Stans are What are stanzas in literature? Stanzas of Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin and other poets

Stans are What are stanzas in literature? Stanzas of Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin and other poets
Stans are What are stanzas in literature? Stanzas of Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin and other poets

Stanzas are a genre of medieval poetry that remained popular in the poetry of later eras. Various writers created stanzas, and Russian poets often turned to this poetic form.

How stanzas appeared

Italy is considered the birthplace of stanzas. The very word "stanzas" is translated from Italian as "room", or "stop". A stanza in Italian Renaissance architecture is a room in which papers were signed or important meetings were held, such as the Stanza della Senyatura. The famous Raphael Santi took part in the creation and decoration of this room.

stanzas are
stanzas are

In literature, stanzas are stanzas, each of which has its own special meaning, that is, each new stanza does not continue the previous one, but is a complete whole. One stanza expresses any one idea, but in the whole poem the stanzas are organically connected with each other and together create an artistic whole.

Stans in medieval literature

So, Italy was the birthplace of stanzas, and there they were most often used to glorify members of the nobility. Stanzas were first written by Angelo Poliziano,an Italian poet who lived in the 15th century, and they were dedicated to Giuliano de' Medici. In Italian literature, a stanza is a poem consisting of eight rhyming stanzas.

stanza poem
stanza poem

Byron's Stanzas

George Gordon Byron is a great British poet who was a contemporary of Pushkin. Byron's poetry was dedicated to the pride of the human spirit, the beauty of love. Byron took part in the uprising of the Carbonari and the Greeks, and wrote his Stanzas in 1820.

There are also Byron's stanzas dedicated to Greece and the beautiful corners of Greek nature. The main theme of his stanzas is love for a beautiful Greek woman and the struggle of Greece for freedom and independence. Byron's poetry had a great influence on Pushkin's work.

what are stanzas in literature
what are stanzas in literature

Stans in Russian poetry

Stans are a genre that began to develop actively in Russian poetry in the eighteenth century. In Russian literature, this is a small poem, which consists of quatrains, and most often its size is iambic tetrameter. Stanzas in Russian literature are most often dedicated to the love of a lyrical hero for a young girl, but sometimes they were associated with socio-cultural breakthroughs in the life of the country, such as Pushkin's stanzas.

Pushkin's Stanzas

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote his famous Stanzas in the autumn of 1827. In this work, which has been discussed many times, the image of Peter the Great, the famous Russian emperor, appears.

Pushkin stanzas
Pushkin stanzas

The appearance of this poemassociated with the beginning of the reign of Nicholas I. Pushkin, whose Stanzas became a glorification of imperial power, hoped that this monarch would change the life of the common people for the better. For his part, Nicholas the First hoped that Pushkin would help him calm the mood of the youth. He invited Pushkin to help change the system of upbringing and education.

"Stans" compare two monarchs: Peter the Great and his great-grandson Nicholas the First. The ideal for Pushkin is Peter the Great. This king was a real worker who did not shy away from any occupation. He was a navigator, an academician, and a carpenter. The days in which Peter the Great ruled, according to Pushkin, made Russia a great power. Although this tsar darkened the beginning of his existence with the executions of the objectionable, but later, with his help, Russia was able to become great. Peter the Great constantly studied and forced others to study, he worked hard for the glory of his country.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, whose Stanzas have become a famous work in Russian literature, calls on Emperor Nicholas I to repeat the feat of Peter the Great and raise Russia to a new level of development.

Besides "Stans", at about the same time, the poet also wrote poems "To Friends" and "Prophet". It was assumed that all these three poems form a single cycle and will be published in 1828 in the journal Moskovsky Vestnik. But Pushkin's hopes were not justified: the emperor banned the publication of his poems, about which Pushkin was informed by the head of the Russian police, Benkendorf.

Stans Lermontov

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontovis one of the most prominent creators in Russian poetry. What are stanzas, Lermontov learned after getting acquainted with English poetry, in particular, with the work of Byron.

lermontov stanzas
lermontov stanzas

Lermontov's stanzas appear as small poems in which genre features are not defined. In 1830-1831, Lermontov wrote six poems, which can be defined as stanzas in form. Their main theme is romantic love, in the poems a young man addresses his beloved. Lermontov, whose stanzas arose under the influence of John Byron's Stanzas to Augusta, influenced the literary tradition of writing similar works after him.

