Actress Madeleine Dzhabrailova: biography, personal life, roles, films

Actress Madeleine Dzhabrailova: biography, personal life, roles, films
Actress Madeleine Dzhabrailova: biography, personal life, roles, films

For this talented actress, money and material well-being are of secondary importance. She tries to live in harmony with the outside world, does not like to read the press and watch TV. Instead, the actress prefers to go to the Bolshoi Theater for ballet. Here she is, the owner of many awards and prizes - Madeleine Dzhabrailova. She played an unimaginably huge number of bright images on the stage, and the audience celebrates each of her appearances with stormy applause. What was her path to fame? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Biography Facts

Dzhabrailova Madeleine Rasmievna - a native of Moscow, she was born on December 19, 1970 in an acting family. It so happened that initially her parents wanted to give their daughter the name Maria, but the grandparents of the future actress sent a congratulatory telegram in which they named their granddaughter Madeleine. The girl's parents then began to call her that way.


Already from childhood, the girl watched what was happening on the theater stage, watching the actors play from behind the scenes.

Madeleine Dzhabrailova
Madeleine Dzhabrailova

Still being completelyyoung, she decided to independently go to the site of the Melpomene temple and feel what an actor experiences when going on stage. But the auditorium was empty, and the girl splashed out her unconscious emotions, imagining that there were no empty seats in the hall. However, while studying at school, she took part in performances with pleasure, despite the fact that in most cases she got episodic roles. The father of the future star devoted a lot of time to the Taganka Theater, and Madeleine still remembers the unique atmosphere that reigned in this temple of Melpomene.

Years of study at a theater university

However, the young lady did not think about the career of an actress at first. On the contrary, she dreamed of entering MGIMO and becoming a diplomat. Madeleine Dzhabrailova successfully graduated from a French special school and intended to apply to the Institute of International Relations. But fate decreed otherwise. Paternal genes made themselves felt, and Madeleine Dzhabrailova decided to try her hand at several theater universities at once: in Sliver, Pike and GITIS. As a result, she entered the third institute at the directing department, getting into the workshop of the famous Pyotr Fomenko.

Dzhabrailova Madeleine Rasmievna
Dzhabrailova Madeleine Rasmievna

In her student years, when she heard that performances would be staged, she immediately became active, wanting to participate in them. Productions have been awarded prizes at festivals many times, we are talking about performances: "Vladimir of the III degree", "Adventure", "Wolves and Sheep".

Madeleine Dzhabrailova watched productions with the participation of Pyotr Fomenko with undisguised interest, whichtook place in Mayakovka. But, studying in the first year, she was somewhat afraid of her mentor. The actress notes that the director was a very strict teacher and often inserted caustic remarks, thus trying to knock out bad taste and vulgarity from students. And the students are grateful to Peter Fomenko for such science.

Work in the theater

After graduating from high school, actress Madeleine Dzhabrailova organically joined the team of the troupe of the newly-made theater "Pyotr Fomenko's Workshop". She played many roles in it. Performances with her participation were held with a bang! In particular, we are talking about the productions of "Egyptian Nights" (the role of Countess K), "The Mad of Chaillot" (the role of Gabrielle), "Twelfth Night" (the role of Mary), "The Importance of Being Earnest" (the role of Cecily Cardew).

Actress Madeleine Dzhabrailova
Actress Madeleine Dzhabrailova

Her unique acting talent is so multifaceted that the audience greets the theatrical prima with applause every time. Her roles are bright and memorable, and Madeleine Dzhabrailova herself wants to play diverse images, both comedic and dramatic. Spectators never tire of admiring the virtuoso acting of the actress. Let's note the brightest images that she ever played.

Of course, the role of Natasha in Chekhov's "Three Sisters" should be noted. She reincarnated as her as accurately as possible: the heroine wants to assert herself in the world around her with all her might and remake it "for herself", wondering why neither her husband nor her sisters understand her.

Very filigree Madeleine played the role of the landowner Murzavetskaya in the production of "Sheep and Wolves". The last one is olderalmost twice the age of Dzhabrailova, but the actress managed to overcome this dissonance, as naturally as possible presenting to the viewer the image of a “girl of about 65”, who is distinguished by waywardness and bitchiness.

Madeleine got a brilliant transformation in the role of Isabella, the heroine of the play "The Most Important". Here, the actress has a minimum of makeup: she masterfully transforms from a little girl into a schoolgirl, and then into a singer, who later becomes a middle-aged person tired of touring. A whole life flies by in a matter of hours: Madeleine demonstrates the entire age range that a person goes through in this life, but at the same time she remains herself.

Madeleine Dzhabrailova movies
Madeleine Dzhabrailova movies

This performance has been the hallmark of the actress for several years.

Working in movies

As Madeleine Dzhabrailova herself notes, whose films are popular among a huge number of Russian viewers, she prefers to engage in theater rather than cinema. Working in the temple of Melpomene absorbs her so much that there is little time left for filming in films. Nevertheless, the actress, as far as possible, takes part in the cinema. Her debut in this field took place in 2000, when she was invited to play in the TV series Rostov-Papa. Then there were works in films: "Pechorin. Hero of our time", "Personal life of Dr. Selivanova", "Walk". The image of Masha, brilliantly played by Madeleine in the tragicomedy "Plus One", was noted at the Russian-Ukrainian festival of producer films in Y alta, and the actress was awarded a special jury award.

Private life

Madeleine Dzhabrailova, whose personal life has developed in the best way, feels like a happy person, although she does not like to be in the center of everyone's attention.

Madeleine Dzhabrailova personal life
Madeleine Dzhabrailova personal life

She prefers asceticism in clothes, but style in clothes always endures. Madeleine prefers to wear silver jewelry instead of gold.

The actress carefully monitors her figure, adhering to the rules of separate nutrition. She does aerobics at home, ignoring trips to fitness centers, and enjoys swimming in her spare time.
