The best episodes of "Doctor Who": list, actors, reviews

The best episodes of "Doctor Who": list, actors, reviews
The best episodes of "Doctor Who": list, actors, reviews

The best episodes of "Doctor Who" true fans of this fascinating British sci-fi series can review several times a year. The BBC product is the longest-running project in the history of world television fiction, managing to make viewers look spellbound at the screen for several decades. In this article, we'll highlight some of the show's most notable and fan-favorite episodes.

Popular series

Choosing the best Doctor Who episodes is not easy. After all, it is the world's longest-running sci-fi series and has long been an important part of British popular culture. Its elements are known and recognized not only by numerous fans who live in many countries of the world, but even by those who have not seen a single series, they have become so popular.

At the public and critics this seriesreceived well-deserved recognition for creative and inexpensive special effects, imaginative original stories, and innovative use of electronic music.


The original series aired on British television from 1963 to 1989. In 1996, a television film of the same name appeared, which, according to the creators, was to become a pilot series for the continuation of the series. But low ratings in the US prevented this from happening.

This sci-fi serial film was only revived in 2005, with the season numbering restarting. The series was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful and longest.

One of its features is that the main character is constantly played by different actors. So far, 13 actors have appeared as Doctor Who. There have been 842 episodes since 1963 - that's how many episodes Doctor Who has.

Episode One

Due to the fact that the countdown of the seasons of the series was reset, a unique situation arose. This project has two 1 episodes of season 1 at once. The audience first met Doctor Who on November 23, 1963, when the original project started. For the first time this series was released on the BBC channel, the first series was divided into four episodes, which were shown until 14 December. Her name was "Unearthly Child".

The pilot was directed by Waris Hussain, and British actor William Hartnell portrayed the first Doctor.

Meeting the Doctor

unearthly child
unearthly child

The action of the very firstThe series takes place in the 60s. An unusual girl named Susan Foreman is studying in London. Her teachers, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright, decide to follow a 15-year-old boy who is behaving very strangely. The teachers are surprised by the barn she hides in after school, and even more so by the police telephone box in it.

At this moment, a man appears who introduces himself as the Doctor, but has nothing to do with medicine. The teachers, who accidentally find themselves in a police box, get into the TARDIS spacecraft, which travels through time and space. The doctor decides not to let them out so that they do not tell about his secret. Together they go on a journey, finding themselves in the Stone Age.


Series "Rose"
Series "Rose"

1 episode of the 1st season of the remastered series aired in March 2005. She was called "Rose". It was directed by Keith Bock and written by Russell Davies.

At the center of the story is the Doctor's new girlfriend, an ordinary girl, Rose Tyler, who works in an ordinary store in London in the 21st century. Her whole life changes when she meets a man who calls himself the Doctor.

This episode features the ninth leading actor. It becomes the Englishman Christopher Eccleston.

Series plot

Rose realizes she's in an unusual position when she finds herself surrounded by animated mannequins in the store where she worked. She is rescued by an unknown person who calls himself the Doctor. Hesimply blows up the outlet, destroying the transmitter that controls the dummies.

The very next day, the Doctor comes home to Rosa, she demands an explanation, but at that moment they are attacked by a hand left from the mannequin destroyed yesterday. The stranger, having de alt with her, admits that these plastic creatures want to destroy humanity, their task now is to prevent them in this in any way.

"Doctor Who" with Christopher Eccleston immediately fell in love with modern viewers, so the creators continued to shoot the series.

The girl in the fireplace

Girl in the fireplace
Girl in the fireplace

Next, we will talk about the brightest and most memorable episodes that viewers have seen in recent years. The tenth Doctor played by David Tennant was very popular. With his participation, several of the best episodes of "Doctor Who" at once.

One of them was the fourth episode of the second season. In Doctor Who's The Girl in the Fireplace, the main characters find themselves on an abandoned starship, where they find 18th-century items. Through the fireplace, the Doctor sees a little girl who actually lives in Paris in 1727. It turns out that the fireplace is a portal in time. The main character finds himself in Renet's bedroom, and if a few seconds have passed for the Doctor himself, then many weeks have passed for her.

In the child's bedroom, he finds a ticking humanoid under the bed. He forces the creature to go with him to the ship, discovering that it is an android beautifully made from clockwork. Returning to Renet, hefinds her matured, they kiss, and when she runs out at the call, the Doctor realizes that this is the Marquise de Pompadour, the mistress of the French king.

Don't blink

Do not blink
Do not blink

According to many fans, this is one of the scariest and creepiest episodes of the series. In "Don't Blink", Doctor Who travels back in time with his companion Martha Jones in an attempt to warn Sally Sparrow about the Weeping Angels. These are terrible monsters who intend to seize control of the TARDIS machine.

Doctor Who's Don't Blink is directed by Hetty McDonald. Sally herself at the beginning of the series is walking through an abandoned mansion with her friend Katherine. At some point, the second girl disappears, and a young man knocks at the house and gives Sally a letter. This is a message from a missing friend, who confesses that she came from this house to the past, and she herself asks to beware of the Weeping Angels.

When Sally meets Katie's brother, he lets her in on the secret of the "Easter Eggs" found on several DVDs. They recorded the voice of an unknown person who calls himself the Doctor. According to many fans, this is one of the best Doctor Who episodes ever.

