List of BBC films. Best documentaries and feature films

List of BBC films. Best documentaries and feature films
List of BBC films. Best documentaries and feature films

Just a few years ago, in order to obtain this or that information, it was necessary to spend long evenings in the library, burrowing headlong into the “book pyramids”. Today, it is much easier to get information of one direction or another with the help of television and the Internet. Specialized literature was replaced by BBC documentaries and feature films. Moreover, the list of BBC films is so huge that it contains the brightest episodes about the origin of the world on earth, revealing the secrets of other civilizations, there are historical, archaeological and geographical studies. We offer you a universal selection of these films.

BBC movie list
BBC movie list

BBC Wildlife Movies

Reviewing the films of the BBC television company, you can find a lot of beautiful and entertaining stories about wildlife. For example, special attention should be paid to the six-episode film "Secrets of the Pacific", created with the active support of the Discovery Channel. That is what we decided to be the first to include in our list of BBC films of all genres.

First episode- "Ocean of Islands"

The first episode of this documentary, titled "Ocean of Islands", is about isolated islands and the animals that end up on them. Here you will have an unforgettable encounter with the picturesque and mysterious depths of the sea, where you can see underwater inhabitants in detail, learn the secrets of cyclones and storms, learn the rituals of local tribes, go fishing and even see surfing from under the water.

movies vvs list documentaries
movies vvs list documentaries

Second series

Also on our list of BBC nature films, The Settlers, the second series details all the unusual places and islands in the Pacific Ocean. For example, here you can see one of the largest tropical islands in the world - New Guinea - on which there are 300 species of mammals, reptiles, insects and birds. The film has a lot of information about other most remote and little-known islands in the ocean, there are vivid shots of rare insects, plants and animals.

Episodes 3 to 6

The third episode is titled "Boundless Blue" and tells about huge monster sharks, tiny crustaceans, and merciless predators and their prey living in the vast expanses of the ocean.

The fourth series ("Ocean of Volcanoes") tells about the amazing volcanic origin of the Pacific Islands. The fifth part ("Strange Islands") tells about the unusual abilities of animals forced to adapt in the modern world. And finally, in the sixth part of the series, included inlist of BBC films of all genres, talking about endangered species of animals, plants, birds and fish.

The best BBC bird documentaries

Among the BBC's documentaries, you can find both short films that look more like amateur videos, and real multi-part serials, in which actors are real living beings. For example, the series "The Life of Birds", released in 1998, can be attributed to such multi-part films. It features famous explorer, traveller, journalist and presenter David Attenborough. It is he who travels a lot around the world, studying the origin and natural conditions of life of these wonderful winged abodes of our planet.

In particular, these BBC films tell details about the first representatives of the bird species, their habitats, behavior and ways of survival. The list of "Nature Documentaries" can also be safely supplemented with the unique mini-series "Life in the Freezer".

This multi-part film also features David Attenborough, who talks about birds and other inhabitants of the most mysterious continent on the planet - Antarctica. While watching this movie, you will get acquainted with seabirds that feed on fish, as well as see several types of penguins - non-flying, but very entertaining representatives of the bird family.

list of air force films of all genres
list of air force films of all genres

BBC Animal Documentaries (list)

Interesting BBC documentaries are movies about animals. For example, in 2013 the company released one ofthe most popular film versions in the format called "Norway: Wildlife". In this film you will have an unforgettable meeting with the amazing and unique nature of Norway. Here you will see majestic giant waterfalls, and unusually transparent fjords surrounded by rocks and water, visit forests inhabited by large elk, deer, squirrels, bears, foxes, wolves, roe deer and lynxes.

Furthermore, the BBC's list of animal films should also include a four-episode film featuring host Chris Packham, titled "Wonder of the Animal Kingdom." The series was released in 2014 and has already managed to appeal to millions of viewers around the world. And this is not surprising, because this mini-series raises the main questions related to the appearance of the first animals, their evolution and features to adapt in the modern world. In particular, the film answers the most important questions from the series “Why do only the fittest survive in nature?”

movies vvs melodrama list
movies vvs melodrama list

The following films can also be added to the list of animal documentaries:

  • “Planet Earth. From pole to pole";
  • "Planet Earth: Deserts";
  • Crocodile;
  • “Planet Earth. Mountains";
  • "Dinosaur Planet" and others.

BBC movies about the unusual abilities of animals

Continuing to select the best BBC films, the list can be supplemented with films about the unusual abilities of animals. As it turns out, humans are not the only ones with a penchant for developing out-of-the-box capabilities.

In a movie called Invisible ForcesNature: The Supernatural Abilities of Animals tells about the most famous psychic animals. For example, you will learn about exactly how telepathic communication occurs between elephants located at a distance of 50 km; why lizards can run on the water surface; how sharks recognize the electric field of objects; how dolphins get information about the world around them.

