Natalya Anisimova is a young, talented actress

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Natalya Anisimova is a young, talented actress
Natalya Anisimova is a young, talented actress

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Natalya Anisimova is an actress who graduated from RATI. Its artistic director is Yuri Borisovich Vasiliev. The twenty-six-year-old actress is acting in films, but she does not forget about the theater either.

natalya anisimova actress
natalya anisimova actress

Anisimova's biography is kept secret, as there is no information about her childhood or even hobbies. The actress adheres to a policy of secrecy, which cannot but kindle a special interest in her person.

Sniper picture

The military drama film “I see the target” brought her the greatest popularity. It premiered in 2013. The film tells about a professional sniper during World War II. Sizova is recalled from the front, where she clearly went about her business, avoiding any mistakes. But her superiors gave her a new goal.

natalia anisimova
natalia anisimova

Therefore, she is sent to train snipers at the Central Women's School. After that, all the girls, along with their teacher, go to the front line. During the journey, they come under enemy attack from the air. Then the newly minted fighters for the first time remain with the enemy one on one. From a full platoon there are only seven trained girls,who notice the Germans in the forest. They are faced with a choice: either flee the battlefield, or fight back against the enemy, risking their lives. In this film, Natalya Anisimova did an excellent job with her role, being able to show all the pain, courage and bravery, that is, all the qualities that a real fighter has.

Natalya Anisimova, whose filmography consists of unique and heartfelt works, does not stop there. She tries herself in various genres, thereby improving her acting skills.

About love 2

No less remarkable work, where Natalia Anisimova played, is the melodrama "About Love 2". The film describes that wonderful feeling, without which not a single person can live. All events unfold in the description of just one day in the entire life of young people who are in a relationship. The film is shot in a very unusual way and shocks with its penetration. Therefore, it is worth watching, it will help you re-evaluate your attitude to many things.

Status: Free

Another work, where one of the main roles is played by Natalia Anisimova, is called "Status Free". Here she plays the main character - a girl named Athena. She has a young man named Nikita, they have an ideal relationship. Life is in full swing, nothing portends any changes. But suddenly Athena leaves Nikita for an unknown forty-year-old male dentist. A young man in love does not want to put up with such a turn of events and promises his beloved to return her in seven days. Intriguing comedy with moments of melodramawill not leave the audience indifferent.

Who's the boss?

Earlier works, where Natalia Anisimova first showed herself, are also interesting. Then the actress had episodic roles. So, for example, the first work of 2006, with which her career began, is called “Who is the boss in the house?”. The comedy series tells about a young father, Nikita Voronin, who comes to Moscow with his little daughter. He gets a job as a handyman in the household for a successful business woman named Daria.

natalia anisimova filmography
natalia anisimova filmography

Here they begin to live with their daughter. But no one knows that Nikita is not such a simple provincial guy. In the past, he played football professionally. But he was forced to leave due to a serious injury. Out of good intentions, he decides to put all Dasha's duties on himself, which wins the good attitude of her mother and son Zhenya. Dasha holds a major position in an advertising company. She never has time for her family. But like every woman, she dreams of falling in love and being truly happy.


Another episodic role in the series "Voronins" was played in 2009. A series that describes a crazy family. Each of the characters mocks or clashes with the other. All family members have one thing in common - endless love for each other.

Signs of Destiny

In the series "Signs of Destiny" she was also given a cameo role. The series itself was released in 2010. He completes the preparatory phase of her career. The detective series tells about a special unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,engaged in mystical offenses that occur quite often in the city. Elena is a young specialist who knows absolutely everything about fingerprinting: after all, unique fingerprints can be used to trace criminals who have committed evil deeds. Also used in the disclosure of the ancient magical science - palmistry. Her method is to read human lines in the palm of your hand, which predict the future. When science doubts or even reaches a dead end, completely different creative methods come to replace it.

I see the target
I see the target

Using palmistry, a special department tries to predict possible crimes and thus be one step ahead of the criminals themselves. Elena, who is struggling with the constant manifestations of crime, dreams of finding not only villains, but also her love. She knows that those events that are destined by fate will certainly come true. In the meantime, just pay attention to the signs.

biography of Anisimova
biography of Anisimova

The series consists of 20 episodes and each is an independent investigation. Mystical murders and the mysterious disappearance of schoolgirls - all this awaits the audience in a fascinating picture.


Many critics of modern cinema predict a bright future for this aspiring actress. Therefore, it remains only to wait for new impressive works.
