An epigram is a lyric poem-miniature

An epigram is a lyric poem-miniature
An epigram is a lyric poem-miniature

Epigram is a separate genre of lyrical miniature - a poem in which any person or social phenomenon is ridiculed. The term comes from the Greek word epigramma, which literally means "inscription".

Inscription of arbitrary content

The epigram originated in ancient Greece and was originally an inscription with some content on a goblet, vessel, temple portico or an elevated pedestal of a statue. In ancient Rome, the meaning of a poetic inscription changed; for the Romans, an epigram is a satirical poem. In ancient Greek poetry, the epigram originated in the 7-6th century BC.

epigram is
epigram is

The first classic of this genre is Simonides of Keos. Many epigrams about the warriors of Greece and Persia are attributed to this author of antiquity. In the first century BC, an anthology of Greek epigrams was first created, which included about 4,000 works, sorted by subject. In the Middle Ages, in Latin literature, epigrams with ancient traditions continued their development - inscriptions on tombs, church items and various buildings. Also, poetic epigrams were popular withRenaissance poets.

In European literature

Epigram in European literature is a small form of satire, from the distinctive features of which one can clearly distinguish the specificity of the occasion. The first who began to write epigrams in Europe were French writers - Racine, Voltaire, La Fontaine, Rousseau. Somewhat later, this form spread to other genres of European literature.

Pushkin's epigrams
Pushkin's epigrams

In Russian literature

In Russian fiction, the epigram was clearly manifested in the work of poets of the 18th century: Bogdanovich, Lomonosov, Kheraskov, Kantemir, etc. But it reaches its highest degree of development in the work of Dmitriev, Pushkin, Vyazemsky. During this period, the epigram is a review of individual political events, literary masterpieces, famous personalities, public figures. For the most part, they were not published, but remained in the manuscripts of the authors. Among the most prominent epigrammatic authors of the early 19th century are P. A. Vyazemsky, A. S. Pushkin, E. A. Baratynsky, S. A. Sobolevsky. Pushkin's epigrams were distinguished by subtle satire, for example, written on F. V. Bulgarin, A. A. Arakcheev and A. N. Golitsyn. Although some of his creations in this genre carefully continued the ancient Greek tradition (“Curious”, “Movement”).

gaft epigrams
gaft epigrams

In the middle of the 19th century, the epigram (poetry of the traditional type) recedes into the background, and topical satirical poetry is on the rise. Particularly vivid examples of it were created by V. S. Kurochkin, D. D. Minaev, M. L. Mikhailov, N. A. Nekrasov. Later, many other outstanding writers wrote epigrams: A. A. Fet, F. I. Tyutchev, A. N. Apukhtin, so-called minor poets also tried to prove themselves in this genre, there are single examples of epigrams written by prose writers - N. S. Leskov, F. M. Dostoevsky. In Soviet literature, the epigram was often referred to by S. Ya. Marshak, V. V. Mayakovsky, A. G. Arkhangelsky, Demyan Bedny and many others.

From Antiquity to Modernity

Modern writers and poets also pay due tribute to the epigram, which continues to spread among the masses not only in print, but also orally. One of the most famous epigrammatists of our time is the outstanding actor Valentin Gaft. He is the author of an endless number of poetic caricatures directed at his fellow actors. Gaft's epigrams are sharp poetic attacks on domestic actors, films, and even politicians. The artist "sweeps" a lot of people, as the author himself says, "ate them alive." The objects of his attacks were: Liya Akhedzhakova, Galina Volchek, Oleg Dal, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Vasily Lanovoy, Oleg Tabakov. After the release of the film Three in a Boat, not counting the dog, Gaft composed an epigram for Alexander Shirvindt, Andrei Mironov and Mikhail Derzhavin. Many are frankly offended by Gaft's epigrams, including the family of Sergei Mikhalkov. The painting "The Three Musketeers" and Vladimir Zhirinovsky became the object of Gaft's satire.

epigram verses
epigram verses

Epigram is one of the rarest, most unique genres that originated indeep antiquity, has not been lost for several centuries, has survived to this day and is still popular, especially among satirists and parodists.
