Titles - what is it? Concept, features

Titles - what is it? Concept, features
Titles - what is it? Concept, features

All people have repeatedly encountered captions when watching a movie or cartoon. Most do not attach importance to them, skipping this episode or simply not paying attention. But credits are a very important element in cinematography. Movie makers take special care when creating titles.


The credits are the introductory and final parts of the overall picture. A lot depends on their quality and creativity in cinema, because they can both interest the viewer in the very first seconds of the picture, and repel.

captions it
captions it

Under the titles in the film, one should understand certain inscriptions that convey important information to the viewer: the cast, the names of the crew members, thanks to the sponsors and everyone who took part in the creation of the picture.

Also, credits are the introduction and end of the film screening process.


Titles have always played a big role in the making of a motion picture or animated film. Ever since the days of silent films, they have become one of the most important parts of the project. In many ways, it was thanks to written inserts in the form of captions that viewers could understand what was happening on the screen, because there was no voice accompaniment then.

With the advent of sound, titles began to play a slightly different role, but their significance remained very high. Manyanimators tried various entertaining tricks on the credits in order not only to convey important information to the viewer, but also to captivate him. So, different animation fonts are used, letters start to move or take on an anthropomorphic look, etc.

Later, similar effects began to be applied in the cinema. Moreover, this was done not only in the opening credits, but also in the closing credits.

movie credits
movie credits

Besides opening and closing credits, there are also sub titles. These may be some explanatory inscriptions or a translation of phrases spoken in another language.

Many different ideas can be seen in modern cinema. Cinematographers go out of their way to create really interesting explanatory captions.

End credits - what's that?

After the main story of the picture has been told, it's time for the credits again. As a rule, at the end they go a little longer than at the beginning. More information about the tape is collected here. Many filmmakers, in order to rive the viewer's attention after the end of the tape to the credits, began to add scenes after the credits.

This maneuver made it possible to significantly increase the visibility of the final lines. Other methods are also used, for example, the so-called "unsuccessful doubles". This cinematic technique is widely used in the comedy genre.

The essence is very simple: in parallel with the final text, some scenes are shown that were not included in the main narrative. Most often these are cut doubles, or comical moments that occurred duringfilming.

after credits
after credits

A classic trick to keep the audience's attention is to add a soundtrack. That is, the text goes on, and the melodies that were used in the tape itself are playing in the background.


Titles are not only text containing the output of a film. This is part of the work itself, which can both successfully complement the picture itself, and completely spoil the impression of it. Despite the fact that many people do not attach much importance to this element of a film product, most directors and film studios try to make the most creative and interesting options. This allows you to make the most of the film's timing resources.

Titles play an increasingly important role in the creation of the film, they are already receiving great attention during the production of films and cartoons. An experienced specialist, and sometimes a whole team, is working on their creation and implementation.
