Thriller "Fan": actors, plot, reviews

Thriller "Fan": actors, plot, reviews
Thriller "Fan": actors, plot, reviews

The action-packed film "The Admirer", released in 2015, aroused the interest of the public and film critics. The main intrigue of the picture was the exciting story of forbidden relationships, which was the basis of the script, as well as the sexy pop diva Jennifer Lopez, who agreed to star in the title role.


In the film "The Admirer" the actors embody a burning plot. The central heroine of the film is literature teacher Claire Peterson. She is raising her teenage son Kevin and cannot decide what to do with a marriage that has cracked after her husband's infidelity. A woman experiences loneliness and betrayal, but does not risk taking a decisive step.

fan actors
fan actors

Suddenly, a new tenant appears nearby - Noah. The stranger becomes friends with Claire's son and shows a lot of his virtues. He is intelligent, noble and gallant. Noah manages to take care of his sick uncle, protects Kevin from hooligans and loves to discuss Homer's Iliad. In addition to amazing inner qualities, the young man is a true handsome man. Muscular and stately Noah beginsflirt with Claire. A woman is secretly attracted to him, but she cannot afford to succumb to the temptation. However, one fateful evening, the heroine cannot resist, and all the hidden passion spills out. The next morning, she realizes that she made a big mistake, and asks Noah to forget about their closeness. However, the guy's sympathy for a mature woman develops into a truly manic obsession. It turns out that under the guise of a young intellectual hides a real beast.

film fan actors
film fan actors

"Fan": actors and roles

The cast of the picture makes its plot even more intriguing. As mentioned above, the main star of the "Fan" is singer Jennifer Lopez. She also co-produced the project. At that time, Lopez already had experience in the thrillers The Turn, Enough, and Parker. Fans of J. Lo waited for the premiere with bated breath. Moreover, already in the trailer you could see seductive excerpts from fairly explicit scenes.

During the casting for the role of the violent guy next door, Ryan Guzman, an actor and model, was approved. His feature film debut was Step Up 4. He also auditioned for the role of passionate millionaire Christian in Fifty Shades of Grey. Guzman was able to reveal his acting potential in the movie "The Admirer". The supporting cast (Ian Nelson, Kristin Chenoweth, John Corbett) also did a great job with the characters.

fan actors and roles
fan actors and roles

Public reaction andcritics

The critics were not delighted with the picture and noted the unfinished and full of stamps script, the weak play of the actors. However, there were also those who took the opposite position and singled out among the merits the convincing reincarnation of Lopez. As far as audience reaction is concerned, the film definitely caused a stir. On a $4 million budget, it grossed $52.5 million.

Small capital affected the filming process. The actors who worked on the film "The Admirer" admitted that the conditions on the site were by no means luxurious. For example, they only had one trailer at all. The filming schedule was also very intense. The whole process was given only 25 days. It is noteworthy that the actors and director Rob Cohen managed to shoot the film "Fan" even before the deadline, within 23 days. Well, all the inconvenience that fell to their lot was justified by the high box office.
