Kenji Miyazawa: biography of Japanese children's writer and poet

Kenji Miyazawa: biography of Japanese children's writer and poet
Kenji Miyazawa: biography of Japanese children's writer and poet

Kenji Miyazawa is a famous Japanese children's writer and poet. Readers from all over the world fell in love with his works, and today many people are familiar with the writer's work.

Biography of Kenji Miyazawa

The biography of the writer begins in Japan, in the small village of Hanamaki. Kenji Miyazawa's date of birth fell on August 27, 1896. The writer and poet was born into a we althy family, which in those years was considered prosperous.

miyazawa kenji
miyazawa kenji

The family in which Kenji Miyazawa grew up had five children. The writer was the oldest among them. Despite the fact that the family's position was high, Kenji always worried and considered it wrong that his parents lived so richly thanks to the very small savings of the peasants living nearby. Photos of Kenji Miyazawa are presented in the article.


After graduating from agricultural school in 1918 in Morioka, Kenji Miyazawa worked for two more years at the same place as a graduate student. Kenji's work consisted of a detailed study of soil and land structures. While working at school, the writer independently learned English, German and Esperanto. Kenji had many interests. Except love forgeology, the poet also liked to study astronomy and biology. After showing himself to be a brilliant student, his supervisor decided to help Kenji become a professorial assistant.

Family troubles

Despite the fact that the young writer had a desire to continue his career in science, the dream was not destined to come true: contradictions and quarrels with his father prevented him from achieving any further scientific success. The writer's father was determined that his son would continue the usurious family business. However, Miyazawa could not stand making a profit in such a dishonest way: it seemed to him that it was simply disgusting to receive money for those things that already poor peasants bail.

miyazawa kenji biography
miyazawa kenji biography

After ensuring that he was not involved in the family business, Kenji abandoned the enterprise, thus giving the leadership to his younger brother. Another problem for the family was the eldest son's complete immersion in the teachings of the Buddhist Lotus Sutra. Miyazawa tried to attract his father to his faith, but another quarrel came out of this. Such a strong misunderstanding that the future writer met in his family pushed him to a serious step in 1921: leaving everything behind, Kenji leaves for Tokyo to build his career and develop there.

First steps in creativity

It was in Tokyo that Miyazawa got acquainted with the work of one of the most popular poets at that time - Sakutaro Hagiwara. It was the poems of this writer that pushed Miyazawa to his own literary activity. Kenji lived less in Tokyoof the year. During his arrival in the capital, the writer often attended the meetings of the study group of the Nichiren tradition. It was at this time that many of his stories dedicated to children came out from under the hand of Kenji Miyazawa. However, he had to leave the inspiring Tokyo and return to his native land, because his parents informed the writer that his sister was very sick.

Abrupt change in activities

The writer's sister could not be cured. Her death greatly shook the poet's peace of mind. After the funeral, Miyazawa dedicates three poems to his sister, in which he says goodbye to her.

miyazawa kenji date of birth
miyazawa kenji date of birth

At the end of 1921, the poet gets a job at a school, from which he had quit not so long ago, as a teacher. The students perceived the writer as an eccentric, because Miyazawa demanded that the training be built on the personal experience of everyone, that practical and factual knowledge be the most important element in training. Lessons with his little students Kenji often spent in nature, but, in addition, he took the kids with him on hikes in the mountains, to the rivers, through the fields.

Return to writing

Miyazawa decided to return to writing and in 1922 he left for South Sakhalin. The writer believed that it was there that he would be able to create an extraordinary work about death. And he was not mistaken - it was on Sakhalin that Kenji managed to do a great job on the allegory novel, which was called "Night on the Galactic Railway".

Material and financial difficulties

The financial situation of the writer was very difficult. Not having a stable income, Kenji still managed to save some money for his creativity. It was with these savings that in 1924 Miyazawa published his first collection of short stories intended for a children's audience, A Restaurant with a Large Choice of Dishes. The writer spent the remaining money on the publication of a collection of his poems, but there was not enough money to print a complete collection, so only a small part was published.

miyazawa kenji photo
miyazawa kenji photo

It did not bring any financial resources. However, members of literary circles liked Kenji Miyazawa's work very much, and it was they who soon handed over the collections to a world where literature was more important than anything else.

Kenji's death

Hard physical work exhausted the writer. In addition, for many years Miyazawa suffered from tuberculosis, and then the writer was found to have pleurisy, which he tried to cure. The poet managed to escape from pleurisy for a short time, but after a while the disease returned and chained Kenji to bed until the very end. Kenji Miyazawa died on September 21, 1933.
