The best romance novels of all time

The best romance novels of all time
The best romance novels of all time

The books that we take with us on the road, with which we fall asleep and about which we think are our irreplaceable teachers and comrades. It is impossible to give a universal list of "necessary reading". The best romance novels are not studied in the school curriculum. Although, no doubt, among these can be called "Anna Karenina" and "Eugene Onegin." However, most often, the soul of a teenager, weak and immature for complex feelings, rejects everything that school officialdom imposes.

The best romance novels aren't cheap "ladies" either.

best romance novels
best romance novels

Rather, it is worth turning to the classics of world literature, because the theme of passion and tenderness has always been the leading and most important. An all-consuming feeling that sweeps away any obstacles in its path, capable of withstanding and surviving for many years - this is what delights readers of all eras and generations. The classic best romance novels are "Jane Eyre" by S. Bronte, and "Gone with the Wind" by M. Mitchell. ForThe prose of George Sand, Alfred de Musset, Guy de Maupassant, André Maurois, Simone de Beauvoir, Francoise Sagan became many examples of genuine literature of strong feelings. However, the best authors of romance novels are not only French and English. Among the most beautiful books about this feeling, many call "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov and "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak.

And for a generation of young readers, the best romance novels come from Latin American literature. Mario Vargas Llosa,

best romance novel writers
best romance novel writers

Gabriel Marquez, Julio Cortazar… "One Hundred Years of Solitude" or "Love in the Time of Plague", "The Hopscotch Game" are wonderful books that in their own way vividly and strongly draw before us the depth of feelings. For some, the TOP of the best romance novels will include historical or sentimental "women's prose" (D. Devereaux, D. McNaught, J. Benzoni, N. Sparks), for others - the works of such controversial authors as Henry Miller with his "Tropic of Cancer" or John Fowles ("The French Lieutenant's Mistress"). It is worth mentioning Remarque, Fitzgerald, and Steinbeck … Among the authors of unforgettable books are Richard Bach, David Lawrence ("Lady Chatterley's Lover"), and Eric Segal.

top best romance novels
top best romance novels

Many works have been made into outstanding films or wonderful series.

According to the classical canons of the genre, loving hearts cannot unite for one reason or another, for the evil will of rock or because of intern altorment. However, the art of writing lies in getting readers to empathize with the characters so that the encounter scenes are shocking and memorable. Remember the yellow flowers that Margarita carried on the day she met the Master? It is these details that create a very special climate and mood. "War and Peace" is not for everyone a book about love, but, for example, Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet" or Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" are, of course, dedicated only to this all-consuming feeling that subjugates the whole person. And it doesn’t matter whether the work was written two hundred years ago or reflects the realities of our time (like at least the work of the Polish author J. Wisniewski "Loneliness in the Net"), whether the characters communicate in letters or in a chat, whether they fly by planes or make a long journey in a stagecoach or riding - the strength of emotions is important. It is they who govern all actions and thoughts.
