Gale Dwoskin: "The Sedona Method" - the essence and reviews

Gale Dwoskin: "The Sedona Method" - the essence and reviews
Gale Dwoskin: "The Sedona Method" - the essence and reviews

In today's world full of stress, more and more people are looking for a way to qualitatively change their lives in order to avoid constant malaise due to negative emotions. Among all the techniques and methods, the "Sedona" method stands out - it is based on very simple exercises and has been collecting rave reviews for more than half a century. Today we will talk about the book by Gale Dvoskin, which describes the application of this technique, and analyze the basic points.

How and when did this method appear?

In 1952, Lester Levenson, a successful physicist, was sent home to die after another operation. He was very sick: his heart, stomach, nerves, kidneys were in a terrible state. No one expected that instead of death, Lester would prefer another option - to live another 52 years, completely cured of all sores and enjoying every moment of life.

sedona method
sedona method

He turned to a very simple technique and it worked perfectly. Very soondisciples and followers appeared, but Lester refused to be called a teacher or mentor. Over time, he moved to Arizona and opened a training center to train instructors and conduct seminars. It was from the name of the city where he was located that he took the name of the method - Sedona.

After Lester Levinson left the world, the development of the method was taken over by his follower and close friend Gail Dvoskin. The Sedona Method is a book by him that will help you master this simple and powerful technique.

Everything ingenious is simple

"Emotions are not you" is one of the main points to understand from the very beginning. Each person can control their emotions, prevent their occurrence and get rid of them. Just the process of releasing emotions is the basis of the method.

The "Sedona" method gives you the opportunity to get rid of negative emotions, stop accumulating them and allow them to influence your life.

Through the release of emotions, freedom or peace is achieved. You choose how to manage your life, who you are and what you have. You are free from feelings of anxiety, anger, resentment, and manipulators cannot influence you.

sedona method reviews
sedona method reviews

"The Sedona Method": 5 magical questions to ask yourself

In fact, all exercises are built on one main and simple one. You need to ask 5 questions to yourself and give answers to them. Whether the answer is positive or negative, it doesn't matter. You can still let go of your feelings.

Question one. What do I feel rightnow?

You need to focus on your emotions and feelings at the moment. Do not return to the past and do not think about the future, all thoughts are only about "here and now". Deal with your feelings completely, "sort" them and choose the strongest for further work.

Question two. Can I accept this feeling?

Examine the chosen feeling from all sides. Think about whether it has the right to exist. Consider whether you want to live with this feeling. Do you want it to influence your life?

Question three. Can I let go of this feeling?

If you feel like you can let go of that feeling as easily as letting go of a pen or untying a shoelace, say yes. If the answer is "no", no problem. The main thing here is honesty with yourself.

Question four. Do I want to let this feeling go?

Think about how you will feel better - with or without this feeling. If the answer to this question is yes, immediately ask yourself the fifth, final question: "When?" The best answer is: "Now", but it happens that the decision is delayed. It's okay.

These 5 questions you need to ask yourself until you answer the first one with "peace, contentment". Only then is the exercise completed. It may take a lot of laps at first, but it gets easier with each lap.

sedona method 5 magic questions to yourself
sedona method 5 magic questions to yourself

Dive technique

Method"Sedona" uses another technique - immersion. When you need to get rid of some strong, long-hidden feeling, there is no better way. But you can learn to dive only after mastering the release technique.

For this exercise, a relaxed environment where you can concentrate is recommended. Relax and start diving. Ask yourself questions:

1. "What lies at the bottom of this feeling?"

2. "Could I consciously penetrate the depths of this feeling?"

3. "Would I be able to immerse myself in this feeling?"

The deeper you go, the more the feeling sharpens. But when you reach the "heart", you will be surrounded by silence, calmness or warm light.

gale dwoskin method sedona
gale dwoskin method sedona

Nine emotional states: up the stairs

So what is the Sedona method? Its essence lies in the release of negative emotions. They are like trash that accumulates in the closet. Like everything superfluous, negative emotions interfere with the flow of energy. The more "trash" a person has in feelings, the lower he is on the "emotional ladder" and the less his pleasure from life.

In a separate section of the book, G. Dvoskin ("The Sedona Method") identifies nine emotional states. Working on liberation, everyone can rise up, improving their well-being, getting rid of the heavy ballast of negativity.

dvoskin g method sedona
dvoskin g method sedona

The "emotional ladder" consists of such"steps":

9. Apathy.

8. Sadness.

7. Fear.

6. Lust.

5. Anger.

4. Pride.

3. Courage.

2. Acceptance.

1. Appeasement.

People who have achieved peace are the most joyful and happy in the world. And this is not an exaggeration.

Resistance: Dangerous Enemy Within

People love and are good at making things complicated, especially their lives. "Sedona" is a method that returns to the simplicity of thinking.

The dangerous internal enemy of many people is resistance. We've been taught that you have to swim against the current in order to get good results. We have been taught that everything in this life is given with great difficulty, and it does not happen otherwise. If something happens naturally, like clockwork, the "resistance" mode is turned on inside.

Man is essentially a free and independent being. Nobody likes the words "should", "must", "should". If you set such a framework, resistance will begin even when a person understands that it is right to act in such and such a way.

But not only those around you constantly try to impose their views or responsibilities on a person. If you force yourself, you can achieve a loss of motivation and pleasure from life. For example, you worked on a project that you liked, but at some point you got tired. Instead of allowing yourself to "reset", you ordered yourself to keep working. Just one phrase: "You must (should) do it" - and that's it, the processdrag launched.

Resistance is very difficult to defeat or deceive, but it is possible to get rid of it, like any emotion. It is enough just to ask, not to specify.

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sedona method

Restriction tree

In one of the sections, the author gives a very clear example in order to show what needs to be worked on first. Gale compares imaginary constraints to a forest. If you take one tree and look closely at it, you can see "atoms", which are the thoughts of a person.

Leaves are personal feelings. The branches on which they grow are the nine emotional states. The need for the approval of others and control turn into the trunk of an imaginary tree. The need for security and its opposite (the desire for death) is the main root that goes deep, deep into the soil (the desire for independence and the desire for unity).

If a person is determined to uproot an imaginary tree and see the serenity and peace that hide behind it, you need to start from the main root. To do this, the book provides exercises based on five main questions.

Proper goal setting

The "Sedona" method has even penetrated the cult film "The Secret", in which Gail Dwoskin shares with the audience the secret of proper goal setting. There are several chapters in this book. It is very important to learn how to choose the right words to formulate the goal, and not only. You can consider it a separate art.

Two main things to always talk aboutremember:

1. The goal must be written down on paper. Then the power of desire will increase several times, attracting what you need into your life.

2. Visualize the target. Imagine it in every detail, feel it. And then let go.

Almost all people worry about how to realize the goal. But this is not necessary. All that is required is in the two paragraphs above.

sedona method reviews
sedona method reviews

What does Sedona (method) get reviews

No matter how a person resists, this method will work on him. Feedback from people who have used this technique says that life really does get better. Simple exercises can change anyone with a little effort and a little time.

Sedona is a method used and recommended by successful people like Brian Tracy and Steve Pavlina.

Writer and psychologist John Gray also praises the technique on his website as a powerful way to achieve emotional and mental freedom.

sedona essence method
sedona essence method

Chicken Soup for the Soul bestselling author Jack Canfield loves this technique. He notes the simplicity of the exercises and tangible results in a very short time.

Perhaps the "Sedona Method" is the key to peace, self-development and a happy life that you need so much…