In addition, the educational film "Caesar's Greatest Battle" can be safely added to the list of BBC films that tell about famous historical figures and events. The action of the film takes the viewer to the distant year 52 BC. e. It was at this time that the most significant battle for all of Europe was to take place, in which Julius Caesar participated. According to the writers, the idea of a small mini-series was to describe the character and personal qualities of the emperor. In addition, the film itself was based on real historical events.

list of movies about animals
list of movies about animals

Interesting scientific and educational films about insects

In addition to films about animals, the BBC has a lot of mini-series related to the world of insects hidden from humans. For example, it is to these that the film "Ant Empire" can be attributed. It is about a miniature city ruled by an ant queen. No less bewitching are other versions of the film company, for example, “Microsafari. Journey to the World of Insects”, “Microcosmos: Inhabitants of Grass” and others.

What BBC movies are about people?

The existing list of BBC films about a man should be enteredserial series, consisting of several seasons, "The Human Body". This documentary film tells about the unusually fascinating world inside the human body. For example, it clearly demonstrates the gradual development of a single individual, from the moment of his birth to old age and death.

The main feature of the series is the ability to observe the human body at different stages of its development from the inside.

In this list of BBC films about people, you can add an entertaining film “Drema. When the brain is immersed in itself. This film belongs to a series of popular science films and tells about the possibilities of the human brain during sleep and wakefulness.

The film “The Day of My Death. Clinical death research. This film reveals information about what happens to the human body during the onset of clinical death. You can learn a lot of interesting things about human feelings (about sight, smell, touch) from the film "Human Feelings". You can get information about how to survive in extreme conditions from the film "Planet of People". Which BBC historical films are worth watching? We will offer you a list of the most interesting mini-series and films below. Now we offer a list of the most interesting films about a person:

  1. "The Mind of Man".
  2. "Survive a car crash".
  3. "The genetic code".
  4. "Why thin people don't get fat" and others.

How interesting historical films fromAir Force?

In addition to the most entertaining films about nature, the BBC has been working on the creation of historical films for a long time. For example, among these documentary series you can find a sensational historical film called Vespasian: The Man Who Saved Rome.

The film premiered in 2011. It tells about the famous ancient Roman emperor, who in reality was not a particularly strong commander, but had a reputation as a good statesman and diplomat. It was he who managed to eliminate civil strife, develop trade and significantly increase the financial condition of the entire Roman Empire.

While watching the historical films of the BBC, the list of the best films can be supplemented by the movie "The Lost Civilization of Peru". It deals with modern studies of one of the oldest civilizations on the planet - the Moche tribe, who inhabited the South American continent long before the appearance of Columbus. According to many historical finds, representatives of this tribe left behind over 60 various religious buildings, including the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon.

Secrets of Ancient Egypt can be revealed together with the film “Ancient Egypt. The Great Discovery” from the “Secrets and Mysteries” series. This film tells about the famous builder and circus performer Giovanni Belzioni, who found the secret burial place of the tomb of Ramses the Great.

Dive into the past and visit the famous ancient Roman city of Pompeii, buried under a thick layer of ash, with the film "Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum" or the film "The Last Day of Pompeii". Alsoit is worth watching the documentary multi-part mini-series “The Great Raids of World War II” and “Rome. Secrets hidden underground. We also recommend that you watch the following films from the list:

  1. "Secrets of the Knights Templar".
  2. Noah's Ark is a true story.
  3. "Gladiators of World War II".
  4. "Kings and Queens" and others.
best movies vvs list
best movies vvs list

What feature films does the BBC recommend?

In addition to documentaries, you have a unique opportunity to watch the brightest and most memorable feature films of the BBC. We offer a list of these films for your attention. For example, in this list, we have included a beautiful and touching drama from 2009 called Bright Star. This is a sad story from the life of the famous English poet John Keats, who died suddenly at the age of 25. It tells of an open romantic relationship between a young John and his love Fanny Brown.

Worthy of attention is the 2009 drama "Emma", created on the basis of the famous novel of the same name by Jane Austen. It tells the story of a beautiful, intelligent and powerful lady who, out of boredom, decides to try on the role of a matchmaker and find a suitable match for her less successful friends. However, as it turned out, not everything is clear in her personal life either…

BBC melodramas

Love the tearful and touching BBC feature films? A list (melodrama) of just such films is recommended for you to watch. For example, we included in it a wonderful melodrama "Persuasion" of 2007,which is the original film adaptation of Jane Austen's novel. In it you will meet a beautiful lady who has experienced all the hardships of fate and knows all the subtleties of the relationship between a man and a woman.

feature films vvs list
feature films vvs list

Fans of historical romances will love the 2006 film adaptation of Jane Eyre, based on Charlotte Brontë's novel. It will also be interesting to watch the following melodramas:

  1. "Under the green tree".
  2. Pride and Prejudice.
  3. North and South.
  4. "Feeling and sensitivity."
  5. "Another Boleyn Girl" and others.

In most of these dramas and melodramas, you can enjoy the wonderful performance of the actors, the realism of the scenery and the beauty of the clothes and accessories.

In a word, looking through the list of the BBC offered by us, choose to watch exactly those films and series that appeal to you the most at the moment. And if you want, make your list of the best films from the BBC and share it with us.
