Short tales about animals - the first sources of knowledge

Short tales about animals - the first sources of knowledge
Short tales about animals - the first sources of knowledge

A fairy tale accompanies a person all his life. From early childhood, these are short fairy tales about animals. They are easily perceived, remembered, they teach to distinguish between good and evil, to sympathize with the heroes. Later, social and magical ones are connected. First they read to us, then we read, and sometimes we compose.

A fairy tale is the best way to develop emotions. The main thing is that it should be simple, short, with a happy ending. On the example of her heroes, their actions, the values of life are formed.

Heroes of fairy tales

Short fairy tales about animals are the best choice for children aged 1-2, when they can already concentrate for a few minutes, keep simple stories in their memory. They do not overload the child's head. They don't have many heroes that are either good or bad. This makes it possible to draw a line between good and evil. Children associate themselves with positive characters, sympathize and empathize with them, condemn the actions of negative characters.

Childrenlike to imitate the actions of the characters and the sounds they make. I especially like the plots of the fairy tales "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Mitten". Repeated repetitions of phrases, songs, actions of characters help develop memory.

Psychologists say that children perceive information better visually. Discussion of illustrations, presentation with the help of dolls and favorite toys (cat, dog, bunny, fox, mouse) encourages active participation in the process.

short stories about animals
short stories about animals

Fairytale therapy

In psychology, there is a whole area for working with children - fairy tale therapy. With its help, children learn to explore the world by trying on their favorite images. Short children's stories about animals are best suited for this.

Nothing brings children closer to their parents like emotions experienced together, reading books, looking at illustrations, discussing plots, actions of heroes. You need to start with the simplest "Ryaba Chicken". And gradually, depending on age and readiness to perceive, complicate the process of getting to know magic. "Wolf and seven kids", "Cat, rooster and fox" teach obedience, caution. "Turnip" elevates family relationships and mutual assistance. "Mitten", "Teremok" teach to value friendship and mutual assistance.

Due to repeated repetitions, there is no difficulty in perception. And soon the children on the walk will sing the familiar song of Kolobok.

short children's stories about animals
short children's stories about animals

No one likes admonitions and moralizing. Short folk tales about animals on the example of the actions of heroesalways raised children, developed their imagination and fantasy. Parents were in no hurry to punish the kids, and at the first occasion they recalled a good example of how they taught obedience, respect, mutual assistance, instilled a sense of duty, friendship, love.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows

Interactive learning is always more effective than passive listening. Staging a fairy tale has a positive effect on children. Given the fact that young children cannot concentrate their attention on one activity for a long time, short fairy tales about animals are best suited for this. Kids love to participate in a fairy tale, to control its heroes.

To consolidate the knowledge gained from reading, educational toys can. Cubes, puzzles, lotto will help children reproduce familiar stories in their memory. The folding of parts into a single whole develops fine motor skills of the hands, promotes the development of speech and memory.

short folk tales about animals
short folk tales about animals

Adults are guides to life for the crumbs. And the surest way lies through a fairy tale. It depends on parents what will be the attitude of children to books. Short fairy tales about animals help to fall in love with reading, consolidate knowledge about forest dwellers and pets, and develop moral and ethical qualities.
