K.G.Paustovsky "Dense Bear". Summary of the tale

K.G.Paustovsky "Dense Bear". Summary of the tale
K.G.Paustovsky "Dense Bear". Summary of the tale

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky is a famous Soviet writer of the twentieth century, whose books have been translated into many languages of the world. His works are included in the school curriculum in literature. A contemporary of such great masters of the pen as Bulgakov, Kataev, whom he personally knew.

Paustovsky primeval bear summary
Paustovsky primeval bear summary

The writer was very fond of traveling. He had to visit the Kola Peninsula, live in Ukraine, stay on the Volga, Kama, Don, Drepre, in Central Asia, in the Crimea. And this is an incomplete list of places visited - a summary. "Dense Bear" Paustovsky wrote in one of these campaigns.

During the war he worked as a war correspondent. He knew life in all its manifestations firsthand. In his stories for children, he paid great attention to nature,tried to awaken in the emerging personalities a good attitude towards her, the desire to live in harmony with flora and fauna, with people and with oneself.

Summary of Paustovsky's story "Dense Bear"

The main character of the work is Petya-small. "Small" because he lives with his grandmother, whose son (his father, also Petya) died in the war. The boy lives in the village and is engaged in grazing calves. So it turns out that Petya spends time in nature from morning to evening. Every day he gets to know this world closer, gets acquainted with its inhabitants, feels how he breathes. Even trees talk to a child, not to mention animals, birds, insects.

k g paustovsky dense bear summary
k g paustovsky dense bear summary

Special attention, perhaps, should be given to the grandmother of Petit-little Anissya. These women who have seen life often play an inconspicuous, but huge (if not the most important) role in our destinies. And she did happen to raise her grandson alone, who was left an orphan since childhood. And in their dialogue one can hear her genuine affection and care, bitterness and love. Anisya tries to protect him from early growing up: "You keep burying yourself in the corners and thinking. But it's too early for you to think. You will have time to think over your life."

In general, the boy grows up under the care of a grandmother on the one hand, and under the care of nature on the other.

Nature in the story of K. G. Paustovsky "Dense Bear"

And in the summary of the works of this author there should be a place for how skillfully and subtly he describes nature, what amazinghe selects metaphors so that the reader is deeply imbued with the beauty and harmony of the wonderful world. Petya fell in love with this world, and the animals and birds "fell in love with him because he did not mischief." He became family to them. Even the sound of a boy's horn in the morning was already necessary for animals and trees, because without it something was missing, something went wrong. The foliage rustled, welcoming the child, the birds sang, meeting him, and the bumblebees and beavers flew around and around. Even the bell greeted Petya, shaking his head.

And only one character could harm Paustovsky's little hero - the Dense Bear.

a summary of the story of Paustovsky the dense bear
a summary of the story of Paustovsky the dense bear

Summary of the final part of the story

So little Petya merged with nature together that when a hungry bear decided in autumn to profit from the calves that the boy grazed on the opposite bank every day, then animals, birds, and plants stood up to protect him. The poor clubfoot could only retreat, but with great difficulty and without a tail.

After such an unfortunate dinner, the Dense Bear vowed that he would never go to the other side again, cleaned up his lair and began to prepare for hibernation.

Now you have read Paustovsky's book "Dense Bear" (summary).
