What is a vernissage, and how to use this word correctly

What is a vernissage, and how to use this word correctly
What is a vernissage, and how to use this word correctly

Sometimes even the most educated people may not know the exact meaning of a word. For example, many do not know what a vernissage is. There is nothing wrong with this, because if necessary, you can easily fill this gap by simply reading the information about the unknown word.

What is a vernissage

When you need to find out this or that meaning of a word, the best assistant is an explanatory dictionary. Today, the Internet can help to understand what a vernissage is. So, this word means the grand opening of the exhibition, to which the press, critics and artists are invited. Moreover, the exhibition can be both the author's show of one artist, and thematic, which will include paintings by several creators at once.

The day before the vernissage is also very important for the artist himself, because that's when the works are hung out and prepared for display. For each work, you need to find a place where the picture will look especially impressive. The fact is that for the artist and the critical eye of critics, such factors as lighting and viewing angle play a special role. They often make the first impression, and on the opening day it becomes even more important.

what is vernissage
what is vernissage

We also note that it would be fundamentally wrong to say "opening day", because the word "opening day" in itself means opening.

Historical origin of the word

The word "vernissage" came to Russian from French, it comes from vernis, which means "lacquer". The fact is that before the vernissage was called the coating of the finished painting with varnish after the completion of the work. Relatives of artists and their relatives were invited to this solemn ceremony. The coating was a very significant event, because it meant that the painting could no longer be corrected, and it was ready to be put up for sale or in a gallery. That is why it was important for the artist to listen to the opinion of friends and, perhaps, make some adjustments to the work before painting.

People's understanding of what a vernissage is has changed significantly over time. So, gradually, not only the artist’s relatives, but also everyone who is related to the world of fine arts, gradually began to be invited to the opening, and gradually the word acquired the meaning of the solemn opening of the artist’s exhibition.

opening day it
opening day it

Today, the vernissage is not only the discovery itself, more and more often this word is used to refer to exhibitions where you can buy your favorite works. Moreover, not only paintings are presented on them, here you can find jewelry, pottery and other products.

Where the word "opening day" is commonly used

What is the opening day, we have already figured out, which means it is necessary to find out in which cases itword use.

Most often it is used in the media, because it is there that information about upcoming events and activities is posted. You can often find this word in newspapers, for example, it can be messages like this: "The exhibition will be held from May 2 to May 5, the vernissage will take place in the gallery on May 1."

autumn vernissage
autumn vernissage

The phrase "autumn vernissage" is often used in schools. This is due to the fact that when schoolchildren come back from vacation, exhibitions with children's drawings are arranged. The signboard of drawings in this case is called the vernissage.
