Who wrote "Prostokvashino"? Author's name

Who wrote "Prostokvashino"? Author's name
Who wrote "Prostokvashino"? Author's name

Each of us in our childhood watched the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino" or "Three from Prostokvashino". But do you know who is the author of these animated films? These two cartoons are based on the novel by Eduard Uspensky. They complement each other.

Who wrote "Prostokvashino"? About the author

Famous cartoons from the series "Prostokvashino" were watched by more than one generation of children. But to the question "Who wrote three from Prostokvashino" still few people know the answer. Uspensky E. N. - Soviet, and later Russian screenwriter, writer, author of many children's books. He was born in 1937 in the Moscow region in the city of Yegorievsk. This author has made the lives of many children more interesting, and their free time exciting. Thanks to Eduard Nikolaevich, we know such characters as Gena the crocodile, Cheburashka, Matroskin the cat, Pechkin the postman, Sharik the dog, Uncle Fyodor, etc. Now you know who wrote Prostokvashino.

Uspensky's parents are ordinary people, no one wouldI thought that they would have such a famous and successful son. Edward's father is Uspensky Nikolai Mikhailovich, a member of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union. And his mother, Uspenskaya Natasha, worked all her life as a mechanical engineer. The professional life of a popular author began a little differently. After graduating from the aviation institute in Moscow, he became an engineer, but the main source of income for a living was the cartoon scripts he wrote. A little later, he did not stop at writing books for children, but began to write poetry and theatrical sketches about Cheburashka, Gena the crocodile and Uncle Fyodor. It was Uspensky who wrote "Prostokvashino".

Creativity of Eduard Uspensky

In 1974 his first book about the boy Fyodor was published. Its name is: "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat." So, who wrote "Prostokvashino"? That's right, Eduard Uspensky. As we already know, Uncle Fyodor is not an uncle at all. The main character of the book is a six-year-old boy, smart and independent beyond his age, which is why, in fact, he was nicknamed Uncle Fedor. Once he met the cat Matroskin. But due to his parents' prohibition, he has to leave home with his new talking pet. What happened next, we can all learn from the author's books or cartoons.

who wrote prostokvashino
who wrote prostokvashino

Eduard has so many children's books that it would be completely unfair to leave him without the Korney Chukovsky Prize, which, in fact, he received in 2010 in the nomination for achievements in children's literature. He became famous as a book writerfor children: "Crocodile Gena and his friends", "Bakhram's legacy", "Gingerbread man is on the trail", "Colorful family" and others.

In addition, we can know Eduard Uspensky as the organizer of the following programs: "Good night, kids!", "ABVGDeika", "Baby Monitor".

Three from Prostokvashino

"Three from Prostokvashino" is a cartoon, the first of three series of children's film about Prostokvashino. The cartoon tells about a city boy of 6 years old, who is endowed with a high mind and excessive independence. Also, the main characters of the cartoon are the homeless cat Matroskin, the dog Sharik, the postman Pechkin, as well as the relatives of Uncle Fyodor. Uncle Fyodor met Matroskin in his stairwell. And he met the dog Sharik in the village of Prostokvashino. Due to the prohibition of Fedya's parents to leave the talking cat in the apartment, he, along with a homeless cat, and later the dog Sharik, is forced to live in the village of Prostokvashino, staying in a free house.

the author of prostokvashino who wrote
the author of prostokvashino who wrote

Together with a cat and a dog, they find a treasure for which they were able to purchase a tractor. Mom and dad of Uncle Fyodor leave a note for the newspaper about the disappearance of their son. The village postman Pechkin finds this note and comes to his friends in the hope that they will pay him a reward for the news about the boy. The reward is a bike.

Vacations in Prostokvashino

Of course, everyone can answer the question "Who wrote the holidays in Prostokvashino". This is the secondcartoon from this series. It begins with Mom's demand to go on vacation to the resort, as she is tired. Her father and uncle Fyodor are trying to convince her to go to Prostokvashino, but her mother still stands her ground.

who wrote holidays in prostokvashino
who wrote holidays in prostokvashino

Already at the station, Uncle Fyodor comes up with a plan on how to spend his vacation in Prostokvashino with his friends: the cat Matroskin and the dog Sharik. Here he gets on the train to Prostokvashino, and mom and dad, hoping for the best, still go according to plan to a resort in Sochi. Upon arrival in Prostokvashino, the boy notices Sharik's passion for photography. And Matroskin is happy with his cow Murka, as well as the birth of her calf Gavryusha.

Winter in Prostokvashino

Matroskin and Sharik imperceptibly matured and began to show each other their character. They sit in different corners of their hut and talk to each other only through telegrams. And the local postman Pechkin helps them in this. The reason for the quarrel was Sharik's purchase of new sneakers instead of boots, despite the fact that it is winter now.

who wrote three from prostokvashino
who wrote three from prostokvashino

It is not known how much longer this would have lasted if Uncle Fyodor and his father had not decided to come to Prostokvashino in order to celebrate the New Year here. All resentment and anger quietly disappear thanks to the festive atmosphere.
