Remembering the classics: a summary of Turgenev's "Singers"

Remembering the classics: a summary of Turgenev's "Singers"
Remembering the classics: a summary of Turgenev's "Singers"
summary of Turgenev singers
summary of Turgenev singers

I. S. Turgenev is an outstanding classic who made a huge contribution to the development of culture at the end of the 19th century. Many of his works are included in the compulsory curriculum for the study of literature in secondary schools. His cycle of stories "Notes of a Hunter" is mainly devoted to the theme of the impoverishment and impoverishment of the Russian village and the plight and lack of rights of the peasants in the countryside. One of these stories is the work of the author "Singers". In it, the writer devotes a lot of time to describing the village of Kotlovki, where all the main events take place. The main characters are the scooper Yakov Turka and the hawker from Zhizdra. Here is a summary of Turgenev's "Singers".

Meet the kisser Nikolai Ivanovich

The scene of the work is the small village of Kotlovka, lying on the slope of a hill, which is dissected by a deep ravine. Not far from the beginning of this large depression stands a hut, coveredstraw. This is the local tavern "Pritynny", which is kept by the kisser Nikolai Ivanovich. He is a heavyset graying man with a full face and small eyes. He has lived in this area for over 20 years. He knows about everything that happens here, but he never tells anyone. Interestingly, the owner of the tavern is neither friendly nor talkative. However, he has a remarkable talent to attract guests to his establishment. Nikolai Ivanovich is married and has children. He is respected by his neighbors. A summary of Turgenev's "Singers" begins with an episode of meeting a man who runs an institution where an unusual singing competition takes place.

Meet the visitors of the tavern

summary of singers turgenev
summary of singers turgenev

Once an event took place in the kisser's tavern, which all the local drunkards gathered to stare at. The best singer in Kotlovka, Yashka Turk, decided to compete in singing with a hawker from Zhizdra. The guests of the tavern were impatiently waiting for the competition. There were also Evgraf Ivanov, who was popularly called Oboldui. Not a single drink is complete without it. And the Wild Master is a broad-shouldered Tatar with black hair and a ferocious expression. No one knew what he was doing, and where he got the money from. However, he was highly respected in the local society. This strange man with evil eyes was a great admirer of singing. Morgach also came here - a small fat man with sly eyes. A brief summary of the "Singers" will not allow a full description of the assembled public. Turgenev in this work draws images of people completely different,but united by one common passion - the love of music and singing.

Singing contest

The contestants - Yashka Turk and the hawker - were also here. The first of them was a slender young man of 23 years of age. His large gray eyes and blond curls were sympathetic to the assembled spectators. Yashka was a scooper at a local factory. His opponent, a hawker from Zhizdra, is a short, stocky man in his thirties with a pock-marked face and a thin beard. He sang first. His voice was pleasant, sweet, with a slight hoarseness. The contractor sang a cheerful dance song with overflows and transitions, which caused a smile from the listeners. They liked his singing very much. The hawker was sure of his victory. After him, Yashka began to sing. A summary of Turgenev's "Singers" arouses in readers a feeling of curiosity about the results of the singing competition.

story turgenev singers
story turgenev singers

Jakov's victory

Before singing, Yashka covered himself from everyone with his hand. And when he opened, his face was pale. The first sound that escaped his chest was faint and muffled. But the second one was already louder and louder. The song was sad and mournful. His voice seemed to be a little cracked, painful. It had everything: youth, and sadness, and passion, and strength, and sorrow, in a word, everything that is so familiar and dear to the Russian soul. Yashka sang with excitement, completely surrendering to the song and forgetting about the audience. When he finished, he saw tears in the eyes of many listeners. And someone, for example, the wife of a kisser, even sobbed, turning away from everyone. It was clear that Yashka won. The contractor himself admitted defeat. This day is long in the zucchinicelebrated the victory of the singer Yashka. Turgenev ended his story with this episode. "Singers" is a work in which the miracle of creativity and the desire to see beauty in this world coexist with the wretchedness of life. The good news is that people, seemingly tired of everyday life and poverty, are able to discern real talent in a person. This singing gift makes the hearts of those around her tremble and cry.

Here is only a summary of Turgenev's "Singers". I advise you to read the work in its entirety.
