Musical instrument triangle. Interesting Facts

Musical instrument triangle. Interesting Facts
Musical instrument triangle. Interesting Facts

Triangle is an orchestral musical instrument shaped like an equilateral triangle. His party takes place in almost all symphonic and operatic masterpieces of world music. The triangle musical instrument belongs to the percussion group and has a bright, sonorous sound.


The shape of the triangle is not closed - one corner remains slightly open. This is due to the acoustic features and the way the instrument is made. The classic musical instrument triangle is made from a steel bar bent into the shape of an equilateral triangle.

Tool sizes may vary. The volume and timbre coloring of the sound depends on the magnitude. In the classic version, the triangle is equipped with a steel stick - a nail, but, in modern trim levels, you can find tools equipped with two nails.

In the article you can see a triangle (musical instrument). A photo of him is offered to your attention below.

musical instrument triangle
musical instrument triangle


Despite all attempts to establish the homeland and time of origin of the triangle, no one has been able to establish an unambiguous version.

It is believed that its first predecessor appeared in the XV century. The ancestor of the triangle, judging by the works of fine art of those years, had the shape of a trapezoid. By the 17th century, several varieties of this percussion instrument had appeared.

By the end of the 18th century, the musical instrument triangle became an integral part of all orchestral parts.

Does the triangle have pitch

The beauty of the triangle is that, like any other percussion instrument, it can produce a sound of indefinite pitch. But, despite this, the sounds made by him can be quite diverse. It depends mainly on what the instrument is made of, as well as the material the impact stick is made of.

musical instrument triangle what is the name
musical instrument triangle what is the name

The classic version of steel is rather an encyclopedic version. Today, experimenters make it from various metals and alloys. And sticks for a triangle can be found even in a wooden version. These features give the tool unlimited possibilities.

What is another name for the triangle

Triangle is a musical instrument, the name of which, in most cases, is pronounced exactly like that. However, there are other names that are more like nicknames. For example, in Russia, during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, the instrument was nicknamed"snaffle". Fortunately, this wording did not penetrate into the classical orchestra, but was used only in the military environment.

Some also tend to pronounce the name close to the European sound - triangle or triangolo. However, such frills are not very welcome, even in the most sophisticated society. And therefore, the musical instrument triangle, as it is called, is magnified.

triangle musical instrument photo
triangle musical instrument photo

How to learn to play the triangle

A musician who has mastered the game on any musical instrument will not be difficult to master the triangle. In fact, it is subject to anyone who has an elementary sense of rhythm and musicality. It is no coincidence that it is used in music lessons in the general education program of the school, as one of the main tools to instill in schoolchildren an elementary musical and rhythmic culture.

The main task of a musician is to control the strength of the sound and its duration. These tasks are easy to achieve, even relying on elementary ideas about the physical properties of objects. The volume is controlled by the force of the nail strike. The duration of the vibration is adjusted by touching one of the sides of the triangle.

triangle musical instrument title
triangle musical instrument title

Triangle Concerto

The most famous work in which the triangle is entrusted with a rather independent part is the first concerto for piano and orchestra by F. Liszt, written in 1849. This work even received a playful nickname among musicians - a concertfor a triangle. The fact is that, in addition to background rhythmic functions, the triangle performs a separate part, opening the third part of the concerto - Allegretto vivace. Having proved its right to independent development, the triangle has taken its place among classical musical instruments with dignity.
