Sergey Astakhov - biography, filmography, personal life
Sergey Astakhov - biography, filmography, personal life

Video: Sergey Astakhov - biography, filmography, personal life

Video: Sergey Astakhov - biography, filmography, personal life
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This charismatic and talented actor was born in the Voronezh region, in the village of Krasny Leman. Sergei's father is a soldier. After some time, he was transferred to serve on Sakhalin, where the whole family moved. Astakhov's childhood passed there. In the eighth grade, the young man wanted to enter the Suvorov School, but he was dissuaded by his parents, who dreamed of seeing their son as an engineer. Therefore, he successfully graduated from high school and easily entered the first year at the Polytechnic Institute.

sergey astakhov
sergey astakhov

In less than a year, it became quite obvious to Sergey that the chosen profession did not interest him at all. The parents, looking at the upset son, decided not to interfere with his own choice.

Serving in the armed forces

Meanwhile, the young man has reached military age. Brought up in a traditional socialist family, he did not even think about whether to join the army or not. As Sergei Astakhov recalls, there was nothing pleasant in military service, but new life and independence were attractive, which were not in the “civilian”. The young soldier served in a tank company for only three months, and thentransferred to a military band. He served there.

Studying at school

In 1989, having paid his civic duty to the Motherland, Sergei Astakhov, whose biography was already connected with creativity, entered the Voronezh Theater School. Just at this time, the father of the future actor received an apartment in this city.

sergey astakhov biography
sergey astakhov biography

When our hero passed the entrance exams at the school, he met a charming girl - Victoria Adelfina. Young people met for five years, and then formalized their relationship. Soon their daughter Masha appeared in their family.

Start in employment

After graduating from college in 1995, Sergei Astakhov was accepted into the troupe of the Academic Drama Theater of the city of Voronezh, where he worked for five years. Increasingly, he thought about the need to change something in life. Even today, Sergei believes that the actor has no future in the provinces. This is a public profession, so it needs an audience, and the more it is, the better. At the age of thirty, Sergei Astakhov, whose biography, it would seem, was already predetermined, decided to change it and went to conquer the capital, which was very problematic at that age.

Moscow difficulties

The actor Sergei Astakhov arrived in Moscow alone, without a family. The first two years were very difficult for him. I had to spend the night with friends, in the car. Sergei did not even try to appear in famous theaters with a big name, because real giants served there, with whom he evenyou won't be able to stand next to me.

sergey astakhov husband of the tree
sergey astakhov husband of the tree

Quite by chance, he found out that the famous Alexander Kalyagin is recruiting actors for his theater "Et Cetera". Sergey Astakhov, whose photo you see in this article, got to the audition. But the result did not please him. Kalyagin noted his speech and said that he would think. Fortunately, two weeks later, luck smiled at the provincial actor - he was offered a role in the play.

Over time, life began to improve, he moved his family to Moscow, and then his parents. He received his first award - the Seagull Award - in 2001 as a "Fatal Man".

Sergey Astakhov: personal life today

The actor lived with his wife for more than ten years, but then divorced. Many believe that the reason is the love of a man. With the growth of popularity, he had an increasing number of fans. Very little time passed after the divorce, and Astakhov had a passionate affair with actress Elena Korikova, which the couple carefully concealed at first. But this relationship did not lead to anything good - the lovers broke up.

Quite often, journalists and fans of the actor claim that Sergei Astakhov is the husband of Elka, a popular singer. It is not true. Elka really married Sergei Astakhov, but this is a completely different person - a complete namesake of our hero.

Work in cinematography

sergey astakhov photo
sergey astakhov photo

In 2001, Sergei Astakhov left the theater. The reason is the numerous offers of filming in movies and TV shows. He fulfilledstarring role in the comedy film Happy Birthday Lola. The magnificent Ekaterina Guseva and the experienced Vladimir Simonov worked with him on the set. This was followed by roles in the series "Ice Age", "Phoenix Ashes", "Another Life". After the Palmist and Black Goddess projects, Sergei Astakhov felt the rays of glory on himself, despite the fact that he almost always gets negative roles. In the series "Black Goddess" he finally got the role of a positive investigator in all respects, Mikhail. A huge project, numbering one hundred episodes, has become a good school for Astakhov. He became much more relaxed in front of the camera.

Sergey Astakhov, whose filmography includes ninety-four works, is becoming more and more popular from film to film. His roles are now more diverse, the images he creates are more and more convincing and natural. Within the framework of a short article, we will not be able to tell about all his works, but we will present the latest films with his participation.

"Murder for 100 million" (2013), detective

sergey astakhov personal life
sergey astakhov personal life

There was an explosion in one of the major banks. The investigation believes that it was an attempt on the owner. At this time he was supposed to be at work. But his office is destroyed, and the body of the banker is not found. A large amount of money is missing. All of his closest associates are suspected of the crime. Each of them has his own reason to wish him dead. The police are watching all the relatives of the banker. The investigation reveals unpleasant facts from the lives of the heroes. Who actually organized the explosion on a hundredmillion?

"Road Home" (2014), melodrama, multi-part film - EMERCOM officer

Professional soldier, contractor Matvey Gerasimov always defends his soldiers, and he himself is not used to bending down in front of the authorities of any level. He has served in the army all his life. Without it, it does not represent its further existence. In addition, he still has not created a family, and this fact worries his father very much. Matvey promised the elderly man that when he comes home next time, he will definitely be with his bride…

actor sergey astakhov
actor sergey astakhov

"Where does love go" (2014), melodrama, main role - Stas

Natalia considers herself a happy and fulfilled woman. She is married for the second time to businessman Stas. Her son is studying at a prestigious university. But every family has its own secrets that no one manages to keep forever. Natalia learns that her husband has betrayed her - he has a secret relationship with another woman. When the whole truth is revealed to her, she is horrified - her husband is cheating on her with her son's fiancee…

Hi, I'm Your Dad (2014), Comedy, In Production

Actor Kesha has been unlucky in everything lately - he quarrels with his father, breaks up with the girl he loves, loses his job and is mired in debt, for which they threaten to kill him. Suddenly, his father dies, and Kesha has the opportunity to correct his situation, because he is his only heir. However, after the announcement of the will, it becomes clear that he will not see the money if he does not fulfill the condition of the deceased. It lies in the fact that Kesha must marry before reachingthey are forty years old, and only a month remains before this date. For any person, such a task will seem impossible, but not for Kesha. He copes with her decision. Receives the long-awaited we alth, and along the way, great love …
