Homer Simpson: character description, characteristics, photo

Homer Simpson: character description, characteristics, photo
Homer Simpson: character description, characteristics, photo

Homer Simpson is a widely recognizable character who has secured a very specific and charismatic image that captivates with its simplicity. Oddly enough, the protagonist, who was originally just a sketch of the author in anticipation of a meeting, turned into a hallmark of the future The Simpsons series and quickly acquired static characteristics that effectively set him apart from most of the characters from competing projects.

Despite the concentration of negative qualities in Homer Sipson, he remains loved and respected. The creator laid in his image a kind of message, easily recognizable and understood not only in the West, but also in the East. The article will talk about how the hero developed, show a photo of Homer Simpson and how he was originally.

Excerpts from the history of creation

homer simpson in reality
homer simpson in reality

Matt Groening admitted that he created Homer in anticipation of a meeting with James L. Brooks, eager to show him his sketches. The sketches were to his liking, after which the whole Simpsons family appeared on the Tracey Ullman show in the evening in a sketch called Good Night. In 1989 the projectreceived funding and card blanche from the FOX channel, on December 19, the series became original. Matt Groening did not think about what the hero would be like in the end. Homer Simpson was supposed to be another comedy role, but turned into a beloved protagonist by the public. Gradually, in order not to injure the fans, his image changed from superficial to deeper, thoughtful. So, for example, an actor named Dan Castellaneta, who voices Homer Simpson, gave the protagonist a very frivolous baritone voice in the first seasons, but later made it more emotional and lively.

Character development

homer simpson photo
homer simpson photo

In each episode, Homer Simpson ends the story with a Margin dart. Few people remember, but before it was not so. Until 2001-2002, the hero went into the sunset with his wife on bicycles. Such a change was not allowed by chance, since initially Homer Simpson was supposed to be just frivolous and rustic, but not a "pig". According to the creator of the hero, in seasons 3-4, the protagonist turned into a "rude, narcissistic donkey" who completely neglects any obligations. In addition, Mr. Groening noted that at the studio, most of the authors prefer to work with Homer, and many of his adventures happened with real people. Even the name of the hero is a reference to the father of his creator. However, in reality, Homer "Simpson" is the complete opposite of the cartoon prototype, acting as a serious family man.

Appearance and interestingfacts

simpsons homer
simpsons homer

The appearance of the hero gradually transformed. In the first seasons, Homer's stubble was similar in drawing to that done, for example, to the famous clown. In addition, it is easy to notice the initials of the hero's creator in the early sketches. You could see "M" in Homer's hair, and "G" in his ear. Mr. Groening says that Homer's first sketches needed to be finalized, but the studio took them as is, causing the artist to be ashamed of the unfinished work.

Homer Simpson looks like a normal clerk for the most part. He prefers a white polo, blue jeans from the same brand, and gray shoes. The hero has an incomprehensible love for a particular model of trousers, buying only them. There are some funny moments in the series regarding how Homer laments the absence of a fresh pair of his favorite pants. He is sloppy, so the hero's polo gets dirty all the time. In addition, he is obese, bald and not shaved, which, however, Homer himself does not care at all.

Personality and traits

simpsons episode homer
simpsons episode homer

It is difficult to determine which character traits prevail in the image of Homer the most. It is a cumulative image of the cliché of the "ordinary American hard worker". Homer is sloppy, rude, incompetent and completely passive. In addition, he is amazingly simple-minded and lazy, which often puts him in a difficult position.

From some episodes it becomes clear that he was not like this before, especially when he was fond of music. It is possible that the creator wanted to show howa person is transformed at an unloved job and under the pressure of circumstances. For all his faults, Homer often proves to Marge how much he loves her. When she just wanted to go to college, the protagonist went to work at a nuclear power plant, abandoning his hobby. He often sacrificed his own hobbies, becoming passive and lethargic as a result.

Family Ties

Homer Simpson is the first and only child of the couple Abraham and Mona Simpson. Being already in adulthood, the protagonist inspects his elderly father, he remembers little about his mother. It was Abraham who devoted most of his life to educating Homer, trying to instill in him honesty and decency. In his youth, the protagonist met Marge, whom he is still married to. The couple have three children - Bart, Lisa and Maggie. Fans are puzzling over who the third child of the family will go to. Presumably, Bart inherited the character traits of his father, Lisa - of his mother. The hero did not have a very good relationship with the first-born, while Lisa tries to love her father without regard to his shortcomings. Bart himself harbors disdain rather than hatred towards Homer Simpson, although they often try to establish a relationship.

Work and social life

the simpsons bart homer
the simpsons bart homer

Most of his life Homer spent at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. He does not like this work and treats it with frank disdain. His boss does not know Homer by sight, while the protagonist himself often just sleeps at his remote control, and if he does anything, it almost always leads to disaster. In his early years, Homer was fond ofmusic, now abandoned this business. Despite his promiscuity towards the profession, when the union tries to lure the workers, including Homer, to another facility, the director lures them back with delicious donuts, for which the character has a reverent love.

In society, Homer is known as a brawler, boozer and boor. Few people respect the hero, outside of the bar "U Mo" he has no friends and comrades. Homer himself cares little about this, since he considers his life to be quite worthy. In his image, one can often see satire and allegory for many real-life prototypes who work for "donuts and a TV with beer", which has made him relevant over the past 20 years.
