Actor Andreev Boris Fedorovich: biography, family, films

Actor Andreev Boris Fedorovich: biography, family, films
Actor Andreev Boris Fedorovich: biography, family, films

Actor Boris Andreev is one of the brightest figures in Soviet cinema. The audience remembers this talented person from such films as "Tractor Drivers", "Ilya Muromets", "Big Family". Having lived in the world for 67 years, he managed to play over 60 roles in film projects and serials. What is known about his biography, creative victories, personal life?

Actor Andreev Boris: childhood

The man who was to become one of Stalin's favorite actors was born in Saratov, this event took place in February 1915. Actor Andreev Boris does not come from the famous cinematic dynasty. The parents of the star of the Soviet cinema were simple workers, so he had to achieve everything in his life, relying only on his talent.

actor andreev boris
actor andreev boris

The boy spent the first years of his life with his family in Saratov, then his parents moved to Atkarsk, where the child went to school. As a schoolboy, he did not stand out from the crowd of his peers, he studied averagely, but he was not a bully and a truant.

Moving to Saratov

Manycelebrities who have achieved success, almost from birth, knew who they would become in adulthood. Actor Boris Andreev is not one of these lucky ones; he did not immediately realize his destiny. Having received a certificate, the young man went to Saratov, promising his parents to become a student at an agricultural college, but fate decreed otherwise.

boris andreev aphorisms
boris andreev aphorisms

In those days, the construction of the Volga combine plant was underway in Saratov, the scale of which was impressed by Andreev. After talking with local builders, Boris changed his mind about submitting documents to the agricultural technical school. The guy graduated from courses that allowed him to quickly acquire the speci alty of an electrical fitter, then got a job at a factory.

Choosing a Life Path

Actor Andreev Boris could theoretically remain a simple worker forever, but he was lucky. Shortly before the appearance of the young man in Saratov, the plant, of which he became an employee, acquired its own drama club. The talented director Ivan Slonov acted as a teacher. Having accidentally got to the rehearsal, the young man became interested in the work of the drama circle and, without much effort, convinced Slonov to accept him as a participant.

boris andreev movies
boris andreev movies

Slonov is the first person to understand how talented Boris Fedorovich Andreev is. It was this director who convinced his student to become a student at the Saratov Theater College. The young man could not afford to quit his job at the factory because of the need for money, so he was forced to combine his studies withthe duties of an electrical fitter.

The first months of student life almost turned into a nervous breakdown for Andreev, it turned out to be incredibly difficult to combine work and study. Fortunately, the management of the enterprise where Boris worked met the talented young man halfway, forbidding him to put him on night shifts. As a result, the future famous actor successfully graduated from college.

Fateful meeting

Not only a talented, but also a lucky man was Boris Andreev. The artist's biography says that the role in the film "Tractor Drivers", which gave him his first fans, including Stalin, was received by the young man by accident. After graduating from a technical school, he joined the troupe of the Saratov Drama Theater, but did not have time to prove himself on its stage. The reason for this was an invitation received from random acquaintances to come to the samples of the painting "Tractor Drivers".

two fighters
two fighters

Ivan Pyryev, the director of "Tractor Drivers", initially did not like Boris. Imagining the master, who had already made a name for himself in the cinema, the young man saw an imposing, fashionably dressed man. Pyryev, on the other hand, turned out to be a fussy, nervous middle-aged man, dressed extremely casually. The first impression was not correct, Andreev's collaboration with the director turned out to be very fruitful.

People who invited the novice actor to audition were convinced that he could play the hero-lover of Klim Yarko. However, Pyryev said that Boris Fedorovich Andreev should embody the image of Nazar Duma, since "he was born to play this character."

Movie debut

"Tractor Drivers" - the film, thanks to which the aspiring actor first appeared on the set. No wonder that for a long time he could not stop being embarrassed. The role he had to play turned out to be difficult, characteristic, Nazar Duma is one of the central characters of the tape.

Boris Fedorovich Andreev
Boris Fedorovich Andreev

Of course, more experienced colleagues at first tried to ridicule the newcomer. However, the owner of a heroic physique and violent temper knew how to stand up for himself, so the ridicule quickly stopped. Already in the middle of the filming process, Andreev began to feel more relaxed on the set. He perfectly succeeded in the image of Nazar Duma, his character was not lost among other main characters, despite the fact that they were played by recognized stars of Soviet cinema.

The picture "Tractor Drivers" was liked by the audience, the status of rising stars was acquired by many artists who starred in it, including Boris Andreev. Films in which he was invited after the release of "Tractor Drivers": "Shchors", "Fighters", "Valery Chkalov". The number of fans of the talented actor slowly but surely increased.

War years

"Two Soldiers" - a film in which Andreev could shine in 1943. This picture managed not to get lost in a huge number of tapes, shot specifically in order to maintain the morale of the soldiers. The main characters were close friends - Arkady (the image was embodied by Mark Bernes) and Alexander. Boris presented his "Sasha from Uralmash" as a kind, optimistic, ablecheer others up.

boris andreev children
boris andreev children

“Two Soldiers” is far from the only picture in which Andreev took part in the harsh war years. You can recall other fascinating tapes with his participation: “I am a Chernomorets”, “Malakhov Kurgan”. Basically, the directors entrusted him with the roles of heroic Soviet soldiers, bravely defending their homeland, ready to sacrifice their lives in order to achieve a lofty goal. Needless to say, the actor was great at such roles.

