Biography and creative activity of actor Igor Vorobyov

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Biography and creative activity of actor Igor Vorobyov
Biography and creative activity of actor Igor Vorobyov

Video: Biography and creative activity of actor Igor Vorobyov

Video: Biography and creative activity of actor Igor Vorobyov
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He is admired and proud of, in his filmography there are many successful projects and talentedly performed roles, so different and at the same time special. Ukrainian actor, a sincere and kind person who won the favor and love of the audience - Igor Vorobyov.

Actor biography

film frame
film frame

Igor was born in the Ukrainian city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. Further, fate will present him with many difficult trials, after which he will become stronger, but more on that later. Vorobyov did not immediately understand that he wanted to become an actor. Awareness of his destiny came to him after a while. Igor Vorobyov studied at the Shchukin Theater School, and in 1985 he graduated from it. The actor worked in the Ruben Simonov Theater, then performed on the stage of the Mayakovsky Theater. The beginning of his career cannot be called brilliant, there was no unequivocal recognition, the first steps are episodic roles. Then came difficult times and a crisis that did not allow novice actors to develop in the cinematic field. And only in the 2000s did fortune turn out to be on the side of Igor Vorobyov.


actor biography
actor biography

The portfolio of this actor surprises with its diversity. This is the role of a commando, and a neighbor, and a buyer of fur coats, and a customs officer, and a writer. In addition, work in the theater, which implies full return on stage.

Among the recent works of actor Igor Vorobyov, one should note the role in the popular TV series "Shuler". Igor's colleagues on the set during the filming of the film were real professionals in their field: Anton Feokistov, Olga Lerman, Sergey Sosnovsky and many others. It should be noted that this serial drama is based on real events. In the center of the plot lies the biography of a famous cheater from the Ukrainian city of Odessa. The film is very interesting, as it has a lot of exciting adventures and unexpected twists. The main character of the picture is Kostya Voloshin. He dreams of leaving his native city abroad, because the politics and ideology of the state are not close to him. But not everything is so simple, he needs money - this is the main motivation for his activities. The hero has a complex character, but his undoubted advantage is his desire to constantly conquer new heights and move forward, despite all the difficulties.

Also, Vorobyov took part in the filming of the comedy film Cinderella. This is an easy and fun family movie without complicated plot lines and intricate stories. This is a modern interpretation of the classic Cinderella story, of course, completely "translated" in a modern way. The most famous Russian actors starred in the film: Nonna Grishaeva, Kristina Asmus, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Alexander Tsekalo. Igor Vorobyovplayed a minor role in this film.

Private life

It was in this field that fate presented Igor with difficult trials. Family is a very important part of everyone's life, finding a close and dear person, your soul mate is worth a lot, and losing is simply unbearably painful. Vorobyov's first wife was also an actress. Unfortunately, she faced a terrible disease - cancer and left this world still very young. In the arms of Igor was a son who was sick with autism. It is very difficult to survive such a situation, but the actor did not give up and continued to work, fight and raise his son. Many viewers write touching comments expressing their admiration and respect. Some would like to meet such a wonderful person in person.

actor Igor Vorobyov
actor Igor Vorobyov

Second marriage

Now Vorobyov Igor Ivanovich is happy in his second marriage, he has a wonderful wife Elena. They love to spend time together, create a cozy atmosphere at home and just be together. They have no children together. Elena also had a difficult fate, she lost her husband and had to overcome many difficulties before opening her heart to a new relationship. Now the relationship between Igor and Elena is an example for many.