Lermontov's poems are filled with the sadness of the protagonist, who sees the vanity and misery of his earthly life, dreams of another life. The poet writes about his loneliness in this world, compares himself to a cliff that can withstand the onslaught of wind and storms, but cannot protect the flowers growing on the rock from them. Mikhail Lermontov, whose stanzas fully express the poet's worldview, has become a model for many other creators of Russian literature.

Annensky Stanzas

Innokenty Fedorovich Annensky is considered "the swan of Russian literature". Having discovered his poetic talent at the age of 48, Innokenty Annensky became an outstanding literary creator. His poem "The Stanzas of the Night" became a notable phenomenon in contemporary literature. Its content is the expectation of meeting with the beloved, who should come in the darkness of the night. Many researchers believe that itpoetry has common features with the poetry of the Impressionists, in particular, with the paintings of Claude Monet.

Yesenin's Stanzas

Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin became the representative of the new Russian literature, which took the side of the Soviet government. He fully supported the October Revolution, and all his works are aimed at supporting the then emerging Soviet system, at supporting the actions of the Communist Party. But at the same time, they also have their own characteristics.

stanza yesenin
stanza yesenin

While in Baku, in Azerbaijan, the poet began to write "Stans". Yesenin himself mentions this in a poem: he preferred to leave Moscow because of misunderstandings with the police. But, recognizing his shortcomings (“let me be drunk sometimes”), Yesenin also writes that his mission is not to sing the girls, the stars and the moon, but the name of Lenin and Marx. He denies the influence of heavenly forces on human society. People must build everything on earth themselves, the poet believes, and for this you need to apply all the industrial power.

Yesenin did not accidentally give his work the name "Stans", this poem clearly echoes Pushkin's "Stans". Yesenin was a fan of Pushkin's work, laid flowers at his monument. But Yesenin believed that stanzas were not a form of love lyrics, but a way to express one's civic position.

Yesenin's Stanzas did not evoke the approval of party leaders who wanted to see in Yesenin a completely party poet dedicated to the ideals of the revolution. But this poem marks the poet's turn from "Moscow tavern" to the new Sovietreality. Many critics thought so. The workers of the Krasnaya Nov magazine enthusiastically reacted to this work, who considered that Yesenin was finally becoming truly his own, Soviet poet. The correct direction of the poet's work was considered a consequence of the beneficial influence of the climate of the city of Baku, where he then lived, and friendship with Petr Ivanovich Chagin.

Stans Brodsky

Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky was an outstanding Russian poet who was equally fluent in Russian and English. He won the Nobel Prize at a relatively young age of 47.

A native of St. Petersburg, he lived first in Russia, then in the United States of America. In all his poems, Petersburg flashes, especially often this city is mentioned in the famous work “Stances to the City”.

Multiple studies of the book "New Stanzas for August" show that this work often uses such lexical units as the names Marie and Telemachus, as well as the words "madame", "dear", "friend". The main addressee of the "New Stanzas to Augusta" is a beloved who is waiting for her friend. All the gentle appeals of the poet are addressed to her. According to Brodsky's poems, one can judge what stanzas are in literature. Brodsky's central character is a lyrical hero; the motif of exile is also important for his poetry.

The collection "New Stanzas for August" was dedicated to Maria Basmanova. It contains not only images of lyrical heroes, but also objects. They have a symbolic meaning. The lyrical hero gives his girlfriend a ring withturquoise. Turquoise is a stone made from human bones. The hero asks his beloved to wear this stone on her ring finger.

In the poem "A Slice of the Honeymoon" the author explores the marine vocabulary. His lover's name is Marina, so he pays special attention to the marine theme.

new stanzas by august
new stanzas by august

The poem "Night Flight" is dedicated to traveling in the belly of an airplane, and the poet admits that he always wanted to go to Central Asia. Traveling by plane has a double meaning for him - it is both a flight to another life and a journey to the resurrection. The poet strives for another reality, where there will be no misfortunes and torments.
