Chinese circus is a national treasure

Chinese circus is a national treasure
Chinese circus is a national treasure

The Chinese State Circus is a national treasure of the heavenly power, its history of existence stretches for two millennia. Its peculiarity is that it does not have rooms with trained animals. It shows how a person tames himself, attracting the hidden forces and capabilities of the body. All the tricks of the circus are exceptional and performed only by Chinese artists.

The birthplace of the circus

China is the birthplace of all big tops. Tradition is an unshakable dogma of all creative teams. The main circus of the Celestial Empire is four thousand years old, it is a huge universe, artists are taken there from infancy. As a result, they learn the craft to breathtaking fantastic heights. No matter how ancient the circus of China is, it is a place of work for the young, there are no artists older than twenty-five years old. To fully penetrate into all the subtleties of productions, you need to be a sinologist. The show has a lot of hints, references to traditions and myths. "Western circus amuses children, Eastern circus amuses adults" is a Chinese expression.

Performance of monks with spears
Performance of monks with spears

National Treasure

Chinese circus - is the oldest on the planet. It has been improved for about two millennia and, as one of the main types of art, is a national treasure. Until recently, all the secrets of craftsmanship were state secrets.

In the old days, for disclosing the reason for the plasticity of a snake woman, they were executed. Fourteen-year-old fragile girls arching their bodies like flexible lianas, instantly folding their arms and legs into a knot, seem mystical and fabulous today.

Performance of acrobats
Performance of acrobats

There are family dynasties in Russian and European circuses. In Chinese, there are school traditions: each school accumulates its own knowledge and methods.


Circus performers are very hardworking and to achieve the goal they work from morning to evening without rest. Being a Chinese circus performer is the fate of the best and strongest.

The performances in the arena are like magic rituals and immerse the audience in a hypnotic trance, so much so that it is impossible to take your eyes off the artists until the end of the performance.

In the provinces of China there are acrobatic groups, in which children from the age of three begin to comprehend the ancient art and over time amaze the audience with the plasticity of their bodies. Many numbers are performed by young people aged 12 to 23.

Performance of aerial gymnasts
Performance of aerial gymnasts

To get into the circus, a child goes through a competition (choose from 2-3 thousand applicants). At the age of twelve, adolescents have titles of laureates and are high-class professionals.


There are no animal trainers or animals in the Chinese circus. This is the strength of his namesake in Russia, showing how a person tames an animal. Chinese, on the other hand, shows the taming of a person, the mobilization of the hidden forces and capabilities of the body.

Chinese circus numbers consist of acrobatic stunts that amaze the audience with their complexity. Each performance is unique and has a symbolic meaning, therefore only circus performers from the Middle Kingdom can perform numbers. Popular Chinese plates, spinning on long sticks, represent the sun. And the artist is an intermediary between him and the audience.

Performance with cymbals
Performance with cymbals

The Chinese circus tours all over the planet and prepares programs, focusing on the mentality of the country of performance. But only 30% of the whole meaning of the numbers presented is perceived.

To climb to the top of Mount Taishan, they make a road of 7,200 steps and pass through 11 gates. Multiplying each step by the number of days it was created, it turns out that it will take thousands of years to climb to the top. When viewers watch unusual performances by Chinese bands, they rise to the top and travel back in time to a world where men fly and women are weightless.

Show ''Fantasy from China''

The Chinese circus in Moscow often gives performances, and the audience watches these performances with delight every time: girls and boys are very agile here.

In Moscow, a team from the city of Hangzhou gives performances - these are dancers, acrobats,jugglers and wrestlers aged 13 to 25. In the Chinese circus, adults do not work for children, but children work for adults. They perform anywhere without losing their spectacle. The technical preparation of the performances adds to the exclusivity of the show, so the audience is asked to turn off their mobile phones, as a call during a difficult stunt can lead to an accident.
