Dmitry Orlov - film and theater actor

Dmitry Orlov - film and theater actor
Dmitry Orlov - film and theater actor

The biography of actor Dmitry Orlov is not rich in bright events. He earned his popularity through honest and hard work. His creative activity is not limited to acting. Dmitry is also known as a director and producer. For the best episodic male role in the film "Sisters" Orlov received a prize at the film festival "Constellation".


Actor Dmitry Orlov, whose filmography will be consecrated in this article, was born in 1971, October 7, in Moscow. As a schoolboy, the boy often upset his parents. He was famous for his wild imagination and was the first bully in the area. Dima's parents rightly judged that his energy should be channeled into a peaceful direction, so they suggested that he try his hand at acting.

The boy's childhood ended at the age of 15 when his father died suddenly. Since then, Orlov, as the oldest man in the family, felt responsible for his younger brothers and sisters and how he could help his mother earn money.

Dmitry Orlov actor
Dmitry Orlov actor

First roles

At the age of ten, Orlov played his first film role. The debut of a talented boy took place in the short film "The Wall" - a term paper of one of the students of VGIK. ThenDima began attending classes at the acting studio of Vyacheslav Spesivtsev. Together with other students, Orlov played in the production of "Farewell, the ravine!". The boy played the conceptual role of a lame dog in love, which made a great impression on the girls.

The play turned out to be so touching that even teachers came to their young students crying. Dmitry admits that at this time he first experienced an attack of star disease. After graduating from acting school, he played in various studio theaters for some time, until he realized that a professional education was required to create a serious career. At the age of 21, Orlov entered VGIK on the course of Mikhail Gluzsky.

personal life of Dmitry Orlov
personal life of Dmitry Orlov

Becoming a career. Meeting with Bodrov

After graduating from VGIK, in 1996, Orlov managed to appear on movie screens only 4 years later. He successfully passed the casting for the episodic role of one of the bandits in the film by Alexander Balabanov "Brother-2". This work became fateful for the actor - Sergei Bodrov drew attention to him and invited him to his film "Sisters".

The director saw the image of policeman Alexander Pavlovich in the performance of Nikita Mikhailkov. However, he did not dare to offer this role to the famous master. Despite the fact that the policeman in the picture was supposed to be a more mature and experienced man, Bodrov took the risk of inviting Dmitry to this role. And I didn't guess. The actor convincingly embodied the image of a servant of the law on the screen. Sergei planned to continue working with Orlov in his other project - the film "Doctor's Notes". But tragedy inThe Cardamom Gorge ended the life of the director at the very peak of his creative takeoff.


Dmitry Orlov is an actor who has played in dozens of films and series. For the first time, he had a chance to play a truly big role in the cinema in the film based on the script by Renata Litvinova “Sky. Airplane. Young woman". This tape is a remake of the legendary Soviet film "Once again about love" with Doronina and Lazarev in the lead roles. Undertaking to repeat the success of the legendary film was a risky business. However, this attempt was successful. Litvinova herself played the main role in the film, Orlov turned out to be her worthy partner.

After participating in this project, Dmitry began to offer good roles in other films. He starred in the films "Bride without a dowry", "Instructor", "Why do you need an alibi?", "Hope leaves last", "Flock". The actor has been involved in the main roles many times. From 2007 to 2009, he managed to embody the images of Dmitry Kalinin in the criminal saga "Vorotily", Anton Chumakov in the series "Semin", Dmitry Melnik in "Sea Patrol", Ilya Reshetnikov in "The Law of Reverse Magic". At the beginning of his career, Dmitry was often confused with Vdovichenkov, but over time, Orlov had his own fans.

actor dmitry orlov filmography
actor dmitry orlov filmography

Film "First After God"

After Dmitry starred as Captain Marinin in the film "The First After God", he became a real folk hero. The prototype of this character was a real person - a submariner, a hero of the Great Patriotic War, Alexander Ivanovich Marinesko. Dmitry Orlov,an actor with rich experience, took on a huge responsibility - to show on the screen the collective image of the hero - a sailor who does not bow his head to his superiors and fearlessly defends his homeland from invaders. Marinesko's daughter highly appreciated the actor's performance in this film.

actor dmitry orlov photo
actor dmitry orlov photo

Director and Producer

In 2006, Dmitry Orlov, an actor known for his roles in theater and cinema, first showed himself as a director. He directed the adventure film "Koljat's Gold". This was followed by work on the thriller "Charter" and the drama "The General's Daughter". After acquiring the necessary experience, Orlov took up the shooting of the full-length film "Moscow Fireworks", where one of the main roles was played by the actor's wife, Irina Pegova. Dmitry also became the producer of this film.

In parallel with directing, Orlov did not forget about the career of an artist. In 2010, he appeared in the drama Mine. Exploded Love, which tells about an accident at a coal mine, in the role of rescuer Artem Panin. Dmitry Orlov, an actor with many fans, played Sasha in Solar Eclipse, Stepan Yermilov in Katya's happiness. In addition, he played the roles of Grigory Shishov in Made in the USSR, Seva in Get It at Any Cost, Andrei Vasilevsky in Rare Blood Type, Vladimir Mikhailov in Winter W altz, etc.

Dmitry Orlov is a very self-critical actor. He does not consider his talent outstanding and honestly admits that at one time he agreed to any role for the sake of good earnings. However, now he does not seek popularity, preferschoose interesting and creative work.

Dmitry Orlov actor wife
Dmitry Orlov actor wife

Private life

Dmitry Orlov's personal life has always been rich. The actor often fell in love, and he was reciprocated. However, Dmitry decided to start a family rather late. His chosen one was Irina Pegova, whom he met at a film festival in Warsaw. The actor presented the film “Sky. Airplane. Girl ", and Irina - the film" Walk ". The actress subsequently claimed that she understood right away that she had met her soul mate.

Orlov doubted. The strength of his own feelings struck him so much that at first he showed deep indifference. However, love won, and after a while, Orlov and Pegova got married. They became the perfect couple for thousands of fans. In all interviews, Dmitry invariably admired Irina as a woman and as an actress. The couple had a daughter, Tatyana.

But after eight years, the marriage of these two beautiful and successful people fell apart. Dmitry Orlov, an actor whose wife often appears on movie screens, said that Pegova is of little interest to her husband and family, she is entirely focused on her career. After the divorce, he admitted that he still loves Irina. However, after some time, rumors about Dmitry's new novels leaked to the press. He told reporters that he was in love and very happy.

biography of actor Dmitry Orlov
biography of actor Dmitry Orlov

Relationship with ex-wife and daughter

Orlov remained on friendly terms with his ex-wife. Their daughter, Tatyana, is actively involved in sports, attends classes intaekwondo, archery section, is fond of cooking. In 2012, the girl starred with her mother in the film "Eight" by Alexander Uchitel. Actor Dmitry Orlov, whose photos often appear on the pages of newspapers and magazines, is very proud of his daughter and takes an active part in her upbringing.
