Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna: biography and roles

Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna: biography and roles
Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna: biography and roles

There are few actresses in Russia who could boast of prestigious international television awards or nominations for them received for supporting roles. Among them is Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna. This article is devoted to her biography, filmography and theatrical work.

Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna
Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna

Early years

Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna was born in May 1945 in the city of Artem, Primorsky Krai. At the age of 16, the future actress made her film debut. She was lucky to play the role of Klava Ogorodnikova in the film "My friend, Kolka!", based on the play of the same name by A. Khmelik. The directors of the picture were A. Mitta and A. S altykov, still very young at that time. It was they who gave the girl a ticket to an acting career.


The first successful work in the cinema predetermined the choice of the profession of Tatyana Evgenievna Kuznetsova. In 1968, the girl graduated from the Yaroslavl Theater Institute and went to conquer the capital. She was more fortunate than many aspiring actresses. She immediately began acting in films, but onlyin episodic roles. Although her name was often not even indicated in the credits, each appearance on the screen of a red-haired girl with an ingenuous look that does not go well with a mischievous look was immediately remembered by the viewer. How else? How could one not notice the housekeeper Dasha from Gaidai's comedy "It can't be!" or the spinner Selezneva from Y. Raizman's painting "The Strange Woman".

Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna photo
Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna photo

Supporting roles

Tatiana Kuznetsova was not forgotten by her godfather in the acting profession - director Alexander Mitta. In particular, in 1979 he invited her to play the role of Alevtina's girlfriend in his famous disaster film The Crew. Among the famous paintings with the participation of Kuznetsova, such film masterpieces as “Mimino” by Georgy Danelia, “Be my husband” by Alla Surikova, “Slave of Love” by Nikita Mikhalkov and “Mary Poppins, goodbye!” Leonida Kvinikhidze.

Comedy television series "Soldiers"

The finest hour in the biography of actress Tatyana Evgenievna Kuznetsova came after she began acting in the series "Soldiers" in 2004. The role of Angela Olegovna Struk in her performance turned out to be unusually vital and memorable. She created the image of a typical mother-in-law of a rather advanced age, who suffers from insanity and seeks to control the life of her son-in-law and daughter. The audience called Angela Olegovna, performed by Kuznetsova, an incomparably vital character, who to a large extent ensured the success of the television project. Critics agreed with their opinion, who in their reviews expressed regret thatthe actress did not have the opportunity to fully develop her dramatic talent in her youth.

Total Tatyana Evgenievna Kuznetsova starred in 12 parts of the series "Soldiers", devoting herself entirely to this project during 2004-2007.

Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna actress
Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna actress

Monte-Carlo Television Festival Award Nomination

This prestigious television celebration has been held since 1961 at the initiative of the then ruler of Monaco, Prince René III. Since the 1980s, the festival has become an event where producers and owners of TV companies from all over the world can sell their most interesting works or buy successful TV and documentary films to be shown. The venue is the huge congress center "Grimaldi Forum".

In 2004, Tatyana Evgenievna Kuznetsova, whose biography is presented above, was nominated for the Monte Carlo Television Festival award as the best supporting television actress.

Over the years, this prestigious Russian award was received by Evgeny Mironov, for the role of Prince Myshkin in the TV series The Idiot, Andrei Konchalovsky for staging the serial American film The Lion in Winter, and the Russian film Apocrypha: Music for Peter and Paul "".

Other works of the actress

The series "Soldiers" is not the only series in which Tatyana Kuznetsova starred. The number of projects with her participation also includes television projects:

  • "Kukotsky's Incident" (the role of Marlena Sergeevna, the leading laboratory worker).
  • "Stupid fat hare" (the image of the assistantdirected by Tanechka).
  • "St. George's Day" (2 tiny episodic roles in different parts of the TV project: ice cream saleswoman and choir director).
  • "Poor relatives" (image of stenographer-typist Kira Petrovna Kalitventseva).
  • "Personal file of Major Baranov" (the role of the head of the kindergarten Margarita Eduardovna).
Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna biography
Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna biography

The work of the actress on the theater stage

Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna has been collaborating with the Moscow Art Theater for many years. Chekhov. In particular, the viewer can see her play in the performances of The Golovlevs, Zoya's Apartment and The Threepenny Opera. In addition, the actress has repeatedly participated in the productions of Kirill Serebrennikov. In particular, the director invited her to his projects "Station" and "Goddesses from the Machine", which were shown as part of the cultural festival "Territory".

Now you know in which films the Russian actress Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna played, whose photo is presented above. Despite her age, she is full of strength and energy. It remains to wish her good he alth and new creative success.
