Composer Yuri Martynov - brother of Evgeny Martynov

Composer Yuri Martynov - brother of Evgeny Martynov
Composer Yuri Martynov - brother of Evgeny Martynov

Yuri Martynov is known less than his older brother Evgeny. Nevertheless, he is no less talented composer and lyricist. Today he is engaged in preserving the memory of his deceased brother. What else is known about the creator of the creation "Cornflower eyes"?

Musicians' parents

Yuri Martynov
Yuri Martynov

Mother's name was Nina, father's name was Gregory. They met during World War II. The woman served in the evacuation hospital from 1942 to 1945. In one of the hospitals, she met a wounded soldier, left him and married him. During the war, Grigory commanded a rifle platoon, but after being wounded, he received a disability.

Grigory and Nina began to live in Kamyshin, on the Volga. They had two children: Eugene and Yuri. Later, the family moved to the Donbass, to Artemovsk. My father got a job as a singing teacher at a local high school, began to lead an amateur art circle.

The boys grew up in a creative family. Father loved to play the button accordion, and the children sang along with him. They studied at the local music school with pleasure, so they connected their lives with music. Thanks to their father and constant studies, the boys receivedprofessional skills in musical improvisation.

Short biography of Yuri Martynov

Evgeny Martynov
Evgeny Martynov

Yuri Martynov was born on April 17, 1957. Artemovsk, located in the Donetsk region, became his hometown. In the same city, he studied at the state music school.

At twenty-seven, he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory. His teacher was Ledenev R. S. During the years of study, Yuri became a laureate of two all-Union competitions as a young composer.

After studying, the musician completed military service - he was enrolled in the Academic Ensemble of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union as an arranger and artist of the ensemble.

Yuri Grigorievich Martynov worked not only as a composer: he is known as a journalist and producer. Since 1987, he joined the Union of Composers, and in 2003 he received the title of Honored Art Worker.


Popularity Yuri Martynov brought symphonies, sonatas, musical works of different genres, including for cinema. His compositions have repeatedly received major awards at various competitions, they have been performed by orchestras, choirs, ensembles, pop singers.

Composer Yuri Martynov wrote works that were performed:

  • Lyudmila Zykina;
  • Alexander Serov;
  • Aziza;
  • Aurika Rotaru;
  • Viktor S altykov;
  • Philip Kirkorov.

Yuri's elder brother Yevgeny was also a performer of Yuri's works. Their joint work was appreciated by the listeners.


When writing songs, Yuri Martynov collaborated with such poets as Robert Rozhdestvensky, Yuri Garin, Andrey Dementiev and others.

List of famous songs:

  • "Cornflower eyes" - the words were written by Yuri Garin, performed by Evgeny Martynov. A tender and lyrical song tells about the mysterious power of love and magical female beauty.
  • "Serenade in the rain" - words and music by Martynov, performed by Philip Kirkorov.
  • "The Light of Remembrance" - the words were written by Alexander Bobrov, performed by Yuri Martynov and Aurika Rotaru.
  • “How close and far you are” - the words were written by Andrey Dementiev, the performers were Nikolai Karachentsov and Olga Zarubina. Karachentsov was the first to sing in a duet, followed by the words of Zarubina. The chorus was performed by the artists together. The song turned out to be light, but with a touch of sadness.
  • "Bachelor's lyrical" - the words were written by Yuri Garin, performed by actor Semyon Farada. This song was the only one performed by the actor recorded on the radio. It happened in 1989, and a year later a video was shot on it, however, it was not broadcast on television. For filming, two apartments were used - unkempt, which belonged to Yuri, and ennobled - the property of Eugene. The clip was published on YouTube in 2015 from Yuri Martynov's channel.

In 1990, the composer's collection of songs on vinyl was released, which was called "Look at me!"

In memory of my older brother

Martynov Yury Grigorievich
Martynov Yury Grigorievich

The brothers could not imagine their lives without music, andit brought them very close. In their personal lives, their fates turned out to be different: Yevgeny Martynov was married, after his death, his wife and son Seryozha moved to another country. Yuri remained an inveterate bachelor … No wonder Yuri Garin dedicated the lyrics to the song "Bachelor's Lyric" to the composer - Yuri Martynov.

Yuri created in 1993 a public organization dedicated to Yevgeny - "Evgeny Martynov's Club". She united cultural figures who revere the work of Eugene. Yuri has been doing it to this day, being the permanent president of a society that is engaged in charitable and creative activities.

composer Yuri Martynov
composer Yuri Martynov

The club participates in such competitive festivals as Father's House, Russian Star and others.

After the death of his older brother, Yuri published several books about Evgeny. They can not only be purchased in printed form, but also read in the electronic version on the official website of the NGO Evgeny Martynov Club. Yuri participated in the opening of the Chestnut Alley in Kamyshin, dedicated to his brother.
