Film "Fasten your seat belts". Reviews for smart motivating movies

Film "Fasten your seat belts". Reviews for smart motivating movies
Film "Fasten your seat belts". Reviews for smart motivating movies

In 2014, one of the leading European directors of our time - Ferzan Ozpetek - presented his new project Allacciate le cinture to the public. The previous works of the Turkish visionary who settled in Italy - the fantastic tragicomedy "The Presence of Splendor", the melodrama "The Window Opposite", the rom-com "Idle Shots" - have traditionally received awards at the most prestigious international film festivals, including in Venice, Cannes, Berlin.


The film "Fasten your seat belts" (2014) is positioned by reviews as a remarkable project in which Ferzan Ozpetek, paying tribute to the cinematic elegance of style, acted as director and scriptwriter. Therefore, this project can be called his author's brainchild. The IMDb rating of a quality melodrama with good meaning and great actors is 6.60. Reviews for Fasten Your Seatbelt are mixed.

Movie Fasten Your Seat Reviews
Movie Fasten Your Seat Reviews

Storyline Summary

At the center of the tape's narrative is an amazing love story, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away for a moment. The acquaintance of the main characters Elena (Kasya Smutnyak) and Antonio (Francesco Arc) takes place at a public transport stop among a crowd of ordinary people rushing to work. The circumstances of the meeting are far from romantic, the characters quarrel, insult each other, and Antonio almost stoops to assault. In the hope that they are no longer destined to meet, angry young people part. But fate has its own plans for them. After a short time, Elena, engaged to Giorgio (Francesco Shanna), finds out that the boorish handsome man is the fiancé of her friend Silvia (Carolina Crescentini). There is a frank tension between Elena and Antonio, they are unable to resist the surging feelings. The couple is getting married. Several years pass, and the young wife comes to the conclusion that a hasty marriage was her biggest mistake. But much bigger problems that have appeared do not give her time to think. By the way, the reviewers in the reviews of the film "Fasten your seat belts" refrain from spoiling, keeping the intrigue.

fasten your seat belts movie 2014 reviews
fasten your seat belts movie 2014 reviews

Ambiguous ending

Authors of reviews from the audience in reviews of the film "Fasten your seat belts" regard Ferzan Ozpetek's project as a reminder that, first of all, one must be honest with oneself and loved ones. You should not constantly look back and reflect on what and when you did wrong. Such thoughts are prompted by the ambiguous finale of the picture, which the author intentionallyleft open. Reflecting on how the movie "Fasten Your Seat Belts" ended, each viewer chooses one of two options for the further development of events. The more naive believe in a better one, in which Elena would forgive lies and would not exchange her love for anything in the world.

how did the movie end fasten your seat belts
how did the movie end fasten your seat belts

Assessment by movie experts

Critics in the reviews of the film "Fasten your seat belts" indicate that from a scenario point of view, the picture is rather secondary, the author uses the usual plot moves inherent in the genre. Particularly categorical authors reproach the stage director for artistic unevenness and some lengthiness of the action. Others say that all the roughness of the script is overshadowed by the successful directorial finds and the brilliant acting skills of the performers. The filmmakers consider the heartfelt human intonation in the narration to be the main advantage.

Indeed, by the middle of the timing the plot sags a little, and there is a feeling that Ferzan Ozpetek is leading his offspring to a banal happy ending - the characters will be happy after overcoming difficulties. But this is not at all the case, at a certain moment the picture steps into the territory of a philosophical drama, and love begins to be considered by the creators, albeit through the prism of carnal pleasures, but regardless of everyday trifles and formal relationships. Such a turn of the composition makes the tape worthy of viewing. According to critics, the film can be recommended for viewing by connoisseurs of smart motivating cinema.
