Films about true love: a list of the best, a brief description

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Films about true love: a list of the best, a brief description
Films about true love: a list of the best, a brief description

Video: Films about true love: a list of the best, a brief description

Video: Films about true love: a list of the best, a brief description
Video: Kick-Ass 2: How To Ruin a Sequel 2024, June

Films about true love allow you to plunge headlong into a sensual and passionate world, live your fate with the main characters and understand how they feel. Both couples who have found each other and people who only dream of great love watch such films with pleasure. Melodramas about love contain all sorts of problems between lovers - different social status, unexpected obstacles, illnesses, past relationships. But it is worth remembering that in love films, the end is not always happy.


Jack and Rose meet while on a cruise on the massive Titanic. Jack is a street artist who loves to travel and seek adventure. Rosa grew up in a we althy family that is now close to ruin. Rosa's mother wants to profitably marry off her daughter in order to improve the f altering financial situation in the family. Rosa dreams of breaking out of these shackles of marriage and social life.position, and Jack opens up another world for her. After seeing how ordinary people live and feeling Jack's love, Rose breaks off the engagement and decides to change her life.

movies about true love
movies about true love

Events develop rapidly, and by the time the Titanic crashes into an iceberg, the lovers are fighting together for their lives and love. Despite the disaster unfolding around them, neither Jack nor Rose regret anything, because they have found their love.

Long Engagement

The film takes place during and after the end of the First World War. Young Matilda and Manek were happy together until the war separated them. Young people did not have time to get married when Manek was called up for war, and soon the girl received a letter announcing his death. But her love is so strong that she feels that Manek is still alive and decides to find out the truth. Matilda advertises in the newspaper, ready to pay for information that will help find out the fate of the groom. She goes to a private detective, finds people across the country who know about Manek's past.

Melodramas about love usually describe the developing relationship of a couple, but here Matilda only remembers a happy past, completely immersed in the investigation of events. Gradually, she realizes that Manek had the opportunity to stay alive. Even though Manek's parents declared him dead, her heart says otherwise.

3 meters above the sky

The benevolent Babi grew up in a we althy family and never experienced the violence and cruelty of the streets, but after meeting Achi, everything changed. At the firstmeeting an aggressive guy beat her friend and threw Babi herself into the pool. However, already at the next meeting, the girl realized that she was attracted to Achi. Their relationship shows her a different side of life - it's street racing on motorcycles, harassment by the police, fighting with a rival for Achi's attention. They fall in love despite such different lives and disapproval of this relationship by the girl's parents.

Three meters above the sky
Three meters above the sky

The film "Three meters above the sky" shows how, over time, Babi gets tired of the constant cruelty that surrounds Achi - his friends steal the family jewel from her, threaten her teacher. The last straw for her is an accident in which their mutual friends suffered. The love in which they became happier "three meters above the sky" is being seriously tested and makes you wonder if this relationship has a future.


Sam and Molly are a happy couple, setting up a new apartment together and making plans for the future. At his job, Sam has access to the accounts of the company, one day he sees discrepancies in the amounts. He decides to investigate, but on the same evening, when Molly and Sam were returning from the theater, they were attacked by a robber. In a desperate fight, events happen so quickly that Sam does not even notice the moment he is shot at. His body dies while his ghost remains on the ground.

Beyond the world, he can only communicate with ghosts like him and can't even give Molly a sign that he's still there. However, for nowthe robber is on the loose, Molly is in danger, and to save her, Sam manages to make contact with a medium - it turns out to be the swindler Oda Mae, who is not at all delighted with her new ability to speak with spirits.

Slumdog Millionaire

Jamil Malik is participating in the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire game and only one answer to the question separates him from winning and winning 20 million rupees. The police interrupt the game, arrest Jamil on suspicion of cheating. The cops don't believe a guy who grew up on the street can know that much. In the film Slumdog Millionaire, Malik's story is shown, and it turns out that the previous events of his own life helped him answer the quiz questions correctly.

slum millionaire
slum millionaire

Since childhood, Jamil, his brother Salim and a homeless girl Latika have lived on the street. The brothers run away to another city, but the girl remains. Jamil travels a lot, trying to earn money at any cost in order to return for Latika and pick her up. It is in order to find his girlfriend that he decides to perform on a quiz show, confident that Latika will see him.