Big Family

"Big Family" - a film by Heifitz, presented to the audience in 1954, in which Andreev also starred. The character of the actor is the head of the middle generation of the Zhurbin family, a person who is characterized by such qualities as simplicity and directness, hatred for window dressing.

The picture turned out to be “revolutionary” for that time, since simple human feelings, love for family and children, and not the production process, as was customary in those years, were brought to the fore. It is not surprising that the film made an indelible impression on thousands of viewers, and the actor Andreev Boris, who played Ivan Zhurbin, became a real star.

Russian hero

The film "Ilya Muromets", released in 1956, was another creative success for the actor. The picture was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the largest works of Soviet cinema. It is known that 11 thousand horses were used during the filming. Also, special effects and tricks that were never seen before by Soviet viewers were used.

andreevBoris Jr
andreevBoris Jr

Of course, Boris Fyodorovich Andreev played the famous Russian hero who throws the plow, takes up the sword and goes to defeat evil. In the midst of filming, a funny incident took place. A policeman with a heroic complexion happened to be on the site. The man began to speak caustically about Andreev's strength, assuring that he would have played Ilya Muromets much more convincingly. The hot-tempered actor lifted his offender into the air and threw him into the sea (the work was carried out on the beach). After reading an article in the local newspaper the next day about a crazy artist attacking law enforcement officers, Boris vowed never to visit Y alta again. Curiously, he kept his word to himself.

Life partner

The man who played Ilya Muromets very convincingly loved to challenge others and himself throughout his life. It's hard to believe, but the actor even got married "on a bet". Once, while riding in a trolleybus in the company of his best friend, he announced that he would marry the first girl who entered the cab. The “lucky” was the black-browed beauty Galina, who entered the trolleybus at the next stop. Having kept his promise, the actor met her, persuaded her to let her go home.

After several dates, Boris Andreev proposed to his beloved. The girl's family for some time was categorically against it, especially the father, who knew about the scandalous reputation of the groom, objected. However, the actor managed to convince the girl's parents, in the end they allowed the young people to get married. Galina remained a faithful companion"Ilya Muromets" throughout his life.

Of course, fans are not only interested in the woman with whom Boris Andreev spent his whole life, the children of the star also arouse curiosity. It is known that only one child was born in the family of the actor - a son. His wife Galina did not work throughout her life, preferring to take care of the house, take care of her husband and child, and then help her son and daughter-in-law with their grandchildren.

Age roles

Already in the early 60s, the actor was offered mainly age roles, to which he reacted calmly. Among the most striking images he created during this period, it should be noted Baukin, whom Boris played in the film "Cruelty". Also, the film "The Way to the Pier" made an indelible impression on the audience, in which he embodied the image of the gloomy boatswain Wolverine.

The film "Optimistic Tragedy" was a huge success largely due to Andreev's talented acting. In this tape, the actor embodied the image of the commander of the naval detachment, whom his comrades called "Leader". The plot of the drama was borrowed from the work of the same name by Vishnevsky. Boris's contribution was awarded the State Prize.


The actor died in April 1982, the cause of death was a heart attack. The actor was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery, thousands of people came to say goodbye to such a talented person as Andreev. Boris Jr. (the son of a star) said that his father did not manage to fulfill all his dreams during his lifetime. For example, he never played King Lear, although he dreamed of this role for many years.

It is also known that the famous actorforesaw his death. In his last days, he complained to his son of extreme fatigue, assumed his near end. Boris Jr. did not take his words seriously then, but his father was right. In recent years, Boris Andreev has practically not been filmed, films with his participation were rarely released, the roles were mostly episodic.

Best friend

It is known that Peter Aleinikov remained the best friend of the actor throughout his life. Andreev first met this famous actor on the set of his debut film Tractor Drivers. Noting the similarity of characters, young people have since maintained friendship, often spent time together. Often they allowed themselves to get drunk and make fights that were fun to remember later.

It is curious that it was Aleinikov who turned out to be the person with whom Boris argued that he would marry the first young lady who entered the trolleybus. However, the wife of the actor did not like his friend, because he "had a bad influence on him." Andreev's love for his friend was so great that he even "ceded" his grave to him. Peter dreamed of being buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery, but it was extremely difficult to get a place. When a comrade died, Andreev made sure that he was given a place that was intended for him as an honored artist. He allowed himself to be buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery, which was done.


The man who played "Ilya Muromets" was extremely sharp-tongued, many of his statements have been preserved in history. "Do not think that you are the best or the worst" - famous phrase, authorwhich is Boris Andreev. The actor came up with aphorisms easily, without any effort.

Of course, the above is not the only quote from a Soviet movie star worthy of attention. “Man is an overcoming creature” is another well-known phrase that Boris Andreev liked to say in various situations, whose aphorisms were carefully recorded by contemporaries.

The actor liked to repeat that a person who aspires to nothing can no longer be called alive. He also said that excellent leaders come from people who can do absolutely nothing. Finally, the actor Boris Andreev liked to repeat that only the person who needs a lot of people can consider himself independent.
