Biography of Irina Kupchenko: she considers her personal and creative life successful

Biography of Irina Kupchenko: she considers her personal and creative life successful
Biography of Irina Kupchenko: she considers her personal and creative life successful

In the leap year of 1948, on the last day of February, the future actress Irina Kupchenko was born. The biography of her life began in Austria in the city of Vienna, where her father then served. Since morals in that country were simpler than in the Soviet Union, the girl's mother managed to write down the date of her birth on March 1.

biography of irina kupchenko
biography of irina kupchenko

Irina's childhood passed like all children of the military. They constantly moved from one garrison to another, until they finally settled down in Kyiv. The actress considers it the city of her childhood.

Once she signed up for a theater group in the Pioneers' Palace, and after him she began to go to a circle of cameramen. In addition, she began to dance and was already dreaming of a career as a ballerina. But can the biography of Irina Kupchenko be connected with the stage? After all, she is the daughter of a military man and an English teacher, of course, the girl could not even think to disobey her parents.

In 1965 IrinaShe graduated from high school and entered the university in the department of foreign languages. But a year later, she was finally convinced that she was not in her place, and she could not continue like this anymore. She left her studies at the university. Who knows how the biography of Irina Kupchenko would have developed in the future if a series of deaths had not followed in their family. First my father died, and then my grandparents. Mom decided to go to relatives in Moscow, and soon Ira followed her. Now she has the opportunity to fulfill her dream - she enters the Shchukin Theater School.

irina kupchenko biography family
irina kupchenko biography family

The biography of Irina Kupchenko as a film actress began at school. Together with her classmates, she decided to earn extra money at Mosfilm. At that time, director Konchalovsky began work on a new film and for one of the main roles he was looking for an actress with a harmonious and whole nature. This is what he saw in Irina, and she played Lisa Kalitina in The Noble Nest. This was followed by the role of Sonya in the film "Uncle Vanya" (1970), all with the same film director. And in 1974, Konchalovsky filmed "Romance of Lovers", where Irina plays the wife of the protagonist. Irina Petrovna recalls her collaboration with this director with warmth, as he always knew how to work with artists: he will tell, and explain, and set up, and prepare.

The first main role of the actress appeared in the film "Alien Letters" (directed by Averbukh), where she played the defenseless and vulnerable teacher Vera Ivanovna. In general, in the future, the biography of Irina Kupchenko and the role of women withcomplex characters seem to be a single whole.

Kupchenko Irina biography
Kupchenko Irina biography

This is the princess from "The Star of Captivating Happiness" (1975), and Zhenya Shevelkova from "The Strange Woman" (1977), and a small role in the film "Vacation in September" (1979), and Beryl Stapleton in The Hound of the Baskervilles (1981). But she also had work in comedy films. Suffice it to recall the wizard's wife from The Ordinary Miracle, the heroine of Ryazanov's comedy The Old Nags.

If we talk about the theatrical career of Irina Kupchenko, then this is the Vakhtangov Theater, to which she came immediately after graduating from college. She has been faithful to him for more than 30 years and even forgives the fact that during all this time she will have only a dozen roles. Although, perhaps, it is part-time employment in her native theater that allows her to accept invitations "from outside". She collaborated with A. Zhitkin ("Free Love"), with P. Stein ("Hamlet") and so on.

Irina Kupchenko considers herself a successful actress and a happy woman. Biography, family, work of an actress - everything is connected with cinema and theater. For more than 30 years she has been married to Vasily Lanov, who is also an actor in the Vakhtangov Theater. They had two sons: Alexander and Sergey. And if we talk about the most cherished desire of Irina Petrovna, then this is some free time to calmly reread the ancient Greek historians and the Iliad.
