Ringo Starr: biography, date and place of birth, albums, creativity, personal life, interesting facts and stories

Ringo Starr: biography, date and place of birth, albums, creativity, personal life, interesting facts and stories
Ringo Starr: biography, date and place of birth, albums, creativity, personal life, interesting facts and stories

The article below will provide a brief biography, facts, as well as the date and place of birth, creativity and personal life of Ringo Starr. Who is this? He is known to us as a talented musician, a great actor and drummer for The Beatles. Of course, the path to world fame was not easy, but it was worth it. After all, the name of the drummer of a well-known group is honored by everyone who is well acquainted with good music. The biography of Ringo Starr is very fascinating. After all, he tried many creative professions.

Richard Starkey, and that is exactly what his real name sounds like, was born in 1940, July 7, in the city of Liverpool. The parents were very modest and simple people - a baker named Richard Starkey and a housewife Elsie Starkey. According to the good old tradition of the Starkey family, the boy was named after his father. Here is a photo of the musician's family. It depicts his parents and himself. Also in the article you will be presented with photos of Ringo Starr at different periods of his life.

Training Richard

Ringo Starr's biography is incredibly unusual -This is the story of an amazing man. Unfortunately, Richard grew up as a very sickly child. He spent a lot of time in hospitals due to illness. Probably, this was the reason that he did not finish school well, or rather, he did not finish at all. As soon as Starkey graduated from elementary school, his main problem was an ailment that "settled" him in the hospital for almost a year - peritonitis.

As soon as he recovered and recovered from his illness, he continued his studies. But not even half the school year had passed, and he alth problems again forced him to forget about school and return to the hospital. This time, the reason for the stay in the hospital was pleurisy, which did not give the future musician peace for almost two years.

Illness prevented him from getting a good education or even finishing school. By the age of fifteen, when the diseases stopped progressing and bothering the young man, he decided to find a job. A big obstacle for him was the lack of education. This was the main reason that he chose the profession of a steward. His place of work was a ferry that made courses between the city of Wales and the city of Liverpool.

ringo starr concert
ringo starr concert

The Starks on their way to fame in the world of music

Exactly like all teenagers of those times, the future star was fond of the latest news in American music. It is highly likely that such a hobby pushed Richard onto the road of fame and fame, which he could not even dream of before.

The musical career of the young talent began when he was no more than twenty years old. Before joining the ranksquartet The Beatles, he was a member of several other groups. Among them was the group that gave him his first experience and knowledge - Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. This is one of the main competitors of The Beatles at the time.

By the age of 22, Richard decided to officially join The Beatles, becoming a full-fledged member of the quartet. A similar moment in the biography of Ringo Starr cannot be ignored. After all, it was with him that Richard Starkey began his stellar career.


The role of Ringo Starkey in the quartet

Ringo Starr and the Beatles, or rather the composition of this group, worked well together and built a joint career. Ringo played the drums. Listening to the songs of the band, we are sure that it is Starkey who performs the melody on the drum, but this is not always the case. Although he was in the quartet for quite some time, there were other artists before him who had a hand in the creation of some works, such as What Goes On, Octopus’s Garden, Helter Skelter and some others.

I would like to add that the role of the drummer before the entry of Ringo was played by one of the very skillful and famous musicians now, whose name was Paul McCartney. It has long been clear that Richard's main role in the band is the drummer, but it is far from the only one. Yes, Richard did not play the guitar professionally and could not compose a hit that would win the hearts of the listeners, but he had an excellent ear, a sense of rhythm and, although not perfect, but a voice that sometimes adds color to the work.

The voice of the musician, although rarely, but still sounded in some songsgroups. You can hear Richard's voice in the songs Helter Skelter, Don't Pass Me By, and even such a famous song as Octopus's Garden, which he had a hand in writing, could not do without his vocals.

Richard Starkey and BTLS
Richard Starkey and BTLS

Reason for his departure from the group

The band members' musical career was at its peak, the fees were high, the quartet prospered, and further development was expected. In this scenario, the question arises: why did Ringo Starr leave the band? Actually, the answer is not as complicated or confusing as we think.

During one of the disputes between the musicians of the band, Paul McCartney, having flared up a little, announced that he considers Richard an ordinary and nothing outstanding drummer. Apparently, these words were the reason for the departure of one of the members of the group. In the future, the life of the former performer acquired a new meaning - family.

the whole group together
the whole group together

Musician's family

Although this is a short biography of Ringo Starr, most of it is devoted to his personal life, which was incredibly eventful. In 1965, Ringo married a beautiful woman who gave him home comfort and the best children. Giving names to his three sons, being the only child in the family, he completely eradicated the tradition according to which for many centuries the boys of the Starkey family received names from their fathers.

The drummer of a well-known band raised three sons. Two were named Zaki and Jason - the children were only two years apart in age. The youngest son of the star, Lee, was born three years after the birth of Jason. Boyswere born after the official marriage of Richard and his beautiful wife Maureen Cox.

In the 60s and 70s, the turn came for the most memorable times in Ringo's life, because he not only got married and had children, feeling like a good family man, it was during this period of career development that his activity in the group reached its peak. In the seventies, he tried something new for himself - cinema.

Was he happy in married life?

Shooting in movies and commercials introduced the "family man" to a new love that replaced the old one. While acting in the film, he met a brilliant actress who starred not only for various films, but also for the well-known magazine, PLAYBOY. In the seventies, oddly enough, Richard was considered the most exemplary family man of the entire group. What was everyone's surprise when the most exemplary family man filed for divorce in order to marry Nancy Andrews.

It was Nancy who was the actress who starred in PLAYBOY. In 1975, the couple of Richard Starkey and his wife Maureen Cox broke up. Richard left the family, leaving three children and a wife, starting a new life with an actress and model. Having started a new life, he also found a new hobby - designing and designing furniture.

He was engaged in furniture for five years - from 1975 to 1980. In 1980, he nevertheless decided to continue to glorify his name in the cinema. Returning to work as an actor, he starred in a film called The Caveman. Ringo played one of the most important roles. He started all these new and not quite hobbies in order to distract himself from the memories of his former marriage andchildren.

Richard and wife
Richard and wife

New marriage

We know that the musician divorced his first wife. But how did his relationship with Nancy Andrews develop? After all, it was because of her that he broke off relations with Maureen Cox? Richard for a long time did not dare to a new marriage, which is why he proposed a new love only six years after the divorce. But the marriage was concluded not with Nancy, who separated him from Maurice, but with an actress named Barbara Bach.

Ringo Starr met Barbara on set while filming The Caveman. Barbara had almost as important a role as her partner. The film about the caveman, unfortunately, did not glorify the actors much, and in general did not become a very popular and well-known film of those times. But although the film did not bring fame to Starkey, he received something more - a new half. And so, at the age of 41, he married a second time.

Ringo in rehearsal
Ringo in rehearsal

The Years of Ringo Starr's Life: The Later Life of a Musician

In 1980, the musician made some attempts to release new musical projects. As for Richard's film career, there were no applications for his participation in the filming of films or advertising. If earlier he made friends with journalists who offered him participation in various programs and interviews, then in the eightieth year, or rather in the middle of it, calls and offers abruptly stopped.

Even the most primitive firms denied our hero the release of records with his works. This situation led him to alcohol, and along with his wife. Thus, he and his wife learned in 1988 that they had long been alcoholics in need of treatment. But this is in the past, relatives and friends of the sick couple found the strength and paid for the treatment, returning them to a normal and sober life. I would like to add and remind you that despite all the hardships, the life and biography of Ringo Starr remains interesting for many fans.
