"Old Woman Izergil": the genre of the work

"Old Woman Izergil": the genre of the work
"Old Woman Izergil": the genre of the work

The work "Old Woman Izergil", the genre of which is the subject of this review, is one of the most famous works of the famous Russian writer M. Gorky. It was written in 1894 and became a landmark book in the author's work, as it marked his transition to romanticism. The peculiarity of this essay is that it consists of three independent parts, united by one common idea.

Features of the first episode

The book "Old Woman Izergil", the genre of which can be defined as a story, however, is not such in the truest sense of the word. As mentioned above, the work includes three independent parts, which at first glance have nothing to do with each other in terms of plot.

old woman izergil genre
old woman izergil genre

The main character tells the author three stories, the first of which is a philosophical legend about Larra. In its content, it is similar to an old legend or an ancient fairy tale. In this case, the writer Gorky turned to typically romantic images. "Old Woman Izergil" is a story that is filled with references to the classic works of this direction. The main character of the first part is a typical Byronian hero: he is proud, arrogant, mysterious and despises people, and for thisreceives the punishment of becoming immortal. Such a plot is reminiscent of the best examples of literature of the 19th century.

Larra's image

This character is the embodiment of pride and extreme contempt for everyone around. He, being the son of an eagle, considers himself right in everything, does not take into account the opinions of people and does what he wants. Perhaps that is why Gorky put this story in the first place. "Old Woman Izergil" is a work that is built on the principle of ascent from the worst plot to the best. The hero of Larra is the embodiment of human pride. The author wanted to present a superman and a superhero, who, nevertheless, turns out to be defeated by his own vice in the end. In connection with the foregoing, it must be remembered that the work in question has its own genre features.

bitter old woman Izergil
bitter old woman Izergil

The story "Old Woman Izergil" is essentially not such in the literal sense of the word, because in idea and narration it resembles an old legend or legend. The story of Larr goes back to the ancient times of a semi-primitive society, which gives the story a special charm.

Second story

Half of the story about the life of the heroine herself is "Old Woman Izergil". The heroes of this woman's story are outstanding personalities in every respect. This also applies to the narrator herself. From her lips we learn that in her youth she was a very temperamental woman. She was very lively and spontaneous and lived life to the fullest. Her nature yearned for adventure and thrills. Judging by her words, the heroine loved many men. Some she left forothers were ready to commit a crime, risk their own lives and fate.

the story of the old woman Izergil
the story of the old woman Izergil

This makes her look like the characters she was talking about. Those individuals who became the protagonists of her narratives also despised the danger and were ready for anything to achieve their goal.

Image of Danko

The work "Old Woman Izergil", the genre of which can cause difficulty due to the fact that there are several different layers of narration in the text, ends with a beautiful legend about a hero who undertook to lead people out of darkness. On the way, the travelers had to endure many difficulties, and when people began to grumble, he tore out his heart, lit the way for them, and led the companions out of the gloomy and dark forest into freedom and into the light. Thus, this hero in the cycle of stories is a true ideal of courage, honor and courage.

old woman Izergil heroes of the story
old woman Izergil heroes of the story

The heroic tone of the story makes the work close in spirit to legends and ancient legends, which were also dedicated to great personalities. The latter circumstance must be taken into account when analyzing the work under consideration. When it comes to its genre, one should keep in mind the above features. And speaking about the fact that the essay is a story, it should be noted that it has become, as it were, a story within a story, since it consists of three different stories. They are united by a common idea - the idea that there is a meaning of human existence. The narrator herself asks this question, the same problem worriescharacters in her stories. So, the book "Old Woman Izergil", the genre of which can be defined as a story in the style of a legend, has become one of the best in Gorky's work.
