How to draw an acorn? Wizard's advice

How to draw an acorn? Wizard's advice
How to draw an acorn? Wizard's advice

Are you bored and have nothing to do? Tired of reading, watching TV and guessing crossword puzzles? Then learn to draw. This is a very exciting activity that is equally suitable for young people, middle-aged people, and old people. In addition, it does not require special equipment and tools. We add that drawing with a simple pencil and paints is very useful for developing mindfulness, fine motor skills, coordination and observation. Do not be afraid that you do not have enough talent. Perseverance, patience and advice from the master will help overcome all difficulties. Start simple, like learn how to draw an acorn. Over time, you will become completely comfortable and will create real masterpieces on paper.

Where to start?

If our introduction inspired you, then get white paper with a grainy, slightly rough surface (smooth will not work), a few simple pencils of various hardness / softness (marking HB, TT and TM), a soft eraser. At the initial stage of this, youenough to create decent sketches. If the hobby develops into something more, then you should consider purchasing an easel. This way you can draw from nature in nature, in a museum or a zoo, and the paper and hand will be at the right angle relative to each other.

Step by step tutorial: how to draw an acorn?

how to draw an acorn
how to draw an acorn

Draw several circles of different sizes to depict acorns from different angles. Divide each circle in half with a straight line.

how to draw an acorn with a pencil
how to draw an acorn with a pencil

Depict the "lids" (this part of the fruit is scientifically called the plush):

  • on large and small acorns - in smooth lines along the circumference to the middle of the figures;
  • on the middle, mark the location of the petiole just to the right of the middle of the circle.
how to draw an acorn
how to draw an acorn

Now let's draw the fruit itself, stretching the circle into an oval and sharpening its end. "Plant" small acorns on a branch. For clarity, refer to the examples. Try to make your work at each stage look like the drawing of the master.

Last step: make the pattern look natural

how to draw an acorn
how to draw an acorn

Draw the contours of the picture, remove all auxiliary lines with an eraser. After that, shade the pluses in a circular motion (remember that these are "lids") and the fruit itself with short lines. When shading the fruit, direct the pencil lead to the left to the center and to the right to the center of the figure, respectively. So you give the stomachbulkiness. At this point, you can safely say that you now know how to draw an acorn with a pencil.

how to draw an acorn
how to draw an acorn

If you wish, you can depict the acorn in color, leaving white spots - highlights.
