The film "The Defenders": actors and roles

The film "The Defenders": actors and roles
The film "The Defenders": actors and roles

The first film, which became the Russian answer to all US superhero films, was released on February 23, 2017. The creators of the picture intended to show their own cinematic universe filled with heroes and their enemies.

Movie plot

The Defenders kicks off with a military exercise testing robotic spiders to become weapons of mass destruction. But the situation gets out of hand when August Kuratov attacks a group of military men and subjugates all the robots to his will.

Secret services immediately start searching for traces of Kuratov. But the head understands that they cannot cope with August on their own. Then he decides to restore the Patriot project and return everyone who was once a part of it.

The defenders movie actors
The defenders movie actors

The film "The Defenders": actors and roles

The actors also played an important role in making the film. Their task was not just to convey the emotions of their characters. The cast had to make the audience believe that their characters had extraordinary powers.

The film starred both well-known and venerable figures, as well as beginners, while little-knownactors.


In the film "Defenders" actor Anton Pampushny played the role of Arsus, who many years ago became part of the "Patriot" project. Then dozens of experiments were performed on a teenager, painful operations were performed. And all in order to turn ordinary women and men into superhumans.

The project leaders managed to achieve their goal. Arsus became a werewolf. At will, he is able to turn into a bear. Through the transformation, inhuman stamina, sense of smell and strength are manifested.

defenders actors russian film
defenders actors russian film

After the closure of the project, Arsus went into hiding for a long time. Because of Kuratov's attack, special services tracked down a man in the forests of Siberia, where he has to fend off hunters.

Larina recruits Arsus to the Defenders team. But the demihuman has no idea that he is about to meet the person he has been trying to forget for so long.


In the film "Defenders" Sanjar Madiev tried on the image of Khan. Khan was also subjected to brutal experiments during Patriot. All this led to the fact that the man awakened a very dangerous gift in himself.

Han is able to move at the speed of sound. During his wanderings, he learned to handle edged weapons perfectly. Unlike Arsus, Khan stopped hiding a long time ago. Instead, he moved to Kazakhstan, where he turned into a vigilante who kills criminals.

Lernik "Ler" Hovhannisyan

For the film "Defenders" actor Sebastian Sisak-Grigoryan reincarnated as Lera. After experiments carried out duringthe existence of the Patriot project, it acquired rather specific powers. A man is able to control stones of any size. The blocks, at the request of Ler, become either a weapon or a shield.

actors of the film defenders russia
actors of the film defenders russia

The man is tired of running. Ler wants a quiet and peaceful life. For these reasons, he chose the monastery as a refuge. When Larina starts recruiting, Ler immediately refuses the offer.

You can only convince him by mentioning that August Kuratov became the villain this time. Leader of the once-existing Patriot Project.


In the Russian film "Defenders" the actors had to transform into real superheroes. So, Alina Lanina, who played the role of Xenia, became an invisible man. The girl's body has undergone significant changes during the experiments.

Xenia had plates implanted under her skin that allowed her to make her body invisible. Also, the girl does not feel the temperature: she is not afraid of either cold or heat. After the project was closed, Ksenia lost her memory. But still, the girl agrees to become part of the "Defenders" and stop Kuratov.

Elena Larina

Not all the actors of the film "Defenders" (Russia) tried on the images of characters who have superpowers. So it happened with Valeria Shkirando, who played the role of Elena Larina.

The girl works in special services. But after Kuratov's attack, it was she who was instructed to assemble the members of the closed Patriot project into a single team. Larina, without fear, goes to recruit people who can easily kill her.

actors of the film defenders photo
actors of the film defenders photo

In the first days after recruitment, she teaches the Defenders how to interact with each other. And after the first failed mission, Larina helps her wards lick their wounds and return to duty again.

August Kuratov

During the making of the film "The Defenders" photos of actor Stanislav Shirin, who played in the film by August Kuratov, appeared on the Web long before the premiere. In the distant past, Kuratov was obsessed with the idea of creating superhumans who would bring victory to the USSR in the Cold War.

August recruited volunteers who were subjected to cruel and horrific experiments. But Kuratov got his way, and the Patriot project was replenished with people with unusual abilities.

But August didn't want to just watch other people use superpowers. He decided to become like them. Kuratov subjected himself to experiments and awakened abilities that allowed him to control any technique.

For many years, Augustus has been saving his strength to return to the world of the living and destroy everyone who does not want to obey his will.
