How to draw Moidodyr? Step by step description

How to draw Moidodyr? Step by step description
How to draw Moidodyr? Step by step description

Soviet cartoon "Moidodyr" based on Chukovsky's poem of the same name introduces important rules of personal hygiene from childhood. The authoritative Moidodyr solemnly threatens the scruffy boy, pointing to dirty children's hands, cheeks and textbooks running away in a panic.

puppet show
puppet show

I am the Great Washbasin

The image of the commander's washbasins and commander's washcloths was created successfully and eloquently. Moreover, both thanks to the description of the author, and due to the efforts of artists. They were able to draw Moidodyr as the commander in chief among detergents and items:

  • body in the form of a bulky washbasin with legs;
  • nose depicted with a crane;
  • hair from a washcloth flaunts on the head and an honorary basin instead of a hat;
  • hands successfully replaces a luxurious towel.

The face of the "uncle-washbasin" is quite smiling and benevolent, but the dissatisfaction with the dirty boy and his unwillingness to wash awaken the main character to be strict. In a rough, booming voice, he declares:"If I stomp my foot, I'll call my soldiers…" - and looks very menacing at the same time.

The personality of Moidodyr is successfully used for instructive matinees in preschool institutions, lessons and theatrical performances. The guys respect the authoritative Doctor of Detergent Affairs.

The image of Moidodyr in stages

A poster featuring the important character Moidodyr inspires children to practice good hygiene every day.


The following paragraphs describe how to draw Moidodyr to make him look like in the cartoon - a kind and respected subject.

  1. First of all, you need to draw the camp of the commander of the washcloths. His body, together with his head, was an old washbasin with a sink and a back. On a sheet of paper, using a ruler and pencil, draw a square in a cube. Draw a rectangle on top.
  2. To the square below draw four small legs, like a chest of drawers. On the square, draw a blue washstand with a flattened oval.
  3. Let's move on to drawing the face. It is at the top of the rectangle. Two black small ovals are perfect for the role of eyebrows. The two circles represent the eyes. Instead of a nose, you need to draw an old faucet. A smiling mouth will look good with a curved line.
  4. Draw a forelock with a washcloth. To do this, sketch thick curls, spirals with a yellow or orange pencil. The shaggy forelock is ready.
  5. On top of the head, draw a blue basin in the form of a hat.
  6. Draw a shaggy towel with a curved strip, which, replacing hands, akimbo at the "waist"Moidodyr. The towel can be decorated with pink to make the character bright.

The cheerful and strict hero of Chukovsky is ready.

Washbasin Head
Washbasin Head

Moidodyr's personality makes kids want to keep hygiene every day. Tell a fairy tale to a child, draw Moidodyr, as in a cartoon, hanging a poster in the bathroom, and sing a famous song: "Early in the morning at dawn …", and the little whim will bathe and wash his hair with zeal.