Hurry to Love

Landon Carter is a handsome and popular student of the school, who does not even notice the homely daughter of the priest Jamie Sullivan. When one of the students was injured through the fault of Carter, the punishment for the young man was to help the lagging behind and participate in the work on the school play. Now Carter constantly intersects with Jamie, working with children together and preparing for the play. Landon asks her for help with rehearsals, and she agrees on one condition - heshould not fall in love with her.

hurry to love
hurry to love

The film "A Walk to Love" shows how gradually hostile relationships are replaced by sympathy. And during the performance in the play, Landon, completely fascinated by the beauty and sensuality of Jamie, kisses her. The couple begins dating, but the relationship is seriously threatened - Jamie is ill with leukemia. Landon is not afraid of this diagnosis, and he does his best to make the girl happy and fulfill her desires.


Amelie Poulin is the most ordinary girl, she works as a waitress, visits her father on Sundays, dreams a lot. Everything changes when she finds a box with children's toys of the former tenant in her apartment. By returning the lost thing to the owner, Amelie awakens in him the desire to restore communication with his family, and this makes his life better. Now Amelie begins to help people in a variety of ways, while remaining unnoticed.

melodramas about love
melodramas about love

But then she accidentally meets Nino, a fellow dreamer whose hobby is collecting other people's photographs and portraying monsters in the amusement park. But, living in a world of dreams, it is so hard to do real actions, being afraid of being rejected. Amelie decides to make herself felt, and chalk-drawn arrows and masquerade costumes are used. She is helped by a variety of people who were once helped by Amelie.


Paige and Leo are happily married, but after four years of marriage, they have an accident. Leo was not injured, but his wife, waking up from a coma, lostmemory and did not even recognize her husband. Now Paige wants to go back to her old life - living with her parents, studying law, going on dates and forgetting that she already has true love. The melodrama shows how Leo tries to bring her back and help her remember the past, but remains a stranger to her. Then he agrees to a divorce to give her the opportunity to be happy.

However, Paige begins to move away from family and school. Once again devoting herself to creative work, she begins to remember everything. She finds the vow she made when she got married in her old clothes and realizes that she is once again becoming the same girl who fell in love with Leo.

Memorial Diary

This is the story of a relationship between a boy and a girl from different walks of life. Noah is a handsome, charming, but very poor guy, and Ellie is a beautiful woman from a rich family. Having accidentally met a girl in an amusement park, Noah falls in love with her and achieves reciprocity. The young people spend wonderful days together, and Noah tells Ellie about his dream - to buy and renovate an old house. Ellie's parents are against her relationship with Noah due to his poor situation, causing the couple to separate and Ellie's family to move.

The Notebook
The Notebook

Noah does not want to forget the girl, every day he writes letters to her that her mother hides from her. Seven years later, Noah completes the restoration of the house. By placing a photo in the newspaper, he hopes that Ellie will come to him. During this time she did not forget Noah, but she had already become engaged to another. Ellie visits Noah and remembers her past. Now she'll have to decide who she's with.will remain and to whom he will dedicate his diary of memory.

Ruby Sparks

The protagonist of the film is Calvin, a young and talented writer whose novel has received universal recognition. He is closed, does not communicate well with people, almost does not maintain relations with his relatives. A black streak begins in his life - he breaks up with a girl, and also cannot write a book due to a creative crisis. At the same time, he begins to dream of a red-haired girl in bright clothes, he decides to make her the heroine of his book. Sociable, joyful, loving sports - she turned out just perfect.

true love melodrama
true love melodrama

And Calvin met her one morning - his fantasy became a reality. Calvin falls in love with the Ruby Sparks he created, and she reciprocates. Ruby fits into the world perfectly, meeting Calvin's family, making friends and learning new things. However, over time, her personality changes and she begins to differ from the ideal created by Calvin. Relationships are getting harder now that you have to work hard to be together.

Movie List

Every day there are new films, many of them are remembered by the audience and remain in their hearts as films about true love. The list includes foreign films from different years:

  • Future Boyfriend (2013).
  • The Lake House (2006).
  • Meet Joe Black (1998).
  • "Chocolate" (2000).
  • Gone with the Wind (1939).
  • Pretty Woman (1990).
  • The Fault in Our Stars (2014).
  • Sorry for Love (2008).
  • Vanilla Sky(2001).
  • Love Actually (2003).

Russian films about true love:

  • "You never dreamed" (1980).
  • "Moscow does not believe in tears" (1979).
  • House of the Sun (2009).

Films about true love usually abound with bright characters, beautiful scenery, and strong feelings. All this range of emotions will allow you to immerse yourself in the world on the screen, worry about the fate of the characters, laugh at their temporary troubles and be sad with them.
