Gore Martin: biography and creativity

Gore Martin: biography and creativity
Gore Martin: biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Martin Gore is. His songs are known all over the world. We are talking about a British composer, singer, guitarist, keyboardist and DJ. He is the lead singer of Depeche Mode. Participates in the group since 1980, since its foundation. Our hero wrote the vast majority of compositions for the team. He also collaborates with Vince Clarke. Together they formed a techno duo called VCMG. In 1999, as part of the Ivor Novello Awards, the musician received the International Achievement Award.

Childhood and youth

gore martin
gore martin

Gore Martin was born in 1961, July 23, in Dagenham, a London suburb. After the children were born, the family moved to Basildon. Therefore, the childhood of our hero, as well as his younger sisters Jacqueline and Karen, passed in the house, whose address is: Shepshall, 16. Stepfather David and grandfather of the future musician worked at the Ford production. Mother's name was Pamela. She was a nursing home worker. The biological father of our hero is an American soldier. He served in Britain. There he met Pamela Gore. The future musician considered his stepfather a father until the age of 13. I met my biological parent for the first time in South America as an adult. Gore Martin began to take an interest in pop music after being introduced to a magazine called Disco 45, as well as Roxy Music, David Bowie, Gary Glitter and Sparks. Later, he became interested in the work of synthpop and techno-style veterans - Gary Newman, The Human League, Can, Kraftwerk. Already at an early age, he learned to play the piano and guitar. Such skills allowed the young man to participate in various teenage groups. The musician successfully combined playing the guitar in a duet called Norman & The Worms with his studies at St. Nicholas School. With Andrew Fletcher - the future member of the Depeche Mode group - the young man also met very early. In addition to music, the future singer devoted a lot of time to foreign languages, in particular, learning German. In 1976, he had the opportunity to go on an exchange to Germany. He lived for some time in Schleswig-Holstein.

Depeche Mode

martin gore solo album
martin gore solo album

Gore Martin became a member of this team. In 1980, in November, the group received its first mention in the press. This is a Basildon newspaper called the Evening Echo. After concluding an informal agreement with the Mute studio, as well as Daniel Miller, its director, the band's popularity began to grow rapidly. The first disc was called Speak and Spell. Gore Martin wrote several songs for her. ThisThe work reached number ten on the UK Singles Chart. After some transformations in the composition, our hero had to take the vacant place of the writer. He was incredibly attentive to the lyrical component of the compositions. If he liked the melody but didn't like the lyrics, he could reject the finished song. The band's fourth single was a composition called See You. It was written by a musician a long time ago.

Out of group

Martin Gore's wife
Martin Gore's wife

Martin Gore's solo album appeared in 1988. It was called Counterfeit e.p. Mute was released in 1989. The work took place in a studio called Sam Therapy with Rico Conning as a producer. The six songs released on the CD showcase the diversity of the author's tastes.

Private life

martin gore songs
martin gore songs

Before his first marriage, our hero dated Christina Friedrich and Ann Swindell. One of the girls helped Depeche Mode for some time on one of their concert tours. The first wife of Martin Gore - Suzanne Boyswerth - from Paris. They got married in 1994. The couple had three children: Viva, Eva, and a son, Keilo. After twelve years of marriage, the musician divorced his wife. It happened in 2006. The divorce process was very difficult for him. The musician even wrote the song Precious on this occasion, which he dedicated to his children. In 2011, our hero began a relationship with a new darling named Kerili Kaski. They got married in 2014, in June. In 2016, on February 19, the couple had a daughter, who was named Joni.

For the first time, the musician touched on the topic of religion in earnest in the 1984 song Blasphemous Rumours. This topic also touched other members of the team. In Blasphemous Rumours, the musician reflected on the sense of humor God must have, and after the death of the author, he will probably laugh. As Depeche Mode musicians predicted, numerous critics, as well as representatives of the clergy, took the text literally, accusing the author of these lines of blasphemy. At the same time, a single called Blasphemous Rumours managed to escape the BBC's censorship, as a result of which it reached number sixteen on the chart.
