Comedy Woman: male actors. Biography Evgeny Borodenko

Comedy Woman: male actors. Biography Evgeny Borodenko
Comedy Woman: male actors. Biography Evgeny Borodenko

Entertaining humorous projects with a female cast appear infrequently. The Comedy Woman show project has existed since 2008 and at the same time remains quite competitive in relation to other humorous projects on television.

Good project

comedy women actors photo
comedy women actors photo

He has his enthusiastic fans, and those who consider women's humor generally not worthy of special attention, and even more so a separate program.

However, having appeared in 2008, this show quickly became popular. Perhaps the reason for the success of the project lies in the fact that all the actors participating in Comedy Woman have a KVN past. Moreover, each of the girls at one time was, if not the hallmark of her team, then quite a bright and memorable player. Therefore, with artistry and a sense of humor, each of them is all right.

It is also important that the famous KVN-shchik, showman and TV presenter Semyon Slepakov is one of the producers of this project, and Dmitry Efimovich is the director.

Each performance of its members is a smallperformance. In Comedy Woman, actors and actresses laugh at each other, at female logic, at male and female oddities and idiosyncrasies.

comedy women actors
comedy women actors

Male cast

To date, 10 girls are constantly participating in the project. But sometimes male images also flash in the show. Often in Comedy Woman, actors appear as guests of the program. These are KVN participants and famous people who give what is happening on stage an additional sound.

In the Comedy Woman project, male actors also appear as residents. Of course, they are in the absolute minority compared to the actresses of this show, but without them, it would lose its poignancy.


So, Dmitry Khrustalev was on the project for a long time. He organically fit into the general team. His acting work played a big role in the popularity of this project. In Comedy Woman, male actors are all radically different from each other in their image. For example, how another member of Comedy Woman appeared - the silent administrator Seryozha - the history of the project is silent. He remains a mystery, never showing vivid emotions on stage. Nevertheless, he fell in love with the audience and very well fit into the general fun. He is involved in miniatures, individual frames, scenes. In addition to the secret of his appearance in the project and silence, the actor has a well-built figure, and periodically showing his relief muscles is also part of his few duties.

Alexander Gudkov also at one time quickly and easily fit into"Comedy woman". On stage, he predominantly played a gay character.

The Last Hero

Actor Yevgeny Borodenko from Comedy Woman is another of the few men among the female cast of the project. He remains in it even now, causing a justified interest in his person among the fans. Let's try to tell about it in more detail.

actor Yevgeny Borodenko from Camedy Woman
actor Yevgeny Borodenko from Camedy Woman

Evgeny Borodenko

Yevgeny comes from Yakutia. Despite the fact that his family had nothing to do with television or performing arts, little Zhenya had something to do with them since childhood. From the elementary grades of a regular school, he went to a music studio in the piano class. In addition, the young man graduated from the local ballroom dance school. And that's not all - he was also engaged in choral singing for a long time. Then Borodenko entered the Yakutsk University and, after graduating from it, received the speci alty of a teacher. However, a career as a showman awaited him. Nothing was in vain for a boy from the second largest city in Yakutia. And musical education, and choreography, and the ability to dance, and the love for the stage instilled in his youth - everything came in handy when he arrived with this baggage to conquer the capital.

Thanks to this, he was no longer an amateur on stage. In Moscow, Eugene passed the exams at the University of Culture and Art. And after him he was already the owner of two diplomas and speci alties: a teacher and a manager of social cultural activities.

Even in his youth, while studying at the university, he constantly took part in the performances of the local KVN team. Once Eugenemade friends with a member of the KVN team "Deja Vu" and has been a member of it since 2001. But the game of "cheerful and resourceful" was not his only passion - he managed to become a laureate of the festival in Jurmala, and twice.

When American directors staged the musical "Chicago" in Moscow, Borodenko accidentally, according to him, got to the casting. He decided to participate and successfully passed it, getting into the main cast of the musical. At the Youth Theater, on the stage of which the actor performed in KVN, now he, along with Larisa Dolina, played in an American musical.

Now Eugene takes part in Comedy Woman. He successfully diluted the female composition with his presence. Gets along with the team. Talented, plastic and artistic, he fell in love with the audience.

camede women actors biographies
camede women actors biographies

An unexpected twist

However, there have been some changes in his personal life, which could not but affect the attitude of some fans towards him…

Energetic, talented and attractive, he was often seen in the company of Catherine Barnabas, a participant in the same project. The press has already written about them as a couple. But suddenly information leaked to the media that on the territory of the Danish state, where it is allowed to register same-sex marriages, in September last year, Eugene was married to another Russian man. The Russian press did not immediately become aware of this.

Scandalous photos were posted on their pages by foreign gay magazines. His friends on the project did not comment on this event. Eugene also tookwaiting position. Some fans congratulated their idol, while others were outraged.

camede women actors men
camede women actors men

But the press did not remain silent. First, photographs of the wedding appeared, then - notes that the TNT management was thinking that Evgeny Borodenko would stop appearing in Comedy Vumen. Rumor has it that he asked for asylum in America.

Borodenko, Khrustalev, Gudkov - these are all the actors who participated in the Comedy Woman project. The biography of each of them is not easy. One way or another, they were all attracted to the scene from childhood. Besides the regular actors of the described show, men also appear here as guests. And today we can safely talk about a whole archive of vivid scenes in which the actors who came to Comedy Woman took part (you can see photos of some of them in the article).
