Guitar amplifier: device diagram and features

Guitar amplifier: device diagram and features
Guitar amplifier: device diagram and features

An electric guitar needs an amplifier for its sound. It consists of an acoustic system and an electronic unit that converts the previously collected electrical signal into sound vibrations. This instrument is sold in specialized stores separately from the electric guitar. You can also assemble it yourself, but you can only use such an amplifier at home.

What categories are amplifiers divided into

guitar amp
guitar amp

According to its structure, a guitar amplifier can be of two types:

  • combo;
  • stack.

The first ones are a single box that houses both the audio system and the signal converter. As a rule, combo amplifiers have low power. However, among them there are a large number of options capable of delivering high-quality sound. Stacks are professional equipment, with the speakers separate from the amp itself.

If you buy equipment for rehearsals at home, then just buy a combo. For performancesand recording studios, stacks are more suitable. They are much more expensive, but they produce high-quality sound. It is pointless to buy them for the home, since they show their capabilities only at a volume level of half the nominal. For example, if a guitar amp is claimed to be capable of delivering 100 watts of power, then you will be able to see all its positive qualities at a volume of 50 watts.

Differences of guitar amplifiers according to the scheme

guitar amplifier circuit
guitar amplifier circuit

The electronic unit consists of a preamplifier (it is responsible for collecting the incoming sound) and an amp (it amplifies the collected sound vibrations). The guitar amplifier circuit can be one of the following types:

  1. Fully tube. They are considered elite and most suitable for training. With such an amplifier, you can notice any mistake made during the game.
  2. With transistor driver and tube amplifier. The most common option, as it belongs to the middle price category and produces good sound quality.
  3. Completely transistorised. These are lightweight and inexpensive models that beginners can afford. This DIY guitar amplifier is not that difficult to assemble, as the parts can be bought at almost any radio parts store. On sale you can also find ready-made kits for those who want to try themselves as a designer.

Choosing an amplifier according to its scheme is based on your tastes and budget. All of them differ in sound quality. Another point to consider when buying is the repair of tube-type guitar amplifiers.significantly more expensive than other options.

What effects can be created

DIY guitar amplifier
DIY guitar amplifier

Many amplifiers are capable of producing the sound effects needed for studio recording or rehearsals at home. Most often there are two of them: a clean sound (similar to an acoustic guitar) and an overdrive (gives the instrument a rock sound with overdrive).

The switch from one effect to another is most often located very inconveniently, so it is best to purchase an additional guitar processor. It is a pedal with which you can change the sound settings during the game. With it, you can get even more effects.

Main control panel functions

guitar amplifier repair
guitar amplifier repair

Modern guitar amplifier has a fairly complex control panel with a large number of controls. There are three main ones:

  • volume level;
  • overdrive levels (if this effect is built in);
  • sound frequencies (there may be several: bass, treble, middle).

Using the knobs, you can adjust the sound to your liking: make it softer, change the timbre of the instrument or set a significant degree of overdrive. It is best to choose amps that offer all of the customization options listed.

Can I assemble the amplifier myself

If you want to save money and assemble a guitar amplifier with your own hands, then you need to have a large number of tools at hand: drills, an oscilloscope, a tester, a soldering ironand a drill on a tripod. In addition, prepare the radio components (based on the selected circuit), the material for the board and case. Be prepared for the fact that in the end the amplifier will cost you more.

Most circuits offer to build tube amplifiers. This is true, because they are of better quality than transistor ones. However, if you want to assemble a quality model, you will have to search for materials that are not freely available. It is best to assemble the transistor version first for testing.

Best guitar amp

best guitar amp
best guitar amp

A music store has many types and brands of amplifiers to choose from. Each musician chooses the right guitar amplifier for himself, based on his tastes. The ranking of the best brands and models includes:

  1. Blackstar ID:Core Stereo 10 combo. It features stereo sound, three power options, multiple effects and a built-in tuner. This is a fairly budget model, which is comparable in quality to more expensive counterparts.
  2. Peavey Vypyr VIP 3 is a semi-professional combo amp that will suit any idea. They are made with the latest digital technology and have received high marks not only from musicians, but also from sound experts.
  3. Marshall C5-01 tube, which, despite its low power, produces high-quality and loud sound.
  4. The Fender Mustang III V2 is a mobile version suitable for use in small spaces and rehearsals at home.
  5. Roland CUBE Lite withthe ability to play at home with headphones, which is very important if you live in the city and do not have a soundproof room.

All amps in this rating are combo type and suitable for beginners and amateurs. Among the assortment of stores you can find other worthy options. Modern amplifiers have stepped far ahead in sound quality and have a large number of useful features.
