A brief analysis of the poem. Pushkin, "I remember a wonderful moment"

A brief analysis of the poem. Pushkin, "I remember a wonderful moment"
A brief analysis of the poem. Pushkin, "I remember a wonderful moment"

“I remember a wonderful moment” by Pushkin is one of the most reverent, heartfelt and harmonious masterpieces of the poet's love lyrics. And this despite the fact that he has many such revelations.

analysis of Pushkin's poem I remember a wonderful moment
analysis of Pushkin's poem I remember a wonderful moment

For example, "I loved you", "Spell", "Confession" and many others. Feelings are completely dissolved in the text of the poem. The words “I remember a wonderful moment” seem to fall naturally on the music. M. I. Glinka composed the famous romance in 1840. And since then, beautiful poetry has been forever united in the mind of a Russian person with enchanting music.

Analysis of the poem. Pushkin, "I remember a wonderful moment": addressee

It is believed that the author refers to A. P. in this work. Kern. He first met her when in 1819 he was visiting the Olenins. Even then, her beauty and charm fascinated the poet. Six years passed, and they met for the second time in Trigorskoye. Anna stayed there with her aunt, Osipova P. A. The almost forgotten, fading feeling resurrected again in Pushkin's soul,awakened him in the atmosphere of a painful, monotonous Mikhailov exile. Before Anna's departure, he wrote a poem and presented it to her along with the second chapter of Onegin.

I remember a wonderful moment Pushkin
I remember a wonderful moment Pushkin

Analysis of the poem. Pushkin, "I remember a wonderful moment": an analogy with "Tatyana's Letter to Onegin"

Already the first words of the work, its music captivate the reader. With each line, something familiar for a long time is heard more and more clearly. Not immediately, but gradually I remember: this is a letter from Tatyana, in which she pours out her spiritual anguish in sincere confessions. It is known that the third chapter of Onegin was written before the second meeting with Anna Kern. Perhaps it was Tatyana's letter that prompted the poet to write the first lines of the poem "I remember …". Of course, if we consider that it is dedicated to a specific person, then the comparison with "Eugene Onegin" is not entirely successful. However, in this case, it is not so much the addressee himself that is more important, but rather the state of purity and freshness of feeling that brought to life a declaration of love, close to prayer. Pushkin's poetic image is filled with earthly content. He has this perfect, beautiful, but still real woman.

words I remember a wonderful moment
words I remember a wonderful moment

Analysis of the poem. Pushkin, "I remember a wonderful moment": years of life in St. Petersburg

The subsequent lines of the work are autobiographical, but their emotionality does not fall. The poet recalls how he lived for several years in a noisy, vain Petersburg, how his soul languished from sadness. Then he talks about the hard days spentin the middle of nowhere during Mikhailov's exile. Here the poet does not simply reproduce what he had experienced before, but emphasizes that the gentle voice has not faded away in his soul, the sweet, heavenly features have not been erased. And suddenly feelings explode with renewed vigor. In place of quiet tenderness comes stormy passion. The intoxication of the love that swallowed him, the beauty of a woman, brings the poet bliss in itself. He experiences happiness that cannot be compared with anything else. The poet understands that for him without inspiration, deity and love there is no life.

Analysis of the poem. Pushkin, "I remember a wonderful moment": the captivating power of the work

This poetry is especially attractive because it is not just love lyrics. In the poem, this line is inextricably linked with Pushkin's philosophical reflections on life in general, on the joy of being, on the renewal of creative forces in such rare moments of meeting real beauty. Emotional explosion, passion are combined in it with such tender feelings as quivering, lyricism. The appearance of his beloved prompted the poet to revel and admire her chastely, gave him enlightened inspiration.
