Actors of "Virgin Soil Upturned": biographies and creativity

Actors of "Virgin Soil Upturned": biographies and creativity
Actors of "Virgin Soil Upturned": biographies and creativity

Soviet-produced film called "Virgin Soil Upturned" was filmed in a dramatic genre and tells about the life of ordinary workers on a small collective farm, experiencing certain difficulties in the economy in the post-war years. The main roles were played by the actors of "Virgin Soil Upturned" - Pyotr Chernov, Abrikosov Andrey and Lyudmila Khityaeva. The picture was released in 1959, after it passed a rigorous test for compliance with all the requirements of the cinema of that time. The director was Alexander Ivanov, and the script for the film was written by Yuri Lukin, Mikhail Sholokhov and Fyodor Khashmagonov.

Movie plot

Davydov is a young man who lives in the Leningrad region and has already managed to get a higher education, some experience in the work of agricultural land. His arrival in the small farmstead Gremyachiy Log should solve a number of problems with the transition of the economy from the state type to the collective one. Meanwhile, a conflict is brewing on the collective farm - the kulaks are actively using the poorly educated and poor people to ignite political conflicts, turning them against Makar Nagulnov.

upturned virgin soil actors
upturned virgin soil actors

Davydov from Virgin Soil Upturned (1959) seeks to improve the situation, and succeeds. But methods based on the ordinary conviction of the people,differ from those that Nagulnov used to use. After several dramatic incidents, Davydov and Makar still reconcile. The plot is based on real events that took place in the thirties of the twentieth century.

Chernov Petr

Petr is an actor from "Virgin Soil Upturned", quite a popular personality. He devoted his life entirely to work in the theater and filming in feature films. Born at the beginning of the 20th century in the small village of Medvedchikovo. In modern times, the village is located in the Yaya district of the Kemerovo region. After school, the young man expressed a desire to become an actor and entered GITIS for the course of the People's Artist of the Soviet Union L. Leonidov. Released in 1939.

virgin soil turned up 1959 movie
virgin soil turned up 1959 movie

The film debut of Peter Chernov took place in the city of Gomel immediately after graduating from college. The first role in the theater was the image of the auditor in the play by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. During the war, he did not go to fight, but by order of the head and chief of the military staff, he traveled with the troupe along various fronts and raised the morale of the soldiers. In the post-war years, he was active in the Moscow Art Theater. Known for his roles in the film "Virgin Soil Upturned" (1959), where he played Davydov, and in "The Quiet Don" - Bunchuk.

Evgeny Matveev

Matveev Evgeny is a theater and film actor, director and teacher. Born in the small village of Novoukrainka (now in the Kherson region). In Virgin Soil Upturned, the actor played the role of Makar. Early childhood was spent in constant work - a little boy helped his parents. During a short trip to the city of Tsyurupinsk Zhenya for the first timeI saw the performance of theater enthusiasts. Since then, the boy has caught fire with the theater and everything connected with it in one way or another.

petr chernov
petr chernov

During schooling, the future actor from Virgin Soil Upturned became additionally engaged in an amateur circle. In his numbers, he simultaneously played the roles of a magician, dancer, vocalist. Before the start of the war, in 1941, Matveev entered the film studio at the school of actors in the city of Kyiv. However, he left there, as he decided to go to the front. After the war, he played in the drama theater of the city of Tyumen, and then moved to Novosibirsk. He taught at VGIK.

Lyudmila Khityaeva

Khityayeva Lyudmila - Soviet theater and film actress, one of the most popular women in the USSR. Born in the family of an engineer-economist and a military doctor. The head of the family during the Great Patriotic War worked at a military plant and supported the army in every possible way.

After graduation, the girl entered the Gorky Theater School by pure chance. Lyudmila came to support her friend during the admission, but suddenly asked the commission to listen to her too. In 1952, Khityaeva worked in the troupe of the Gorky Drama Theater.

Evgeny Matveev
Evgeny Matveev

In the series "Quiet Don", which consists of three parts, Khityaeva played the role of Daria Melekhova - a carefree girl with a difficult and tragic fate. After that, the actress worked in Virgin Soil Upturned and Ekaterina Voronina, as well as the famous painting Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.

Lyudmila was married twice. The first husband was 5 years older, studied atGorky Theater School. The second husband is a urologist who died in the 70s. After Lyudmila did not want to get married and raised her son Pavel alone.
