The series "I am a zombie": actors and roles

The series "I am a zombie": actors and roles
The series "I am a zombie": actors and roles

In 2015, the pilot episode of the series “I am a Zombie” was released. The project was created based on the comic book series of the same name. The project became so successful that it was renewed for a fifth season in May 2017.

The audience became interested in the series "I am a zombie" and the actors. And all because in the project zombies are presented in a different light. They are not unintelligent creatures whose only goal is the brains of living people. In the series, the zombies are able to retain their sanity and lead an almost normal life.


Olivia Moore worked in a prestigious clinic. She had everything: a promising career, best friend, fiancé. But everything changed when Olivia went to celebrate Independence Day. The disaster that happened on board the yacht changed the girl's life.

i am a zombie series actors
i am a zombie series actors

The morning after the tragedy, Olivia woke up in a body bag. Part of her hair had turned white, and there was a deep scratch on her arm. The girl, without thinking twice, went home. And there she discovered a few oddities. Food has lost its taste, the only thing that taste recipes at least somehow react to is hot sauce. Hair completely whitenedand the skin turned pale. Her thoughts revolve around human brains all the time.

Quickly putting all the elements of the picture together, Olivia realized that she had turned into a zombie. But the girl did not lose hope. She realized that her life would change, but accepted the change with her head held high.

Olivia changed her job: from a clinic to a mortuary, where there will always be access to brains. She broke off relations with the groom and fenced herself off from acquaintances. But even in the basement, as a medical examiner, Olivia found a way to help people.

The series "I am a zombie": actors and roles

The success of the series is based on many components. Great storyline, well-written characters and charismatic actors. The I Zombie series boasts both well-known actors in the main cast and newcomers who fit perfectly into the world of the series.

Olivia Moore

In the series "I am a zombie" the actors had to try on unusual images and play zombies. Rose McIver, who played Olivia Moore, was approved for the role of the "main" zombie of the series.

Her heroine is not a weak and helpless girl. By becoming a zombie, Liv managed to take control of the situation. She took a job at the morgue so she could have unlimited access to brains without killing anyone. There was no flaw in her plan, until her partner Ravi found out that the brains were disappearing. He quickly realized what was really going on.

series I am a zombie actors and roles
series I am a zombie actors and roles

But, contrary to Olivia's fears, he didn't call the cops. He promised Liv that he would find a cure and turn the girl back into an ordinary person. So is Oliviaappeared the first and most faithful ally. The actors of the series "I am a zombie" perfectly got used to the role. Therefore, the warm friendly relationship between Liv and Ravi is not in doubt among the viewers.

Dr. Ravi knew that Liv had saved the lives of ordinary people before. And he sees that work in the morgue does not bring happiness to Olivia. So he decided to channel Miss Moore's abilities in the right direction. It turns out that when Liv eats someone's brains, she takes on the traits, habits and memories of her "victims". But in the morgue there are only the bodies of those who were killed.

So Liv becomes the new detective's unofficial partner, helping him solve the most intricate murders.

Clive Babineau

Malcolm Goodwin became one of the permanent actors of the 1st season of the series “I am a Zombie”. The man played Detective Clive Babineau, recently transferred to Seattle Homicide. Prior to that, he worked in the drug enforcement department. He even had to play the role of a drug dealer once in order to arrest a supplier of a large consignment of heroin.

I am a zombie series actors season 3
I am a zombie series actors season 3

After returning, Babino was transferred to the homicide department. But new colleagues do not greatly appreciate the efforts of the detective. To them, he is just a boy who knows nothing about real detective work.

But luck smiled on Babino, and he met Olivia Moore, who helped him find the criminal, using her "psychic" abilities. Although Clive does not believe in all sorts of abilities, he trusts Liv's intuition and is ready to endure her unexpected changes in character.

And soon randompartners turn into good friends.

Ravi Chakrabarti

In the series "I am a zombie" actor Raul Koli played the role of Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti. Prior to the events of the series, Ravi worked at the Center for Disease Control. But due to excessive curiosity, he was fired. Now a doctor who grew up in England is forced to work in the morgue at the police department.

Ravi has more than just a British accent. He is smart, well-read, quick-witted. And this is what allows him to understand that Liv is a zombie. But he did not trumpet it to the whole world. On the contrary, Ravi is very worried that Olivia could be seriously hurt if the truth is revealed. Therefore, he sends all his strength to keep Liv's secret a secret.

i am a zombie series actors season 1
i am a zombie series actors season 1

Dr. Chakrabarti is one of the few who is aware of Olivia's situation. And he sees how hard it is for the girl. Wanting to make Liv's life easier, he promises that he will find a cure for the virus that turned the girl and other people into zombies.

Major Lilywhite

In the series "I am a zombie" actors and roles are combined perfectly. So, the role of a kind, slightly naive ex-fiance Liv was played by Robert Buckley. His hero - Major Lilywhite was in an awkward position. The bride left the young man shortly before the wedding. Even worse, Olivia didn't explain anything and cut off all ties. But the main reason for embarrassment is the parents. Major is a good friend of the Moore family. He often has to communicate with Liv's parents, who also do not understand why the couple broke up.

I am a zombie actors
I am a zombie actors

Major is destined for the serieshard luck. The man will have to suffer from understatement on the part of Liv. Face strange actions and decisions of the former fiancee. And also get mortally wounded and turn into a zombie.

Blaine McDonough

During 3 seasons of the series "I am a Zombie" actor David Anders played the role of the main antagonist of the project. His Blaine McDonough is one of the first zombies to appear in Seattle. It was he who was the person responsible for the tragedy on Independence Day. And Blaine was the one who infected Olivia.

He is the type of person who can quickly adapt to any situation and find a way to capitalize on other people's suffering. So, realizing that he had become a zombie and could infect anyone just by scratching him, Blaine decided to get rich.

I am a zombie actors and roles
I am a zombie actors and roles

He started a brain supply business. But a product needs buyers. Blaine picked up a few loyal partners who, on his orders, infected the powerful people of Seattle. Then Blaine visited the new zombies and offered them his goods. The infected were ready to give any amount, if only no one knew about their secret.

But Blaine's carefree life ends the moment Liv becomes Clive Babineau's partner.

Peyton Charles

I am a zombie actors
I am a zombie actors

Olivia Moore's best friend was played by Alison Michalka. Her character - Peyton Charles - a lawyer who fights against injustice. Peyton and Liv have known each other for many years and even rent an apartment together.

And when Liv starts acting different, Peyton doesn't understandwhat's happening. For many months the girl suffers, not knowing how to help her friend. But everything changes when Peyton discovers Liv's secret.
