thoughts on he alth
Through negative thoughts and emotions, the subconscious mind seeks to accomplish something important for a person. Feelings such as resentment, anger, anger, greed, jealousy, envy work to realize certain positive plans and desires. But by their nature, they are destructive, and if a person constantly feels them in his life, then in this case he is obliged to take full responsibility for the consequences that these emotions can cause. The choice is up to the individual. According to reviews, Sinelnikov helped many people change their negative thinking and solve many problems.
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