Art Lessons: How to Draw a 3D Drawing on Paper

Art Lessons: How to Draw a 3D Drawing on Paper
Art Lessons: How to Draw a 3D Drawing on Paper

Drawing a 3D drawing on paper (or, in other words, a three-dimensional image) is quite difficult. Here, the simple ability to "draw a little" will not be enough. But if you are not afraid of difficulties, love art and have spatial thinking, then you will succeed. You need to arm yourself with drawing paper, pencils and an eraser. Today, 3D drawing is very popular all over the world, and in order to get inspired, peep something for your idea and just admire the masterpieces, it is enough to have the Internet at home.

how to draw 3d drawing on paper
how to draw 3d drawing on paper

But still, getting started, you should have a minimal idea of \u200b\u200bwhere to start.

What is a 3D drawing?

This drawing is an illusion. Theoretically, we understand: everything that we see is drawn in one plane. But the human brain reads information from the picture and conveys to our perception the picture that we are used to seeing in reality. Man usingpencil and paper creates the illusion of volume.

draw 3d drawing on paper
draw 3d drawing on paper

What creates this illusion?

Such a realistic illusion of volume is created by just a shadow. Even if your drawing is in color, she will still play this role. By making friends with the shadow, you will know how to draw a 3D drawing on paper.

Advice for budding artists

Don't take on complex compositions right away: it will be difficult for you to figure it out. And failure discourages many from continuing to experiment. Light 3D drawings on paper will be the right solution. Start with geometric shapes: cube, cone, ball, etc. After you feel that these figures give in to you, feel free to proceed to more complex drawings.

easy drawings 3d drawing on paper
easy drawings 3d drawing on paper

How to draw a 3D drawing on paper: action plan

1. Formulate for yourself what you will draw.

how to draw 3d drawing on paper
how to draw 3d drawing on paper

2. Draw a rough sketch on paper. At this stage, decide on the light source. It would be useful to outline it schematically. A bit of theory: the closer your subject is to the light, the lighter it will be, and the farther from the source, the darker.

Experienced artists advise making the difference between deep shadows and lighter ones as smooth as possible. This can be achieved by rubbing the drawing with a piece of paper or cotton wool, you can use an eraser, or you can just use your finger.

3. Having drawn the subject itself, do not throw all your strength into the shadow. You need it very easy at firstdraw to understand whether it is right for you or not. Darkening the drawing is not a problem, but removing the shadow will already be difficult. Therefore, it is better not to rush things.

4. How to draw a 3D drawing on paper if the composition is complex? In this case, make your life easier by breaking complex shapes into small parts. In other words, fragment your drawing. Only in this way will you determine where the shadow will fall and how it will behave with other objects.

Well, now you know how to draw a 3D drawing on paper. In conclusion, I would like to note that such voluminous work can be performed on other materials. A canvas, a wall, and asph alt will do, but before you go to large sizes, you need to fill your hand on a sheet of paper.