Two part story

Silence in the Library
Silence in the Library

The 8th episode of the fourth season was split into two parts. Surprisingly, both of these parts were included in the list of the best episodes of this series. It is noteworthy that the script for the series "Silence in the Library"Doctor Who was written by Steven Moffat. This was already his fourth work for the project, two of which are already described by us "The Girl in the Fireplace" and "Don't Blink".

This time, the heroes receive a mysterious message on psychic paper, after which they find themselves in the LI century. They are in the biggest library in the universe, run by artificial intelligence with the largest hard drive in history, but the building is suspiciously deserted and quiet.

The doctor and his companion Donna meet a statue that has a human face. She relays a message from the former owner of the library, asking her to count the shadows. At this moment, the lights go out everywhere, and the characters are transferred to a large reading room. In it, they notice a camera, which is the mind of the girl who controls the library.

When an inscription appears on the camera that others are coming, unknown people in space suits burst into the room. They are led by Mr. Lux, and among those who break into the building is an unknown woman, River Song, who acts as if she knows the Doctor.

The doctor says that the creatures that destroyed everything in the library are called Vashta Nerada. These are microscopic organisms that live in the shadows and eat flesh. They exist in small numbers on every planet, but this library has many billions of them.

The Doctor notices River has a TARDIS-shaped diary describing his upcoming adventures. The professor admits that she will know him in the future.

At this time, the Vashta Nerada kill one of the researchers whopasses through a secret passage. The next victim is archaeologist Dave. Along with the rest of the archaeologists, the Doctor is cornered as a swarm of Vashta Nerada in Dave's suit approaches. The series ends here.

Episode continued

Doctor Who's "Forest of the Dead" series is a continuation of the previous story. The Doctor's adventures with his companion Donna in the largest library in the universe continue.

The heroes have to learn some unexpected facts from their future, as well as solve the riddle, which is encrypted under the number 4022. But their main task is to return to Earth, having managed to escape from a terrible danger. Unfortunately, not everyone will succeed.

The Eleventh Hour

eleventh hour
eleventh hour

The next episode we're talking about is called "The Eleventh Hour". Doctor Who is played by another actor - Matt Smith. This is the first episode of the fifth season to feature significant cast changes.

According to the plot, the newly regenerated Doctor crashes in a flying TARDIS. It falls from the sky in a small British village in 1996. A girl named Amelia Pond lives next door. In her bedroom, he discovers a crack in space and time where voices are coming from. They warn of the escape of the unknown Prisoner Zero. The doctor deals with the crack, promising to return soon.

He guessed that the prisoner had escaped to this house. When the Doctor returns in the morning, it turns out that 12 years have passed, hismeets matured Amelia. Prisoner Zero turns out to be an alien capable of taking on human form, even being in contact for a long time.

At this time, the alien appears in the local hospital, from where the "comatose" disperse as if nothing had happened. Nurse Rory Williams talks about it. The doctor does not believe him, because when he comes to check the message, he finds them lying in their wards.

The doctor understands that the "home of earthlings" that the Atraxi threatened to destroy means the entire planet. He will have to do everything to avoid destruction.

Sixth season

A good man goes to war
A good man goes to war

The most striking episode of the sixth season was the episode "A Good Man Goes to War". Doctor Who, along with Rory, find out that Amy has been replaced with a doppelgänger who controls the real girl. In reality, she was captured on an asteroid with the eerie name Demon Sanctuary.

The doctor asks his old associates to help, everyone agrees, except for River Song. Amy's child is at Madame Kovarian's base at this time. She is preparing a whole army to fight against the Doctor, supported by the headless monks.

Together with assistants, the main character attacks the base, taking control of the Demon Sanctuary. Kovarian tries to escape with Melody, but she is detained.

However, it turns out that they managed to scan it, finding out that it contains the DNA of the Lord of the Time. The Doctor explains that the baby was conceived on Amy and Rory's honeymoon aboard the TARDIS when theyflew in the whirlwind of time. The doctor takes out a crib for a child, claiming that he once lay in it.

Kovarian threatens to use Melody as a weapon against the Doctor. The TARDIS is blocked by a powerful force field, attacked by headless monks, and Kovarian dissolves the child's doppelgänger in front of Amy, horrifying her.

When River teleports back to the base, the Doctor gets mad at her for not helping in the first place, and only then does she admit who she really is.

The New Doctor

Jodie Whittaker
Jodie Whittaker

13th Doctor is British actress Jodie Whittaker. This is the first time in the history of the show that a woman has been cast in the lead role. She is at the center of the events of the 11th season, which has been on screens since 2018.

She first appears in the episode titled "The Woman Who Fell to Earth". This unexpected decision caused a lot of controversy among fans.

Whittaker was born in the small town of Skelmanthorpe, she is 36 years old. Popularity brought her role in the drama of Roger Michell "Venus", which was her debut. She played the great-niece of the elderly actor Maurice, who spends his last days with the only friend left alive. She comes to her uncle, changing his life dramatically.

She also played in the films: "Tess of the d'Urbervilles", "Aliens on the Block", "Black Mirror", "Murder on the Beach", "Get Santa".
