Drawing lessons with children: how to draw a smurf

Drawing lessons with children: how to draw a smurf
Drawing lessons with children: how to draw a smurf

Spending time with children, we very often have to be creative and remember the basics of not only drawing, but also all arts and crafts. Children are very fond of drawing and, as a rule, in addition to moms and dads, they reproduce the characters of their favorite cartoons. Recently, the Smurfs have become such characters. In this article, we will help you figure out how to draw a Smurf. We will do this in stages to make the task easier for both the adult and the child.

how to draw a smurf
how to draw a smurf

How to draw the Smurfs step by step? What will it take?

  1. Album for drawing. If the plans include coloring the Smurf with paints, the paper should be thick so that it does not get wet.
  2. Pencils.
  3. Eraser.
  4. Paints, brushes and water container, colored pencils and markers.
  5. And, of course, good mood!

Step 1

You need to start your drawing with a sketch - a diagram. We will do this with the help of ordinary geometric shapes. The head and torso are circles. Legs and handles -lines. Just like a song in a cartoon about octopuses: "Stick, stick, cucumber - here comes the little man." At this stage, we will get a sketchy character, which we will gradually “dress”. Pay attention to the head, it needs to be divided into three parts in order to outline the place where the smurf's eyes will be.

how to draw smurfs step by step
how to draw smurfs step by step

Step 2

Look for clues on how to draw a Smurf. At this stage, we draw eyes on the lines that we have outlined. We will get them in the very center of the head, then eyebrows and a large round nose. We “fix” the eyes, as it were, to each other.

how to draw a smurf with a pencil
how to draw a smurf with a pencil

Step 3

The red outline shows what we will do next. It will be the same in the next steps. Draw an ear, a cap or a hood and correct the general outline of the Smurf's head.

how to draw smurfs step by step
how to draw smurfs step by step

Step 4

Our Smurf is an athlete, and he has a dumbbell in his hands. We draw his hand and the dumbbell itself, in principle, he may have a flower in his hand, fantasy is welcome. Since drawing a Smurf is quite difficult and not everything will work out the first time, don't worry, your child is busy with creativity, and this is already a big plus. And do not forget that you have an eraser with which you can correct the situation.

how to draw smurfs step by step
how to draw smurfs step by step

Step 5

Finishing the second handle and making his torso. A stripe will run on the tummy of the Smurf, this is the border of futurepanties. You will need it when you finish drawing the legs and shoes.

how to draw smurfs step by step
how to draw smurfs step by step

Step 6

The final chord will be the legs and boots. Now take an eraser and erase all extra lines. At this stage, how to draw a smurf with a pencil is over. Now feel free to move on to paint.

how to draw smurfs step by step
how to draw smurfs step by step

At this stage, your help is likely to be no longer needed. Children love to color pictures, and you don’t have to beg them. In this matter, their imagination is limitless, and they will do it the way they see the world around them.

Now you know how to draw a Smurf. Probably next weekend you will have to draw these characters again. The next attempts will be easier and faster. Even if this time it didn't work out the way you wanted, the time spent with the kids is priceless. Try and you will succeed!
