Remus Lupine: character description, quotes, actor
Remus Lupine: character description, quotes, actor

Video: Remus Lupine: character description, quotes, actor

Video: Remus Lupine: character description, quotes, actor
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Remus Lupine is the hero of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter books. A close friend of the protagonist's father, he is a significant plot influencer in Prisoner of Azkaban and Order of the Phoenix. Being charismatic and memorable, the hero remains one of the most popular images of the classic "Potteriana". The actor who played the role of Remus Lupin, Briton David Thewlis, sought to get on the set as early as 2001, when the filming of the film "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" took place. His participation gave the hero a new life, most of the art regarding the protagonists "borrow" the appearance of his movie prototype. The article will tell you about what Remus Lupine was like in his youth and during the weekdays of studying "The Boy Who Lived".

Appearance and distinctive features

werewolf remus lupine
werewolf remus lupine

Remus Lupin is relatively young, at the time of his first appearance in the film he was 38 years old. Despite this, the hair of the future teacher of the subject "Protection from the Dark Arts" is already turning gray. With each subsequent book, it becomes more and more. The hero's eyes are bluebut discolored, show how tired their owner is. From the former lush chestnut hair, only a shadow remained. Remus Lupin is covered in scars, some of which he received as a member of the first "Order of the Phoenix", the rest he inflicted on himself in the form of a werewolf. Despite the deplorable financial situation, he strives to keep his wardrobe clean and tidy. Pedantic and scrupulous, could have been an article by one of the most successful teachers.

Hero Personality

Harry Potter and Remus Lupine met during Prisoner of Azkaban. Throughout the book, the protagonist repeatedly notes the honesty and decency of the teacher. Remus cannot lie, he will prefer to remain silent about something or express himself in other words, but he will do without outright lies. He eschews people because he is afraid of harming others, being a werewolf, he is very kind to the few friends that he has. So, for example, already being the head of Gryffindor, he turned a blind eye to the tricks of the Marauders, because he valued his comrades too much, but did not take part in bullying Snape. The only one of the trinity who had at least some contact with the Slytherin. Decency often plays a trick on Lupin, forcing him to go along with the imposed circumstances.

Family Ties

Remus Lupine in Harry Potter
Remus Lupine in Harry Potter

After little Remus was bitten by a werewolf and manifested lycanthropy, the boy became a real hermit. Lyell Lupin, the father of the hero, lost hope that his son would follow in his footsteps andraised the child at home. Lupine Jr.'s mother was a Muggle woman named Hope Howell. Directly, Remus himself was never a supporter of the ideas of pure blood, he loved his mother reverently and was very worried after her death. Already in adulthood and being in the second "Order of the Phoenix", the protagonist meets a young metamorph - Nymphadora Tonks. The girl loves the protagonist despite his desperate financial situation, problems with lycanthropy and hermitage. Ultimately, Lupine gave in under pressure and returned Nymphadora's feelings. A month before the Battle of Hogwarts, the couple had a baby named Teddy. This is how the hero himself says:

"She gave birth to a boy, Harry! We named him Teddy, after Nymphadora's father."

The strength of Dumbledore and Remus' bond cannot be overestimated either. The principal of the school took him under his responsibility, sheltered him and taught him a lot, helped to hide his werewolf, and later invited him to the post of teacher, despite the fact that Lupine himself considered this a bad idea. To express the protagonist's regret about the death of Doubledore, you can use this passage:

"…Lupin's eyes flickered from Ginny to Harry, as if hoping Harry would refute her words, but Harry didn't say anything, and Lupine sank into the chair by Bill's bunk and buried his face in his hands. Harry had never seen for Lupine to lose control of himself, it seemed to him that he had inadvertently intruded into something very personal, almost obscene …"

In the end, he remained a prisoner of his fear. Before the birth of the child, Remus literallytormented himself, believing that lycanthropy was transmitted to the boy, but he was born a metamorph, capable of changing guises.

Early years and joining Hogwarts

who played remus lupine
who played remus lupine

Remus Lupine was born on March 10, 1960. During Voldemort's first rise to power, the hero's father spoke out radically against werewolves gaining rights, calling Fenris Greyback "an animal capable of only cruelty." He did not forget the insult and bit the boy, Lupine the elder was able to drive away the culprit with several spells, but lycanthropy was still transmitted. For a long time after, Lupine Jr. didn't know who had bitten him. And when the truth surfaced, he spoke thus:

- The gray one bit me.

- What? Harry asked in astonishment.

