How the violin is tuned

How the violin is tuned
How the violin is tuned

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In this article we will look at how the violin is tuned. The tuning fork in this matter is an indispensable assistant. Typically, this problem occurs with amateur musicians.


violin tuning
violin tuning

Tuning the violin is usually required for natural reasons. The build of the instrument must be constantly monitored. Consider how the violin is tuned independently. The notes sol, re, la and mi correspond to the four strings of the instrument.

Especially carefully you need to approach the setting of the highest-sounding element. We are talking about the string mi, which is also called the fifth. Let's also pay attention to the element that musicians call "basque". This is the fourth G string. We begin to tune the violin with la.


tuning fork violin
tuning fork violin

When the violin is tuned, the recommended dynamic hue when the bow is drawn across the string is piano - quiet. If the musician does not have absolute pitch, you will need a standard. We compare the sound with it and adjust the height of the selected string. Just in case, we repeat the basic rule. The standard and the tuned string should sound in unison. This is veryimportant.

Tuning fork

As we have already noted, the tuning of the violin requires a standard. In this capacity, a tuner or a tuning fork can act. Next, we will tell you more about what this tool is.

Traditional tuning fork is a special metal fork that emits a sound with a certain pitch under mechanical action. This invention was released in 1711. Its author is John Shore, an English court trumpeter. The sound made by the tuning fork was assigned to the note la. Usually the violin is tuned for it.

The tuner serves a similar purpose. It can be presented as a separate device or a computer program. With the help of a tuner, tuning the violin is greatly simplified.

violin note setting
violin note setting

When playing as part of an orchestra, the oboe is taken as the basis. Under it, the entire string group is tuned. You should also focus on the piano if you plan to play accompanied by this instrument.

The tuner will have the letters E, A, D, G. With their help, notes are indicated, based on which the open strings of the instrument should be tuned - mi, la, re, s alt. We need to press one of the tuner buttons. It should match the string of the instrument that you plan to tune. Next, set the pitch by ear.

The length of time the tuning is maintained depends on the quality of the instrument. It must be made from seasoned wood. The stability of the system is also affected by the air temperature and humidity of the room. Jumps in these parameters have a negative effect onviolin. Therefore, it has to be adjusted more often. Do not play outdoors.

When the humidity level in the room drops, the pegs may jump out abruptly. Plastic parts do not give the desired result. Such an instrument is often out of tune. Quality pegs are made from hardwood. Boxwood and rosewood are considered traditional materials for these elements.
