It's Fargo! The history of the creation of the series, actors, reviews

It's Fargo! The history of the creation of the series, actors, reviews
It's Fargo! The history of the creation of the series, actors, reviews

In April 2014, the FX channel presented the first season of Fargo to the public. This show quickly became popular - the audience appreciated the black humor of the writers and were happy to see famous actors in unexpected roles. What is special about this project?

Author of the television series

The author and screenwriter of the first season of the anthology television series was the American cinematographer Noah Hawley, who previously worked on the first seasons of Bones. He received an offer for a television adaptation of the Coen brothers' feature film Fargo.

Noah Hawley
Noah Hawley

The creators of the original tape were not involved in the work on the new version. However, Joel and Ethan got acquainted with the script, and, considering it very promising, they allowed their names to be used in the project. Even before watching the episodes, many viewers wonder about the meaning of the expression "fargo". This word is of Anglo-Saxon origin, being the name of American geographical features, surnames, and so on.

Acting team

Even before the show aired, viewers knew that the credits of the first season of Fargo would be full of big names in the cast. The main villain was portrayed by Hollywood actor BillyBob Thornton, who brought a lot of details to the image of his character. Martin Freeman, in turn, perfectly got used to the role of the loser Lester.

TV series "Fargo"
TV series "Fargo"

The policeman who personally volunteered to investigate the mysterious crimes was played by Colin Hanks (son of Tom Hanks). Adam Goldberg was entrusted with the image of a member of the Fargo criminal gang. The project also featured Keith Carradine, who appeared as the father of a sheriff's assistant.

Coen brother style

Hawley brilliantly captures the style of the Coen brothers in his television show, whose films are usually full of ambiguous characters and replete with dark humor. There are also many unusual stories in Fargo.

Season 1
Season 1

Here viewers will be able to watch the throwing naive police chief, who is unable to see clear evidence; a timid cop who realizes his real dream is to be a postman; a religious supermarket owner facing years of punishment for his financial victories; a deaf-mute criminal-misanthrope and so on. However, many critics and viewers agree that the most memorable was the insurance agent Lester - a loser, who was excellently and very naturalistically played by Martin Freeman. Looking at the hero of this Hollywood actor, it seems that he is simply made for the role of such a sucker, and in this series his performance has reached almost sky-high peak.

Awards and critical reviews

TV critics praised the work of the creator of the project, and othersFargo participants (actors) did not go unnoticed. The show won Emmy awards for best casting and directing. Then, in 2014, "Fargo" was named the best mini-series of the year. After the "Emmy" anthology received two "Golden Globe": "Best Miniseries" and "Best Actor" (Billy Bob Thornton). In turn, the most popular web aggregator Rotten Tomatoes set a rating of 97% for the first season of Fargo. These indicators turned out to be more than convincing, and the reviewers themselves came to the conclusion that the project managed to preserve the style of the original film, while demonstrating an outstanding storyline, sparkling black humor, intrigue and bright characters.

Following the first season

After the success of the first season, its creators immediately set about the second, and in the fall of 2015 they presented the audience with the continuation of the anthology. The main roles were again given to famous actors: Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons, Ted Denson, Patrick Wilson and Gene Smart. Television critics and viewers again favorably received Fargo. This allowed him to qualify for the Emmy award in 18 categories. New episodes of the show told about the events that unfolded in the late 70s in South Dakota. This state was often talked about in the first season, and already familiar characters appeared in its continuation, but this time at a younger age. The action focused on young Lou Solverson and his wife Betsy.

The real story continues

In November of the same year, it became known that the FX channel intended tofilming the third season of the series, giving the main roles to such celebrities as Ewan McGregor and Carrie Coon. In the spring of 2017, viewers were able to evaluate the new episodes. It is noteworthy that McGregor portrayed two heroes - brothers.

season 3
season 3

Events take place in 2010, and this made it possible to return some of the participants from previous seasons.

Interestingly, the original Coen Brothers film began with superimposed text stating that the filmed story once happened in reality, and the authors, satisfying the request of the survivors, decided to change their names. It was also reported that everything on the screen will be transmitted as it was in reality. Such statements were only an extraordinary method of the filmmakers, which did not correspond to the truth, and subsequently Noah Hawley used it in his anthology.