- Do you mean when…when you were a child?

- Yes. My father insulted him. For a very long time I had no idea which of the werewolves attacked me, and I even felt sorry for Greyback …"

This shows that despite the recluse, Remus remained very respectable and even compassionate. At the age of 11, he entered Hogwarts under the personal responsibility of Doubledore. Until the second year, it was possible to hide his essence, Madame Pofri took the boy to the Shrieking Shack, where he screamed and bit himself as a wolf. It is because of Lupine that this ruin has become even more famous.


harry potter remus lupine
harry potter remus lupine

Remus became very close to James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black. Subsequently, when his friends became anti-mages in order to follow Lupine as a wolf, the group took on the name "Marauders". Within the association, Remus was known as Lunatic, Pettigrew - Slick (in some translations - Tail), Potter - Prongs, Black - Tramp. Despite the fact that Lupine himself rarely took part in the tricks of friends, he often turned a blind eye to them, cherishing friendship. For more than 13 years, he considered Sirius a traitor, and he - him. The truth was only revealed when Black escaped and found Potter and Pettigrew.

First Magical War

After graduation, the werewolf Remus Lupin, along with all the Marauders, joined the Order of the Phoenix. He concentrated on fighting the Death Eaters because he simply couldn't find another job. The news that close friends had been killed hit Remus hard. For example, this is how he spoke about Harry's mother:

"Your mother supported me when everyone turned their backs on me. She was not only a gifted sorceress, but also an incredibly kind woman."

After that, he wandered for a long time, until in 1998 he was found by Doubledore, who lived in a wreck somewhere in Yorkshire. The director invited him to take the post of teacher, and Snape kindly agreed to prepare wolf antidote, which allows you to just sleep during werewolf.

Professor at Hogwarts

remus lupine wand
remus lupine wand

For the first time, Remus Lupin met Harry on the train, on the way to Hogwarts. The Dementors were checking the train, looking for Sirius andwhen one of them attacked the protagonist, the hero used the Patronus spell, after which he advised Harry to eat chocolate. Unlike many other teachers, Lupine knew his subject well and showed himself to be an excellent teacher, with a subtle understanding of the psychology of students and his colleagues. After Sirius dragged Ron into the Shrieking Shack and Harry and Hermione followed him, Remus snuck in as he knew how to get into the building. There he explained that Ron's rat is Pettigrew and that he is the traitor who betrayed the protagonist's parents to Voldemort. In his youth, Remus Lupin was very close friends with James and Lily, and therefore tried his best to help Harry.

Second magical war and death

remus lupine quotes
remus lupine quotes

After Snape told everyone about the curse, Remus left the school. Almost immediately, he joined the second "Order of the Phoenix", where he met Nymphadora. Dumbledore directed him to the werewolves, where he was spying in an attempt to warn the heroes of the advance of Voldemort's army. Shortly after Operation 7 Potters, he and Nymphadora got married in the north of Scotland, very quietly and modestly. Despite internal contradictions, he responded to Neville's call for a battle for Hogwarts on the night of May 1, 1998. It is known that Lupin was a brilliant duelist, but months of covert espionage dulled his skills, as a result of which he lost in a duel to Dolokhov. A little later, Nymphadora died at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange.

Hero Quotes

Remus Lupin in his youth
Remus Lupin in his youth

Remus Lupin's quotes largely demonstrate the outstanding mind of the character, as well as his painful experience gained over the years lived by the exile:

Fear pushes to monstrous deeds.

He manifests rationality, warning Harry against a senseless sacrifice. This quality always remained with him, like a kind of armor against the aggression of others:

Your parents, Harry, gave their lives in exchange for yours. And it's a bad way to thank them - to stake such a sacrifice against a couple of magical toys.

About his principles, as well as regarding Dumbledore's beliefs, the correctness of their position, Remus says this:

It is the quality of one's beliefs that determines success, not the number of followers.

The hero's statements have taken their rightful place in the hearts of Rowling's fans.

Interesting facts and description

Remus Lupin's Patronus was a wolf, and he often associates himself with this animal, despite the fact that he is deeply afraid of his own animal nature. He is extremely kind to his friends, but often lets them down. Quite often it was considered too soft. Remus Lupin's Wand - Cypress and Unicorn Hair, 10¼ , Flexible. His main fear is the full moon. The most common question about the character is who played Remus Lupin. The role, as mentioned earlier, went to David Thewlis, who approached the issue very seriously and carefully tried to make his game believable.
